List of 9-letter words starting with D
We found 874 nine letter words that start with D for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Drizzling | 29 | 32 |
Diazotize | 28 | 28 |
Deoxidize | 27 | 27 |
Dezincked | 26 | 28 |
Dizygotic | 25 | 26 |
Dumbsized | 24 | 27 |
Deepfroze | 24 | 25 |
Dysthymic | 23 | 22 |
Downzoned | 23 | 25 |
Downsized | 23 | 24 |
9 letter words
There are a total of 1792 nine letter words starting with D in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31229 nine letter words and 10956 words that start with the letter D.
- Dacquoise
- Dayworker
- Dayflower
- Dachshund
- Damasking
- Dackering
- Dayspring
- Dashboard
- Damnified
- Damaskeen
- Dairymaid
- Dasymeter
- Darkening
- Dandified
- Dampening
- Daikering
- Daysailed
- Daredevil
- Danceable
- Damascene
- Dawsonite
- Databased
- Dartboard
- Dandiacal
- Daggering
- Dadaistic
- Daundered
- Dangering
- Dandering
- Damnation
- Daltonism
- Dalmatian
- Dalliance
- Datelined
- Dandelion
- Daedalian
- Daedalean
- Darnation
- Daltonian
- Deoxidize
- Dezincked
- Deepfroze
- Dezincing
- Deputized
- Demonized
- Deglazing
- Deejaying
- Deaminize
- Deodorize
- Denizened
- Dejecting
- Deionized
- Defrocked
- Deflexion
- Dewclawed
- Devilfish
- Dejection
- Deionizer
- Deckhouse
- Dewlapped
- Defective
- Decrypted
- Debouched
- Debauched
- Dextrorse
- Devolving
- Devilwood
- Developpe
- Deticking
- Deskbound
- Demobbing
- Demarking
- Dehydrate
- Defraying
- Decoctive
- Deceptive
- Decemviri
- Decayable
- Decamping
- Debunking
- Debeaking
- Debaucher
- Debauchee
- Debarking
- Deathlike
- Deworming
- Devoicing
- Deviative
- Developed
- Detaching
- Descrying
- Depriving
- Depraving
- Deploying
- Demiworld
- Demagogic
- Delftware
- Dekametre
- Dekameter
- Dehiscing
- Degumming
- Defragged
- Deforming
- Deforcing
- Defogging
- Defocused
- Defoaming
- Deflected
- Defensive
- Defencing
- Defecting
- Defecated
- Deductive
- Decurving
- Decrowned
- Decompose
- Declawing
- Deceiving
- Decahedra
- Debriefed
- Devisable
- Developer
- Detective
- Deskilled
- Described
- Derivable
- Deprogram
- Depluming
- Depletive
- Depicting
- Deperming
- Depeopled
- Dentiform
- Demivolte
- Demiurgic
- Demimonde
- Demagoged
- Delphinia
- Delinking
- Delighted
- Delayable
- Defunding
- Defrauded
- Defragger
- Deflector
- Definable
- Defiladed
- Deference
- Defending
- Defection
- Defecator
- Defeatism
- Defanging
- Defalcate
- Deepwater
- Deducible
- Decupling
- Decretive
- Decoupled
- Decoupage
- Decocting
- Declaimed
- Decimated
- Decidable
- Deceitful
- Decathlon
- Decapodan
- Decapodal
- Decadence
- Debugging
- Debriefer
- Debagging
- Deathtrap
- Deathsmen
- Deathsman
- Deathcare
- Dewooling
- Dewatered
- Devouring
- Devilling
- Deviating
- Devesting
- Deveining
- Devaluing
- Dethroned
- Destroyed
- Despumate
- Despotism
- Desponded
- Desmosome
- Desiccate
- Deserving
- Describer
- Descended
- Dermatome
- Deputable
- Deprecate
- Deposable
- Depiction
- Depending
- Densified
- Demonical
- Demisable
- Demerging
- Demarcate
- Demanding
- Demagogue
- Delivered
- Delighter
- Deleaving
- Dekalitre
- Dekaliter
- Dehorting
- Dehorning
- Dehairing
- Degerming
- Defuelled
- Defueling
- Defrosted
- Defrauder
- Defleaing
- Deflating
- Deferring
- Defensing
- Defeating
- Defaulted
- Defatting
- Deerhound
- Deducting
- Dedicated
- Decoupler
- Decoction
- Declaimer
- Decimetre
- Decimeter
- Decimator
- Deception
- Decennium
- Decameter
- Debriding
- Debearded
- Debatable
- Deafening
- Dewaterer
- Deviation
- Devastate
- Devaluate
- Detracted
- Dethroner
- Detersive
- Detecting
- Destroyer
- Despoiled
- Despiting
- Despising
- Desperado
- Despaired
- Desorbing
- Desmidian
- Descender
- Descanted
- Descaling
- Dermestid
- Dermatoid
- Deputised
- Depurated
- Depressed
- Depredate
- Deposited
- Deporting
- Deploring
- Depleting
- Deplaning
- Depilated
- Departing
- Depainted
- Deorbited
- Denounced
- Denervate
- Dendritic
- Dendrimer
- Demurring
- Demurrage
- Demounted
- Demonised
- Demitting
- Demisting
- Demerited
- Dementing
- Demeaning
- Demasting
- Demantoid
- Deliverer
- Delimited
- Delegable
- Degrading
- Defroster
- Defoliate
- Deflation
- Defeature
- Defaulter
- Deepening
- Deduction
- Dedicator
- Dedicatee
- Decreeing
- Decreased
- Decorated
- Decolored
- Declining
- Declassed
- Declaring
- Deciduate
- Decerning
- Decentred
- Deceasing
- Decanting
- Decalogue
- Decagonal
- Deburring
- Debruised
- Debarring
- Deathlier
- Deaconing
- Deuterium
- Detruding
- Detractor
- Detonable
- Determine
- Deterging
- Detection
- Detangled
- Desugared
- Despoiler
- Desperate
- Despairer
- Desirable
- Desinence
- Designing
- Deseeding
- Desecrate
- Descanter
- Desanding
- Derogated
- Derisible
- Deranging
- Deraigned
- Depurator
- Depressor
- Depositor
- Depletion
- Depilator
- Departure
- Denudated
- Dentalium
- Denouncer
- Denotable
- Denominal
- Demitasse
- Demission
- Demeraran
- Demential
- Demeanour
- Delimiter
- Deletable
- Delegated
- Delectate
- Deleading
- Deistical
- Degusting
- Degreased
- Degaussed
- Degassing
- Decussate
- Decorator
- Decontrol
- Decollete
- Decollate
- Decillion
- Decilitre
- Deciliter
- Decennial
- Deceleron
- Decaliter
- Debutante
- Debonaire
- Debenture
- Deaminate
- Deaminase
- Dealigned
- Deadlined
- Deadening
- Deuteride
- Detrained
- Detouring
- Detonated
- Detesting
- Deterring
- Detangler
- Detaining
- Detailing
- Desuetude
- Destining
- Destained
- Desolated
- Desisting
- Designate
- Deserting
- Desalting
- Derringer
- Deratting
- Derailing
- Deodorise
- Denigrate
- Denatured
- Deltoidei
- Delousing
- Delisting
- Delegator
- Delegatee
- Deionised
- Degreaser
- Degausser
- Deaerated
- Deuterate
- Detrusion
- Detrition
- Detonator
- Detention
- Destitute
- Desolator
- Desolater
- Desertion
- Dentition
- Dentation
- Denitrate
- Delineate
- Deioniser
- Dealation
- Deaerator
- Diazotize
- Dizygotic
- Divinized
- Dialyzing
- Disprized
- Dimerized
- Dialyzate
- Diltiazem
- Digitized
- Diazonium
- Diabolize
- Dithyramb
- Disseized
- Disjected
- Digitizer
- Disseizin
- Disseizee
- Diphthong
- Dimorphic
- Diffusive
- Dieselize
- Dichromic
- Divorcive
- Disyoking
- Disjoined
- Dishcloth
- Disembark
- Disaffirm
- Digraphic
- Digitoxin
- Difficile
- Diaphragm
- Dishdasha
- Disciform
- Disbranch
- Disavowed
- Dipperful
- Diffusing
- Differing
- Dickering
- Dichroism
- Dichasium
- Divulsive
- Divorcing
- Dividable
- Disproved
- Displayed
- Disobeyed
- Dismember
- Dismaying
- Dishwater
- Dishtowel
- Dishelmed
- Disfavour
- Discharge
- Disavower
- Disavowal
- Dimwitted
- Diffusion
- Dichondra
- Divulging
- Divisible
- Diverging
- Divalence
- Divagated
- Distichal
- Disprover
- Disproven
- Disproval
- Displumed
- Displayer
- Displaced
- Disobeyer
- Disliking
- Disinform
- Discipled
- Discepted
- Discalced
- Disbudded
- Disbelief
- Disaccord
- Dirgelike
- Directive
- Diplomaed
- Diploidic
- Dipeptide
- Diopsidic
- Dionysiac
- Dignified
- Dichroite
- Dichasial
- Dibromide
- Diathetic
- Diarrheic
- Divulsing
- Divulgate
- Divinised
- Divesting
- Diverting
- Dithering
- Disvalued
- Disulfide
- Dissolved
- Disserved
- Dissemble
- Dissaving
- Disploded
- Displacer
- Dispeople
- Dispended
- Disowning
- Disgraced
- Disfigure
- Discorded
- Discarded
- Disbanded
- Disappear
- Diplontic
- Diplomate
- Diplomata
- Digestive
- Diesinker
- Dicumarol
- Dicrotism
- Diclinism
- Dicentric
- Diatropic
- Diasporic
- Diamonded
- Diametric
- Dialysing
- Dialectic
- Diagramed
- Diademing
- Diactinic
- Diacritic
- Diabolism
- Divulsion
- Divesture
- Diversion
- Disulfate
- Disturbed
- Distanced
- Dissected
- Disrupted
- Disrobing
- Disrelish
- Disputing
- Disposing
- Disported
- Dispersed
- Dispensed
- Dispelled
- Disparted
- Disparage
- Disoblige
- Dismissed
- Dismasted
- Dislodged
- Dislimned
- Disinvite
- Dishonour
- Disgracer
- Disgorged
- Discussed
- Discoidal
- Disclosed
- Discerned
- Discasing
- Discarder
- Discanted
- Disbursed
- Disburden
- Disbarred
- Disarming
- Disabused
- Disabling
- Dirigisme
- Dirigible
- Directing
- Dipnetted
- Dionysian
- Dinothere
- Dimidiate
- Diligence
- Diglossic
- Digenetic
- Digastric
- Dictating
- Diarrhoea
- Diarrheal
- Diapering
- Diapaused
- Dialysate
- Distended
- Dissuaded
- Dissocial
- Dissipate
- Disruptor
- Disrupter
- Disrepute
- Disrepair
- Disregard
- Dispraise
- Disposure
- Displease
- Disperser
- Dispersal
- Dispenser
- Dispeller
- Disparate
- Dismissal
- Dismantle
- Dislocate
- Disgusted
- Disguised
- Disesteem
- Disengage
- Disenable
- Disdained
- Discusser
- Discourse
- Discolour
- Discloser
- Discerner
- Disburser
- Disbursal
- Disagreed
- Disabusal
- Direction
- Diplotene
- Dimension
- Dilatable
- Digressed
- Digitised
- Digitated
- Digesting
- Dietician
- Dictional
- Dictation
- Diatomite
- Diastolic
- Diastatic
- Diastasic
- Diaristic
- Diametral
- Dialogued
- Dialoging
- Dialectal
- Diagnosed
- Diaeretic
- Diaconate
- Diablerie
- Disunited
- Distorted
- Distingue
- Distilled
- Distasted
- Distained
- Disserted
- Dissented
- Disseised
- Disseated
- Disrooted
- Disrating
- Disguiser
- Diseasing
- Dirigiste
- Diosgenin
- Diglossia
- Digitonin
- Digitalin
- Digestion
- Dieseling
- Dialoguer
- Distraite
- Dissolute
- Disseisin
- Disseisee
- Disentail
- Dilatator
- Dietitian
- Downzoned
- Downsized
- Dogmatize
- Dominique
- Doughface
- Dollarize
- Downforce
- Doughlike
- Douchebag
- Downswing
- Downfield
- Docketing
- Dollybird
- Dognapped
- Doghanged
- Downslope
- Downscale
- Downgrade
- Doorwomen
- Doorwoman
- Doorframe
- Donorship
- Domiciled
- Dogmatism
- Docudrama
- Downtrend
- Downstage
- Downslide
- Downrated
- Downrange
- Dowelling
- Douppioni
- Doubtable
- Doronicum
- Doodlebug
- Dominical
- Dominance
- Dolomitic
- Dognaping
- Doglegged
- Dodgeball
- Dodecagon
- Downstate
- Dosshouse
- Dominated
- Dolloping
- Dollhouse
- Doggoning
- Doddering
- Doctoring
- Doubleton
- Dorbeetle
- Doorplate
- Doleritic
- Dolabrate
- Dogearing
- Doctrinal
- Doctorial
- Doctorate
- Drizzling
- Dramatize
- Drawnwork
- Drawknife
- Drawshave
- Drumstick
- Drywalled
- Dropcloth
- Driftwood
- Dreadlock
- Droppable
- Dropforge
- Drinkable
- Drenching
- Dreamlike
- Drawerful
- Drumbling
- Drownding
- Driveable
- Dribbling
- Drawplate
- Draughted
- Draftsmen
- Draftsman
- Draftable
- Drabbling
- Dropsical
- Drivelled
- Driveling
- Dreamtime
- Drapeable
- Drainpipe
- Dragonish
- Druidical
- Dropsonde
- Driveline
- Dreamland
- Draperied
- Dramaturg
- Dragstrip
- Draggling
- Dripstone
- Drillable
- Dramatise
- Drainable
- Dragooned
- Draconian
- Drugstore
- Dumbsized
- Duplexing
- Dumptruck
- Dualizing
- Duckboard
- Dumbfound
- Dulcified
- Dustproof
- Duodecimo
- Dubbining
- Duplicate
- Dulcimore
- Dubitable
- Duathlete
- Duststorm
- Duralumin
- Dungeoned
- Dungareed
- Dualistic
- Dualising
- Dysthymic
- Dysthymia
- Dysphagic
- Dysphoric
- Dysphonic
- Dysphasic
- Dysphagia
- Dyspeptic
- Dysphoria
- Dysphonia
- Dysphasia
- Dynorphin
- Dyspepsia
- Dyslectic
- Dyscratic
- Dyscrasic
- Dynamitic
- Dynamical
- Dynamited
- Dystopian
- Dysplasia
- Dyscrasia
Most common letters after the first letter D
We analyzed second letter frequency in 9-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with D from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
678 | e | 37.8% |
545 | i | 30.4% |
188 | o | 10.5% |
136 | r | 7.6% |
108 | a | 6% |
86 | u | 4.8% |
43 | y | 2.4% |
6 | w | 0.3% |
2 | j | 0.1% |