List of 9-letter words starting with B
We found 874 nine letter words that start with B for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Bumfuzzle | 34 | 39 |
Bemuzzled | 32 | 36 |
Bedazzled | 31 | 33 |
Blackjack | 30 | 36 |
Backcheck | 28 | 31 |
Bushwhack | 26 | 27 |
Bodycheck | 26 | 27 |
Banjaxing | 26 | 32 |
Blackcock | 25 | 30 |
Blackbuck | 25 | 31 |
9 letter words
There are a total of 1785 nine letter words starting with B in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31229 nine letter words and 10621 words that start with the letter B.
- Backcheck
- Banjaxing
- Backpacks
- Backblock
- Bamboozle
- Balkanize
- Backbench
- Barbequed
- Baptizing
- Backtrack
- Backflows
- Backcombs
- Basifixed
- Barbarize
- Bacterize
- Backwraps
- Backflips
- Backcloth
- Backchats
- Backaches
- Banqueted
- Banalized
- Baldaquin
- Baksheesh
- Backyards
- Backwoods
- Backwinds
- Backwards
- Backtalks
- Backsword
- Backswing
- Backstamp
- Backspace
- Backhands
- Backfired
- Backfield
- Backdowns
- Babyproof
- Bazillion
- Barquette
- Banquette
- Banqueter
- Bakeshops
- Bailiwick
- Bahuvrihi
- Bafflegab
- Backwater
- Backstays
- Backslash
- Backshore
- Backpedal
- Backhouse
- Backhauls
- Backfires
- Backfills
- Backdrops
- Backboned
- Backboard
- Backbends
- Bacciform
- Babyhoods
- Babushkas
- Barhopped
- Bandwidth
- Bakeapple
- Backstops
- Backstabs
- Backspins
- Backslaps
- Backrooms
- Backdated
- Backcross
- Backcasts
- Backbones
- Backbites
- Backbiter
- Backbeats
- Batfowled
- Basketful
- Basifying
- Barracked
- Baldfaced
- Bakehouse
- Backstage
- Backslide
- Backsides
- Backloads
- Backlands
- Backdates
- Bacchants
- Bacchante
- Bacchanal
- Babouches
- Bathwater
- Batholith
- Bathhouse
- Batfowler
- Barracker
- Barograph
- Barkeeper
- Barefaced
- Baldachin
- Bakemeats
- Bagpiping
- Badmouths
- Backstair
- Backseats
- Backrests
- Backlists
- Babydolls
- Baasskaps
- Baaskaaps
- Basophile
- Barbecued
- Bandwagon
- Balaclava
- Baidarkas
- Bagpipers
- Baclofens
- Bachelors
- Bacalhaus
- Baboonish
- Babblings
- Babbitted
- Bayoneted
- Basinlike
- Baroscope
- Barbecuer
- Barbarism
- Baptismal
- Banishing
- Bandshell
- Balmacaan
- Baldpated
- Balalaika
- Bakelites
- Baghouses
- Bacterium
- Baccarats
- Baseboard
- Barricado
- Barricade
- Barrelful
- Barracuda
- Barnacled
- Bargepole
- Bareboned
- Barbering
- Baptising
- Bandaging
- Balsaming
- Balconied
- Balancing
- Badminton
- Badinaged
- Badgering
- Bacteroid
- Basipetal
- Basilican
- Basilical
- Basilicae
- Baseplate
- Bartended
- Barraging
- Barracoon
- Barometer
- Barnstorm
- Bariatric
- Bargained
- Barcarole
- Barbitone
- Barbarian
- Bandstand
- Ballistic
- Bailments
- Bagginess
- Badinages
- Badgeless
- Bacterins
- Bacterias
- Bacterial
- Babirussa
- Babirusas
- Battering
- Battening
- Bastioned
- Bastinado
- Bastinade
- Bassetted
- Basseting
- Bartering
- Bartender
- Barrelled
- Barreling
- Barrelage
- Bargainer
- Bantering
- Bannering
- Bandoneon
- Bandolier
- Bandoleer
- Banderole
- Balloting
- Ballooned
- Ballasted
- Balladeer
- Baguettes
- Bagatelle
- Badnesses
- Battalion
- Baseliner
- Basaltine
- Barrister
- Baritonal
- Bannister
- Ballistae
- Ballerina
- Ballaster
- Bairnlier
- Bemuzzled
- Bedazzled
- Bejumbled
- Benchmark
- Bejeweled
- Beeswaxed
- Bedizened
- Becquerel
- Beachcomb
- Benzidine
- Benzenoid
- Beflecked
- Bechalked
- Beatboxed
- Bewitched
- Berhyming
- Bemocking
- Beechwood
- Beccafico
- Beachhead
- Bewrapped
- Bewitcher
- Bethumped
- Bethanked
- Bellyache
- Bedwarfed
- Bedecking
- Becharmed
- Bechanced
- Beachwear
- Bewraying
- Besmoking
- Beshrewed
- Berrylike
- Bepimpled
- Bellylike
- Behowling
- Behooving
- Beefsteak
- Becrowded
- Becloaked
- Beckoning
- Becapping
- Beachball
- Beworming
- Bewigging
- Beweeping
- Bevomited
- Beswarmed
- Beshaming
- Beseeched
- Berkelium
- Beneficed
- Benchland
- Bemadamed
- Bellyband
- Behaviour
- Begrimmed
- Begemming
- Befuddled
- Befogging
- Beflagged
- Beekeeper
- Bedwarmer
- Bedumbing
- Bedimpled
- Bedimming
- Bedighted
- Bedabbled
- Becrawled
- Beclowned
- Beclothed
- Beachside
- Beachgoer
- Betokened
- Besmudged
- Beseecher
- Beryllium
- Benumbing
- Benthonic
- Benighted
- Benempted
- Bendaying
- Bemuddled
- Beladying
- Beknotted
- Bekissing
- Beholding
- Beheading
- Begulfing
- Beggardom
- Befringed
- Bedeviled
- Becriming
- Beclogged
- Beclasped
- Becalming
- Beworried
- Bewearied
- Bewailing
- Bevelling
- Betrothed
- Betraying
- Bethorned
- Bestrowed
- Bestrewed
- Bestowing
- Besoothed
- Besnowing
- Beshouted
- Berserker
- Bereaving
- Benefited
- Bemingled
- Bemedaled
- Belvedere
- Bellowing
- Believing
- Begrudged
- Begriming
- Begoggled
- Begloomed
- Begladded
- Befretted
- Befouling
- Befooling
- Befleaing
- Befitting
- Befalling
- Bedwetter
- Beduncing
- Bedspring
- Bedspread
- Bedrugged
- Bedroomed
- Bedraping
- Bedehouse
- Bedaubing
- Bedamning
- Beclouded
- Beblooded
- Beavering
- Beatified
- Beanstalk
- Beadledom
- Beadhouse
- Betrothal
- Bestudded
- Bespoused
- Bespangle
- Besmutted
- Besmiling
- Besmeared
- Besliming
- Beseeming
- Bescoured
- Bepainted
- Benefiter
- Bemoaning
- Bemisting
- Bemeaning
- Beleaping
- Belabored
- Begrudger
- Beglamour
- Begirdled
- Begirding
- Beggaring
- Beefeater
- Bedridden
- Bedraggle
- Bedlamite
- Becursing
- Becrusted
- Beautiful
- Beaconing
- Besteaded
- Bespatter
- Besmearer
- Besieging
- Berberine
- Belonging
- Bellicose
- Belemnite
- Belauding
- Beguiling
- Begroaned
- Beginning
- Begetting
- Begalling
- Bedirtied
- Bebeerine
- Bettering
- Bestirred
- Besotting
- Besetting
- Bengaline
- Belittled
- Beleaguer
- Beelining
- Beatitude
- Bentonite
- Belittler
- Beastlier
- Biohazard
- Bilharzia
- Bijective
- Biorhythm
- Billycock
- Birthmark
- Birdwatch
- Biochemic
- Bijection
- Bipyramid
- Bicycling
- Bitmapped
- Bismuthic
- Bishopric
- Biconcave
- Bickering
- Bishoping
- Biopsying
- Biomarker
- Bigheaded
- Bifocaled
- Biblicism
- Bivalence
- Bismuthal
- Birthname
- Bioweapon
- Biosphere
- Biophilia
- Bioactive
- Bigfooted
- Bifurcate
- Bisulfide
- Birdlimed
- Birdhouse
- Biometric
- Biofueled
- Billowing
- Bicipital
- Bicentric
- Bicameral
- Bibliotic
- Bivariate
- Bitterish
- Bisulfite
- Bisulfate
- Bisecting
- Birthrate
- Birdbrain
- Biradical
- Bioturbed
- Biologism
- Biofouler
- Bilobated
- Billowier
- Billionth
- Billboard
- Billabong
- Bigeneric
- Bigeminal
- Bifoliate
- Bicolored
- Biathlete
- Bitstream
- Biteplate
- Bisulcate
- Bisection
- Birdieing
- Bipinnate
- Bipartite
- Biostrome
- Biosocial
- Biopirate
- Biocenose
- Binuclear
- Binocular
- Bilocular
- Bilobular
- Bilirubin
- Bilection
- Bilabiate
- Bicoastal
- Bittering
- Bioregion
- Biodiesel
- Binturong
- Billeting
- Bilingual
- Bidentate
- Bisontine
- Biserrate
- Biseriate
- Bioterror
- Biosensor
- Bilateral
- Blackjack
- Blackcock
- Blackbuck
- Blackfish
- Blackface
- Blackdamp
- Blockhead
- Blazoning
- Blackwood
- Blackhead
- Blackbird
- Bluffable
- Blowtorch
- Blockaded
- Blockable
- Blackpoll
- Blackmail
- Blackball
- Blockader
- Blindfish
- Blaspheme
- Blacklead
- Blackland
- Blackened
- Blotching
- Bloodworm
- Bloodbath
- Blitheful
- Blindworm
- Blenching
- Blemished
- Bleaching
- Blanching
- Blacktail
- Blackener
- Blubbered
- Blotchier
- Bloodying
- Bloodshed
- Bloodlike
- Blinkered
- Blindfold
- Blighting
- Blemisher
- Blanketed
- Bladelike
- Blabbered
- Blubberer
- Bloviated
- Blithered
- Blethered
- Bleareyed
- Blathered
- Blastemic
- Blarneyed
- Blameable
- Blueblood
- Bluebeard
- Blossomed
- Bloatware
- Blatherer
- Blundered
- Blondined
- Blindside
- Blastemal
- Blustered
- Blunderer
- Bluenosed
- Bloodline
- Blistered
- Blesseder
- Blennioid
- Blattered
- Blusterer
- Bluestone
- Blueliner
- Blastular
- Blastulae
- Bodycheck
- Bouzoukia
- Bombazine
- Boschvark
- Boxhauled
- Bowwowing
- Botanized
- Bookshelf
- Bookmaker
- Bombycoid
- Bolshevik
- Botanizer
- Bombproof
- Bootblack
- Boneblack
- Bolloxing
- Bollixing
- Boardwalk
- Boyfriend
- Bowhunted
- Bombshell
- Boldfaced
- Bodyboard
- Boycotted
- Bowlegged
- Bowhunter
- Bowerbird
- Bookplate
- Bookended
- Boogeymen
- Boogeyman
- Bondwomen
- Bondwoman
- Bombastic
- Bombarded
- Bolograph
- Bodyguard
- Bobsleigh
- Boycotter
- Bookstand
- Boogeying
- Bombardon
- Bombarder
- Boardlike
- Bowstrung
- Bowstring
- Bowelling
- Bouvardia
- Bousoukia
- Boulevard
- Bothering
- Borrowing
- Borescope
- Bookstore
- Bookstall
- Booklouse
- Boohooing
- Bombinate
- Bombaster
- Boarhound
- Bountiful
- Boundable
- Bottoming
- Bottleful
- Boomerang
- Boogiemen
- Boogieman
- Boogermen
- Boogerman
- Boliviano
- Bobtailed
- Boatswain
- Boathouse
- Boardroom
- Boardable
- Bouldered
- Botulinum
- Botanical
- Bordering
- Bootstrap
- Boogieing
- Booboisie
- Bolometer
- Bolection
- Bogarting
- Boulderer
- Botanised
- Bonneting
- Bondstone
- Bolstered
- Botulinal
- Bolsterer
- Brickwork
- Bromizing
- Bryophyte
- Brushback
- Brushwork
- Brickyard
- Bricklike
- Brickkiln
- Breakneck
- Brazening
- Brutalize
- Briquette
- Brazilein
- Brooklike
- Breakdown
- Brushwood
- Brummagem
- Bronchium
- Brightish
- Breakwall
- Breakeven
- Bracketed
- Brushfire
- Brunching
- Brooklime
- Broaching
- Breeching
- Breakable
- Breaching
- Branching
- Brainwash
- Brainsick
- Browsable
- Browridge
- Bronchial
- Brokering
- Brokerage
- Brochette
- Bringdown
- Briefcase
- Bregmatic
- Brandying
- Branchier
- Branchial
- Branchiae
- Brambling
- Brachiate
- Brabbling
- Brutified
- Brushland
- Brothered
- Broomrape
- Broomcorn
- Broomball
- Brominism
- Bromantic
- Brocading
- Broadleaf
- Broadband
- Brierwood
- Bridewell
- Briarwood
- Brevetted
- Breveting
- Brecciate
- Breathing
- Breastfed
- Bramblier
- Brownnose
- Browallia
- Broodmare
- Bromeliad
- Bromating
- Broadloom
- Broadbill
- Broadbean
- Brigading
- Bricolage
- Breathier
- Bratticed
- Brassware
- Brucellae
- Brominate
- Bromelain
- Broidered
- Broadside
- Broadened
- Brimstone
- Brigadier
- Bricoleur
- Breastpin
- Brandling
- Brainstem
- Braincase
- Bracteole
- Bracteate
- Broiderer
- Broasting
- Broadtail
- Broadener
- Brittling
- Bristling
- Breasting
- Breadline
- Brattling
- Brannigan
- Brailling
- Brutalise
- Brittania
- Britannia
- Bristlier
- Briolette
- Brassiere
- Brasserie
- Brasilein
- Bumfuzzle
- Bushwhack
- Bulldozed
- Buckytube
- Buckyball
- Buckbrush
- Bulldozer
- Buckhound
- Burlesque
- Bucktooth
- Buckthorn
- Buckteeth
- Buckramed
- Bucketful
- Buckboard
- Bulwarked
- Bullfinch
- Bunkhouse
- Buffeting
- Buffering
- Buffaloed
- Bucklered
- Bucketing
- Bubblegum
- Buttstock
- Butchered
- Bumblebee
- Butcherer
- Bushelmen
- Bushelman
- Bursiform
- Bunkering
- Bumpering
- Builddown
- Bugleweed
- Butylated
- Buttinski
- Buttercup
- Bushelled
- Busheling
- Burthened
- Burrowing
- Burnished
- Bullsnake
- Buccaneer
- Busheller
- Burnisher
- Buprestid
- Buildable
- Buhrstone
- Buggering
- Budgeting
- Butterbur
- Busticate
- Burgeoned
- Burdening
- Bullbrier
- Budgeteer
- Buttoning
- Buttering
- Butadiene
- Burnoosed
- Burladero
- Bullnosed
- Bulleting
- Butterier
- Buteonine
- Bursarial
- Burrstone
Most common letters after the first letter B
We analyzed second letter frequency in 9-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with B from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
379 | e | 21.2% |
365 | a | 20.4% |
243 | r | 13.6% |
212 | o | 11.9% |
199 | l | 11.1% |
198 | i | 11.1% |
180 | u | 10.1% |
6 | y | 0.3% |
2 | h | 0.1% |
1 | d | 0.1% |