List of 9-letter words starting with E
We found 874 nine letter words that start with E for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Embezzled | 32 | 35 |
Embezzles | 31 | 34 |
Embezzler | 31 | 34 |
Exoenzyme | 30 | 31 |
Exchequer | 30 | 31 |
Equivoque | 30 | 33 |
Exorcized | 28 | 29 |
Equalized | 28 | 30 |
Epoxidize | 28 | 29 |
Expertize | 27 | 28 |
9 letter words
There are a total of 1315 nine letter words starting with E in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31229 nine letter words and 7421 words that start with the letter E.
- Earthwork
- Earthworm
- Earthward
- Earthlike
- Earmarked
- Earlywood
- Eavesdrop
- Earwigged
- Easygoing
- Earthpeas
- Earthborn
- Earphones
- Earlships
- Eaglewood
- Eastwards
- Earthling
- Earpieces
- Eastbound
- Earthstar
- Earthsets
- Earthrise
- Earthnuts
- Earthlier
- Ealdormen
- Ealdorman
- Easements
- Earringed
- Eagerness
- Easterner
- Earstones
- Earliness
- Economize
- Ectozoans
- Ecthymata
- Ectomorph
- Ecofreaks
- Eclamptic
- Echovirus
- Echograms
- Echeveria
- Ectotherm
- Ecphrasis
- Ecphrases
- Ecosystem
- Ecosphere
- Echolalic
- Echinacea
- Ecumenism
- Ecumenics
- Ectoplasm
- Ectomeric
- Economics
- Ecliptics
- Eclectics
- Eclampsia
- Echiuroid
- Echinoids
- Echinated
- Echeloned
- Ecdysones
- Ecdysises
- Eccentric
- Ectogenic
- Ectoderms
- Eclipsing
- Echolalia
- Echinuses
- Ectosarcs
- Ectomeres
- Ecstatics
- Ecotopias
- Economise
- Economies
- Eclipsers
- Ecclesial
- Ecclesiae
- Ectogenes
- Ecotoured
- Ecologies
- Eclogites
- Ecstasies
- Ecraseurs
- Eclosions
- Editrixes
- Educative
- Edificial
- Educables
- Educating
- Edelweiss
- Eductions
- Educators
- Education
- Editrices
- Edematous
- Edematose
- Edacities
- Editorial
- Edentates
- Effluxion
- Effluvium
- Effective
- Effortful
- Effluvial
- Effecting
- Effulging
- Effluence
- Effectual
- Effectors
- Effecters
- Effusions
- Effluents
- Efferents
- Egotizing
- Eggheaded
- Egyptians
- Egomaniac
- Eggshells
- Eggfruits
- Eggplants
- Eggbeater
- Egotistic
- Egomanias
- Egressing
- Egregious
- Egression
- Eglateres
- Eglantine
- Egestions
- Eloquence
- Elegizing
- Elkhounds
- Elenchtic
- Elbowroom
- Elsewhere
- Elevenths
- Eldership
- Elbowings
- Elephants
- Electives
- Eluviated
- Elevating
- Elevateds
- Electrums
- Electrics
- Electable
- Eluviates
- Elucidate
- Ellipsoid
- Eligibles
- Eliciting
- Elevenses
- Elevators
- Elevation
- Elegiacal
- Elegances
- Electroed
- Electrode
- Eldercare
- Elongated
- Eloigning
- Elocution
- Eliminate
- Elicitors
- Eleoptene
- Elemental
- Elegising
- Electrons
- Electrets
- Electress
- Electoral
- Elections
- Eldorados
- Elaterium
- Elastomer
- Elaborate
- Elongates
- Eloigners
- Eledoisin
- Eldresses
- Elderlies
- Elaterids
- Elutriate
- Elaterite
- Elaterins
- Elastases
- Elastanes
- Embezzled
- Embezzles
- Embezzler
- Emphasize
- Empathize
- Emblemize
- Emblazing
- Emblazons
- Emblazers
- Emphysema
- Empyemata
- Embryotic
- Embryonic
- Embracive
- Embosking
- Embodying
- Embarking
- Embanking
- Empowered
- Employing
- Embryoids
- Embrowned
- Embowered
- Emboweled
- Empyreans
- Empurpled
- Employers
- Employees
- Emplacing
- Emphasise
- Empathise
- Empathies
- Embryonal
- Embracing
- Embosomed
- Embleming
- Embellish
- Embedding
- Embalming
- Empurples
- Emptiable
- Emporiums
- Empirical
- Emmetrope
- Embrocate
- Embracers
- Embraceor
- Embolisms
- Embargoed
- Embalmers
- Emulative
- Emplaning
- Empennage
- Empaneled
- Empanadas
- Emergence
- Emendable
- Embruting
- Embroiled
- Embroider
- Embroglio
- Embrangle
- Embossing
- Emborders
- Emboldens
- Embodiers
- Embattled
- Embassage
- Embarring
- Embargoes
- Emanative
- Emaciated
- Emulsible
- Emptiness
- Empresses
- Empoisons
- Emoticons
- Emittance
- Eminences
- Emigrated
- Emendated
- Embroiler
- Embrittle
- Embrasure
- Embossers
- Embitters
- Embattles
- Embassies
- Embarrass
- Emaciates
- Emulsoids
- Emulating
- Emigrates
- Emigrants
- Emergents
- Emendator
- Emendates
- Emanating
- Emulsions
- Emulators
- Emulation
- Emotional
- Emissions
- Emersions
- Emeerates
- Emanators
- Emanation
- Enzymatic
- Enjoyable
- Enjambing
- Energized
- Endolymph
- Enthymeme
- Enquiring
- Enfeoffed
- Energizer
- Endotoxic
- Endomixis
- Enokidake
- Endophyte
- Encyclics
- Enwrapped
- Enwombing
- Entophyte
- Enokitake
- Enjoining
- Enjoinder
- Enhancive
- Endotoxin
- Endomorph
- Endocytic
- Endexines
- Encrypted
- Enwheeled
- Enswathed
- Engrammic
- Enfevered
- Endplayed
- Endamebic
- Enciphers
- Encephala
- Encamping
- Enwreathe
- Envenomed
- Enveloped
- Ensphered
- Ensheathe
- Enriching
- Enmeshing
- Enkindled
- Enhancing
- Enframing
- Enforcing
- Enflaming
- Enfeebled
- Endotherm
- Endorphin
- Endogamic
- Encysting
- Encumbers
- Encompass
- Encomiums
- Enclaving
- Enchilada
- Enchasing
- Enchanted
- Enchained
- Encashing
- Enwinding
- Envisaged
- Enveloper
- Entrapped
- Entombing
- Ensconced
- Enkindler
- Enigmatic
- Engulfing
- Engraving
- Engrafted
- Englished
- Enfolding
- Enfiladed
- Enfeebler
- Endosperm
- Endoscope
- Endoplasm
- Endocarps
- Endemisms
- Endemical
- Endamoeba
- Endamebas
- Endamebae
- Endamaged
- Encodable
- Enclasped
- Encircled
- Enchorial
- Enchasers
- Enchanter
- Environed
- Entwisted
- Entwining
- Entrapper
- Enthusing
- Enthroned
- Entamoeba
- Entamebae
- Enslaving
- Enshrined
- Enserfing
- Enlivened
- Enlighten
- Enhaloing
- Enervated
- Endostyle
- Endorsive
- Endogenic
- Endoergic
- Endoderms
- Endleaves
- Endeavour
- Endeavors
- Endamages
- Encrimson
- Enclitics
- Encircles
- Encaustic
- Encapsule
- Enactable
- Entranced
- Enshrinee
- Enplaning
- Enouncing
- Ennobling
- Enlivener
- Engorging
- Englacial
- Engirdled
- Engirding
- Engilding
- Enervator
- Energumen
- Energetic
- Endurance
- Endurable
- Endosteum
- Endospore
- Endocrine
- Endocasts
- Endbrains
- Encrusted
- Encourage
- Enclosing
- Enamoured
- Enamoring
- Enamelled
- Enameling
- Enunciate
- Enumerate
- Enucleate
- Entropion
- Entrecote
- Enterable
- Entangled
- Ensorcell
- Ensilaged
- Enrapture
- Enlarging
- Engrossed
- Engrained
- Engrailed
- Englutted
- Engarland
- Energised
- Endorsing
- Endearing
- Endangers
- Encrinite
- Encounter
- Enclosure
- Enclosers
- Enceintes
- Enameller
- Enamelers
- Enalapril
- Enactions
- Entrusted
- Entreated
- Entrained
- Entourage
- Entoiling
- Entitling
- Entangler
- Entailing
- Ensouling
- Ensnarled
- Ensnaring
- Enrooting
- Enrolling
- Enlisting
- Engrosser
- Energiser
- Endosteal
- Entrainer
- Entertain
- Enstatite
- Epoxidize
- Epizootic
- Epitomize
- Epiphytic
- Epicyclic
- Epiphragm
- Epitaxial
- Epitaphic
- Epiphanic
- Epimysium
- Ephemerid
- Epithetic
- Epidermic
- Epicedium
- Epicanthi
- Ephemeron
- Ephemeral
- Ephemerae
- Eparchial
- Epistemic
- Episcopal
- Epileptic
- Epicurism
- Epicritic
- Epicenism
- Ephedrine
- Epithelia
- Epigonism
- Epifaunal
- Epifaunae
- Epidermal
- Epicardia
- Epsilonic
- Epitomise
- Epistatic
- Epinastic
- Epimerase
- Epilogued
- Epilimnia
- Epicurean
- Epicrania
- Epicentre
- Epicentra
- Epicenter
- Epilating
- Epatering
- Epistoler
- Episterna
- Epineuria
- Epilation
- Epaulette
- Equivoque
- Equalized
- Equalizer
- Equivocal
- Equipping
- Equitable
- Equisetum
- Equisetic
- Equipoise
- Equimolar
- Equimolal
- Equatable
- Equalling
- Equalised
- Equaliser
- Eroticize
- Ergotized
- Erythemic
- Erotizing
- Eriophyid
- Erythrism
- Erythroid
- Ergograph
- Erythrite
- Erstwhile
- Ergonomic
- Erethitic
- Eremitish
- Eruptible
- Eroticism
- Ergogenic
- Eremitism
- Erectable
- Eructated
- Ergometer
- Eradicate
- Erratical
- Eristical
- Eradiated
- Erudition
- Erosional
- Esquiring
- Eschewing
- Escrowing
- Escheated
- Escapable
- Estopping
- Estoppage
- Establish
- Escheator
- Escarping
- Escaloped
- Estraying
- Estivated
- Estimable
- Esperance
- Esotropic
- Escaladed
- Estivator
- Estimated
- Esteeming
- Espousing
- Esplanade
- Espionage
- Escorting
- Escalated
- Escalader
- Esurience
- Estranged
- Estimator
- Esotropia
- Esoterica
- Escalator
- Estreated
- Estranger
- Estradiol
- Estuarine
- Estuarial
- Essential
- Ethicized
- Etherized
- Etherizer
- Eternized
- Etiquette
- Ethylenic
- Ethylated
- Ethmoidal
- Etherised
- Etiologic
- Ethionine
- Etiolated
- Eternised
- Euphemize
- Euphonize
- Euthanize
- Eulogized
- Eurythmic
- Eulogizer
- Euphemism
- Eurytherm
- Eutrophic
- Euthyroid
- Eurytopic
- Euphorbia
- Euphonium
- Euphemise
- Eunuchism
- Eukaryote
- Eucalypti
- Euphausid
- Eunuchoid
- Eucaryote
- Euplastic
- Eutherian
- Eutectoid
- Eugenical
- Eudemonia
- Euclidian
- Euclidean
- Eulogised
- Euglenoid
- Everwhich
- Everwhere
- Evolvable
- Evocative
- Evincible
- Evidenced
- Evanished
- Evangelic
- Evanesced
- Evacuated
- Evocation
- Evildoing
- Eversible
- Everglade
- Evaporite
- Evaporate
- Evaluable
- Evacuator
- Evergreen
- Evaluated
- Evaginate
- Evolution
- Eventuate
- Evasional
- Evaluator
- Exoenzyme
- Exchequer
- Exorcized
- Expertize
- Exquisite
- Exocyclic
- Exequatur
- Exercycle
- Exemptive
- Exchanged
- Exceptive
- Exhibited
- Exchanger
- Excavated
- Expulsive
- Explosive
- Expletive
- Expensive
- Expecting
- Expansive
- Exosphere
- Exocytose
- Exhibitor
- Exhibiter
- Exempting
- Executive
- Excursive
- Excretive
- Exclusive
- Exclaimed
- Excessive
- Excerpted
- Excepting
- Excavator
- Exarchate
- Exanthema
- Exampling
- Exuviated
- Exudative
- Extremism
- Extempore
- Exsiccate
- Exscinded
- Expunging
- Expounded
- Exposable
- Exploding
- Explicate
- Expertism
- Expending
- Expedited
- Expanding
- Exotropic
- Exoticism
- Exosmotic
- Exhorting
- Exhausted
- Exemption
- Execrable
- Excusable
- Exculpate
- Excluding
- Exclaimer
- Excitonic
- Excitable
- Excisemen
- Exciseman
- Excisable
- Excerptor
- Excerpter
- Exception
- Exceeding
- Exactable
- Extubated
- Extrusive
- Extracted
- Extrabold
- Extortive
- Extincted
- Extensive
- Exsecting
- Expurgate
- Expulsing
- Expressed
- Expounder
- Exposited
- Exporting
- Exploring
- Exploited
- Explanted
- Explained
- Expiating
- Experting
- Expensing
- Expelling
- Expeditor
- Expediter
- Exorcised
- Exogenism
- Exhauster
- Exfoliate
- Exergonic
- Exercised
- Executing
- Execrated
- Excreting
- Excessing
- Excelling
- Excaudate
- Examining
- Exultance
- Exuberate
- Extruding
- Extrinsic
- Extricate
- Extractor
- Extirpate
- Extermine
- Extending
- Exsection
- Expulsion
- Expresser
- Expositor
- Explosion
- Exploiter
- Explainer
- Expiation
- Expertise
- Expatiate
- Expansion
- Expansile
- Exotropia
- Exosporia
- Exorciser
- Existence
- Exerciser
- Execution
- Execrator
- Excursion
- Excretion
- Excoriate
- Exclusion
- Exclosure
- Excelsior
- Exanimate
- Exudation
- Extradite
- Extorting
- Extolling
- Exserting
- Exodontia
- Extrusion
- Extortion
- Extenuate
- Extension
- Extensile
- Exsertion
- Exsertile
- Exonerate
Most common letters after the first letter E
We analyzed second letter frequency in 9-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with E from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
291 | n | 22.1% |
272 | x | 20.7% |
118 | m | 9% |
93 | p | 7.1% |
73 | s | 5.6% |
64 | l | 4.9% |
62 | u | 4.7% |
58 | c | 4.4% |
49 | r | 3.7% |
47 | v | 3.6% |
35 | t | 2.7% |
34 | a | 2.6% |
25 | q | 1.9% |
20 | y | 1.5% |
18 | d | 1.4% |
16 | g | 1.2% |
10 | i | 0.8% |
5 | j | 0.4% |
4 | k | 0.3% |
3 | b | 0.2% |
2 | o | 0.2% |