List of 9-letter words starting with S
We found 874 nine letter words that start with S for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Schnozzle | 32 | 34 |
Skyjacked | 30 | 32 |
Syzygetic | 27 | 27 |
Sequelize | 27 | 29 |
Schvitzed | 27 | 28 |
Schwartze | 26 | 26 |
Schvartze | 26 | 27 |
Schmoozed | 26 | 27 |
Schizopod | 26 | 27 |
Symbolize | 25 | 27 |
9 letter words
There are a total of 3512 nine letter words starting with S in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31229 nine letter words and 20861 words that start with the letter S.
- Saprozoic
- Saxophone
- Saxifrage
- Sacralize
- Satirized
- Sanitized
- Salinized
- Saccharic
- Satyrlike
- Sassywood
- Sashaying
- Saporific
- Sapheaded
- Salifying
- Safetying
- Sacrifice
- Satcheled
- Sapanwood
- Saberlike
- Satisfice
- Sangfroid
- Salvaging
- Safeguard
- Saddlebag
- Savouring
- Satisfied
- Satinwood
- Sarcosome
- Sarcomere
- Sarcomata
- Sarcastic
- Sapraemia
- Sallowing
- Salivated
- Salarying
- Saintlike
- Sainthood
- Safariing
- Sacculate
- Sabotaged
- Sarabande
- Saponated
- Sapodilla
- Salmonoid
- Salaaming
- Sailboard
- Saggering
- Saggaring
- Safranine
- Saddening
- Sacrilege
- Sabadilla
- Saturable
- Sardining
- Saprolite
- Santonica
- Sandalled
- Sandaling
- Saluretic
- Saltpetre
- Sailplane
- Sauntered
- Saturniid
- Saturated
- Satirised
- Satiating
- Sanitised
- Sanitated
- Sandstone
- Sagittate
- Saturnine
- Satinette
- Satellite
- Santolina
- Sanitoria
- Sanitaria
- Sanatoria
- Schnozzle
- Schvitzed
- Schwartze
- Schvartze
- Schmoozed
- Schizopod
- Schmucked
- Scientize
- Schtupped
- Schoolkid
- Schlumped
- Schlepped
- Scaphopod
- Scuffling
- Scruffing
- Screwlike
- Sclaffing
- Schematic
- Scallywag
- Scutching
- Scrunched
- Scrooched
- Screeched
- Scrawbing
- Scratched
- Scrapyard
- Scraiched
- Scotching
- Scorching
- Scootched
- Scooching
- Schoolbag
- Schmoosed
- Schmeered
- Schmeared
- Scarphing
- Scuppered
- Scumbling
- Scrunchie
- Scrumpled
- Scrumming
- Scrummage
- Scrubbing
- Scrobbing
- Scrimping
- Scrimmage
- Scribbled
- Screwable
- Screaking
- Scrapping
- Scrappage
- Scramming
- Scrambled
- Scraighed
- Scrabbled
- Scowdered
- Scombroid
- Schlieric
- Scheduled
- Scavenged
- Scampered
- Scabbling
- Scurrying
- Scrieving
- Scrawling
- Scraveled
- Scorified
- Scorbutic
- Scoopable
- Scirrhoid
- Schussing
- Schooling
- Schilling
- Scarified
- Scarehead
- Scallawag
- Scalelike
- Scabietic
- Sculpting
- Scrupling
- Scrubland
- Scrooping
- Scripting
- Screaming
- Scragging
- Scorpioid
- Scorecard
- Scolloped
- Schistose
- Scheelite
- Sceptring
- Sceptered
- Scarpered
- Scaraboid
- Scalloped
- Sculpture
- Scrutable
- Scrounged
- Scrouging
- Scripture
- Screeding
- Scourging
- Scotomata
- Scopulate
- Scoliotic
- Scolecite
- Sclerotic
- Scleritic
- Scapolite
- Scannable
- Scandaled
- Scuttling
- Scuttered
- Scunnered
- Scrolling
- Screening
- Scootered
- Sclerosed
- Scissored
- Sciaenoid
- Scattered
- Scantling
- Scagliola
- Scoreline
- Sclerotia
- Scintilla
- Sequelize
- Sexualize
- Sequenced
- Sermonize
- Sextupled
- Sexologic
- Sequinned
- Sequining
- Serialize
- Sequestra
- Sensitize
- Semidwarf
- Semistiff
- Sewerlike
- Sevenfold
- Sepulchre
- Semibreve
- Semaphore
- Servicing
- Serotyped
- Semifluid
- Semidomed
- Semblance
- Semblable
- Selvedged
- Seductive
- Searching
- Severance
- Severable
- Septupled
- Sennachie
- Seminomad
- Semicured
- Selective
- Seducible
- Secretive
- Seclusive
- Seborrhea
- Servitude
- Separable
- Semitonic
- Semirigid
- Semimatte
- Semeiotic
- Semanteme
- Segmented
- Seesawing
- Securance
- Securable
- Seconding
- Secluding
- Sealifted
- Seafaring
- Serviette
- Serologic
- Separated
- Sentenced
- Sensitive
- Senhorita
- Senescing
- Semisolid
- Semiround
- Semiangle
- Selecting
- Sectoring
- Sectioned
- Secreting
- Secerning
- Sermonise
- Serenaded
- Sepulture
- Sepiolite
- Sentience
- Sellotape
- Selenitic
- Segregate
- Serrating
- Serranoid
- Seriating
- Sensating
- Seastrand
- Seasoning
- Sestertia
- Serrulate
- Serrature
- Serialise
- Sententia
- Sensitise
- Sensillae
- Shmoozing
- Shylocked
- Shikkered
- Shockable
- Shimmying
- Sharklike
- Shammying
- Shunpiked
- Shrewmice
- Shrewlike
- Showplace
- Showpiece
- Shipshape
- Shickered
- Shelflike
- Sheaflike
- Shackling
- Shrublike
- Showcased
- Showbread
- Shortwave
- Shortcake
- Shitfaced
- Shippable
- Shewbread
- Sheephead
- Sheepfold
- Shamoying
- Shambolic
- Shakeable
- Shrinkage
- Shlumping
- Shlepping
- Shipboard
- Shimmered
- Shikarred
- Shiftable
- Sheldrake
- Shanachie
- Shampooed
- Shambling
- Shadowing
- Shriveled
- Showering
- Shovelled
- Shoveling
- Shorthead
- Shorthand
- Shoreward
- Shooshing
- Shivering
- Shivareed
- Shipborne
- Shinnying
- Shinneyed
- Sheetlike
- Sheepcote
- Sheddable
- Sheathing
- Shaveling
- Shapeable
- Shameable
- Shallowed
- Shalelike
- Shuddered
- Shrubland
- Shredding
- Shorebird
- Shoeshine
- Shmeering
- Shmearing
- Shellfire
- Sharpened
- Shareware
- Shunnable
- Shinguard
- Shingling
- Shielding
- Shareable
- Shuttered
- Shortened
- Shoreside
- Shogunate
- Shigellae
- Sheltered
- Shearling
- Shattered
- Shoreline
- Sinicized
- Simonized
- Signalize
- Sicklemic
- Siliquose
- Sicklemia
- Siccative
- Siphonage
- Simplicia
- Sideswipe
- Signified
- Sidepiece
- Sibylline
- Sissified
- Sinuslike
- Sincipita
- Simulacre
- Simulacra
- Silkoline
- Silkaline
- Silicotic
- Signboard
- Sightline
- Sideboard
- Sidearmed
- Sibilance
- Simulated
- Siderotic
- Sideritic
- Sibilated
- Siliculae
- Signalled
- Sidelined
- Sinologue
- Signorine
- Signorina
- Signature
- Signalise
- Siltstone
- Skyjacked
- Skylarked
- Skunkweed
- Sketchpad
- Skysurfed
- Skybridge
- Skibobbed
- Skippable
- Skidproof
- Skreighed
- Skreeghed
- Skippered
- Skimboard
- Skirtlike
- Skimobile
- Skiascope
- Skiddooed
- Skedaddle
- Skittered
- Skeltered
- Sloganize
- Slickened
- Slackened
- Sleeplike
- Slumbered
- Slubbered
- Slobbered
- Slippered
- Slipcased
- Sleekened
- Slamdance
- Slabbered
- Slithered
- Sliceable
- Slathered
- Slatelike
- Slantwise
- Slanguage
- Slandered
- Snowflake
- Sniffable
- Snakeweed
- Snakelike
- Snakehead
- Snowshoed
- Snowscape
- Snowfield
- Snickered
- Snakebird
- Snowbound
- Snowboard
- Snakebite
- Snorkeled
- Snookered
- Sneakered
- Snowslide
- Snivelled
- Snaillike
- Sniggered
- Snuggerie
- Sodomized
- Sovietize
- Solecized
- Soberized
- Soapboxed
- Solemnize
- Socialize
- Solarized
- Sonnetize
- Somewhere
- Sojourned
- Souvlakia
- Southward
- Souffleed
- Soporific
- Sophomore
- Sophistic
- Softscape
- Someplace
- Softbound
- Sodomitic
- Southland
- Sopapilla
- Soothsaid
- Sodomised
- Soundable
- Sonicated
- Solicited
- Solfatara
- Solecised
- Soubrette
- Soloistic
- Soleplate
- Solemnise
- Soldiered
- Soilborne
- Socialite
- Socialise
- Soapstone
- Sortilege
- Sonnetted
- Solarised
- Solitaire
- Sporozoic
- Spandexed
- Spikelike
- Splotched
- Spiderweb
- Specified
- Speakable
- Spaceward
- Sprinkled
- Spikenard
- Spelunked
- Spasmodic
- Spaceband
- Spirogyra
- Spinelike
- Spermatic
- Spectacle
- Spearlike
- Spearhead
- Spraddled
- Sporicide
- Spodumene
- Spermatid
- Spendable
- Spellbind
- Spectated
- Speciated
- Spanceled
- Springald
- Spottable
- Spoilable
- Splenetic
- Spillable
- Spiculate
- Spermatia
- Speedread
- Speculate
- Spareable
- Spallable
- Sputtered
- Sprattled
- Sporangia
- Sponsored
- Spoliated
- Spiralled
- Spattered
- Sporulate
- Spirulina
- Spinulose
- Spatulate
- Sparteine
- Stargazed
- Stabilize
- Strychnic
- Stockyard
- Stickweed
- Sticklike
- Stomachic
- Sterilize
- Stomached
- Stokehold
- Stockpile
- Stockaded
- Stinkwood
- Stinkweed
- Stickable
- Stepchild
- Stalklike
- Stackable
- Strickled
- Stovepipe
- Stokehole
- Stiffened
- Stickseed
- Stickered
- Stupefied
- Strophoid
- Stretched
- Stoppable
- Stemmatic
- Staunched
- Stampeded
- Stylobate
- Stylistic
- Streambed
- Stravaged
- Stoppered
- Stigmatic
- Stewarded
- Stenotype
- Steedlike
- Standpipe
- Stammered
- Staghound
- Stagelike
- Stagehand
- Studhorse
- Strumatic
- Strongyle
- Stromatic
- Storewide
- Stonished
- Stevedore
- Sternward
- Steelyard
- Steelhead
- Stavudine
- Statewide
- Statehood
- Stairlike
- Stairhead
- Stylolite
- Struggled
- Stridence
- Strategic
- Straggled
- Straddled
- Stoneware
- Stomodaea
- Stenciled
- Steepened
- Steamered
- Starboard
- Staminode
- Stagnance
- Staggered
- Stageable
- Structure
- Strobilae
- Stricture
- Strangled
- Stipulate
- Stipitate
- Stimulate
- Sterculia
- Steerable
- Steatitic
- Stealable
- Statistic
- Stateable
- Staminate
- Stalemate
- Staircase
- Stainable
- Stagnated
- Stabilise
- Stuttered
- Stoutened
- Stingaree
- Stellated
- Stationed
- Stateside
- Stolonate
- Sterilise
- Statuette
- Summarize
- Surprized
- Sulfurize
- Subsidize
- Subjected
- Suberized
- Supersize
- Sulfoxide
- Subtilize
- Superhype
- Suckholed
- Subjugate
- Subjoined
- Superchic
- Suffusive
- Succumbed
- Superwife
- Superwave
- Superbomb
- Suffocate
- Summative
- Sufflated
- Subdivide
- Surfboard
- Surcharge
- Superwide
- Superfund
- Superclub
- Sunbathed
- Sulphured
- Sulphated
- Sudorific
- Succeeded
- Subverted
- Subtropic
- Subserved
- Subscribe
- Subsample
- Submucosa
- Submerged
- Subinfeud
- Subducted
- Subatomic
- Subarctic
- Suspected
- Surpliced
- Supported
- Supervise
- Supervene
- Supersafe
- Supernova
- Supermind
- Superfine
- Supercede
- Sundowned
- Summonsed
- Sugarlike
- Succussed
- Succoured
- Subperiod
- Subpenaed
- Submitted
- Submersed
- Subduable
- Subcooled
- Suspended
- Surfeited
- Suppurate
- Superrace
- Superpose
- Supermale
- Supergood
- Supercute
- Superable
- Sunstroke
- Summarise
- Sugarloaf
- Succinate
- Subtended
- Substance
- Suboscine
- Submarine
- Sublimate
- Subedited
- Subclause
- Subalpine
- Surprised
- Surplused
- Surpassed
- Surcingle
- Surceased
- Supinated
- Superstud
- Supersold
- Supersede
- Superroad
- Superglue
- Supergene
- Sunburned
- Sulfurate
- Sulfonate
- Sulfatase
- Suggested
- Sugarcane
- Suctioned
- Subtorrid
- Subtitled
- Subsoiled
- Subsisted
- Subsidise
- Subrogate
- Subleased
- Subgenera
- Suberised
- Surculose
- Supersale
- Supernate
- Superette
- Sulliable
- Sucralose
- Subtilise
- Substrate
- Substrata
- Sublessee
- Sustained
- Surrogate
- Suntanned
- Sudatoria
- Susurrate
- Sultanate
- Swimmable
- Swordlike
- Swampland
- Swivelled
- Swithered
- Swineherd
- Swellhead
- Swearword
- Swallowed
- Sweatband
- Swaggered
- Sweltered
- Sweetened
- Sweatered
- Syzygetic
- Symbolize
- Systemize
- Synopsize
- Syllabize
- Syllogize
- Symphonic
- Sylphlike
- Synonymic
- Syruplike
- Syphiloid
- Symposiac
- Sympatric
- Symmetric
- Symbiotic
- Synthetic
- Syndromic
- Synalepha
- Symbolled
- Syntactic
- Syncretic
- Syncopate
- Symbolise
- Sylleptic
- Sybaritic
- Syngeneic
- Syndicate
- Sylvinite
- Sylvanite
- Syllabled
- Systaltic
- Synagogue
Most common letters after the first letter S
We analyzed second letter frequency in 9-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with S from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
485 | t | 13.8% |
468 | u | 13.3% |
333 | c | 9.5% |
320 | h | 9.1% |
315 | e | 9% |
291 | p | 8.3% |
271 | a | 7.7% |
203 | o | 5.8% |
186 | i | 5.3% |
136 | l | 3.9% |
105 | y | 3% |
101 | n | 2.9% |
83 | w | 2.4% |
80 | q | 2.3% |
74 | k | 2.1% |
54 | m | 1.5% |
3 | f | 0.1% |
2 | g | 0.1% |
1 | v | 0% |