List of 9-letter words starting with C
We found 874 nine letter words that start with C for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Crazyweed | 27 | 27 |
Coxcombic | 26 | 31 |
Chromized | 26 | 27 |
Cyclizine | 25 | 28 |
Comprized | 25 | 28 |
Chibouque | 25 | 28 |
Chabazite | 25 | 26 |
Catechize | 25 | 26 |
Carjacked | 25 | 29 |
Communize | 24 | 29 |
9 letter words
There are a total of 2848 nine letter words starting with C in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31229 nine letter words and 17313 words that start with the letter C.
- Catechize
- Carjacked
- Catalyzed
- Capsizing
- Caponized
- Carburize
- Carbonize
- Carbolize
- Carbazole
- Capsulize
- Cacomixle
- Canonized
- Canalized
- Calorized
- Cauterize
- Catchword
- Cartelize
- Camphoric
- Cachectic
- Carhopped
- Caffeinic
- Cacodylic
- Catheptic
- Cathectic
- Catchpole
- Catchable
- Cassocked
- Casefying
- Cavalcade
- Cathected
- Catfacing
- Canopying
- Canebrake
- Camellike
- Camcorded
- Calcifuge
- Calcified
- Cadaveric
- Cacheting
- Cabbaging
- Catnapped
- Cathartic
- Catechise
- Cataphora
- Catalytic
- Casketing
- Cartouche
- Carpetbag
- Carbamide
- Carapaced
- Captivate
- Cankering
- Campusing
- Cambering
- Calorific
- Calmative
- Caliphate
- Cavorting
- Cavitated
- Cavilling
- Caverning
- Caveating
- Catoptric
- Catkinate
- Cathedrae
- Catalysed
- Catabolic
- Cashiered
- Cascading
- Carnified
- Cardboard
- Carcinoma
- Carbuncle
- Carbamate
- Caravaned
- Carambola
- Capsomere
- Canyoning
- Canvassed
- Canvasing
- Campanula
- Campanile
- Calcimine
- Calcicole
- Cadencing
- Cabinmate
- Causative
- Causalgic
- Caucussed
- Caucusing
- Catrigged
- Categoric
- Catcalled
- Catalogic
- Casemated
- Carthorse
- Carroming
- Carpooled
- Carpeting
- Carnivore
- Carnivora
- Caressive
- Carcinoid
- Carbonade
- Caravelle
- Caracoled
- Capturing
- Captioned
- Captained
- Capsuling
- Caprioled
- Caponised
- Capitated
- Cancelled
- Canceling
- Calumnied
- Callboard
- Calipered
- Calibered
- Calendric
- Calcining
- Calamined
- Cafetoria
- Cafeteria
- Caballing
- Catatonic
- Catamenia
- Cataloged
- Catalatic
- Casuistic
- Cassimere
- Cartridge
- Carburise
- Carbonate
- Carbonara
- Carangoid
- Capsulate
- Capitella
- Cantabile
- Canoodled
- Canoeable
- Candidate
- Camarilla
- Calibrate
- Calculate
- Calcarate
- Calaboose
- Cabalette
- Cabaletta
- Cautioned
- Causalgia
- Catenated
- Catalogue
- Castrated
- Castigate
- Cassingle
- Caseating
- Cartooned
- Cartoning
- Cartilage
- Carronade
- Carousing
- Carolling
- Carinated
- Caressing
- Careering
- Careening
- Canulated
- Cantoning
- Cantering
- Canonised
- Cannoning
- Cannonade
- Canalling
- Canalised
- Callusing
- Calloused
- Calendula
- Cauterise
- Catatonia
- Casuarina
- Casserole
- Caseinate
- Cartelise
- Carnotite
- Carnitine
- Cantilena
- Cannulate
- Calenture
- Cellphone
- Cedarwood
- Certified
- Cenobitic
- Celibatic
- Cedarbird
- Centupled
- Centipede
- Cementing
- Ceasefire
- Cespitose
- Cerebrate
- Cerebella
- Cercariae
- Centauric
- Cementite
- Celebrate
- Ceilinged
- Certitude
- Centering
- Censusing
- Censuring
- Censoring
- Celluloid
- Cellaring
- Cellarage
- Celandine
- Cerussite
- Centriole
- Centaurea
- Cellulose
- Cellulite
- Cellulase
- Celestite
- Celestine
- Chromized
- Chibouque
- Chabazite
- Chivvying
- Chickweed
- Chequered
- Chuckhole
- Chokehold
- Chillaxed
- Checkmate
- Checkable
- Chammying
- Chuckling
- Chronaxie
- Chowhound
- Chickened
- Chickadee
- Checkered
- Champleve
- Chaffered
- Churching
- Chokebore
- Chokeable
- Chlamydia
- Chippable
- Chinching
- Chickaree
- Chemokine
- Cheekbone
- Chamfered
- Chowdered
- Choppered
- Choplogic
- Chophouse
- Chivalric
- Chirimoya
- Chippered
- Chipboard
- Childlike
- Childhood
- Cherimoya
- Chemurgic
- Champagne
- Chambered
- Chrysalid
- Chromatic
- Chivaried
- Chivareed
- Chimaeric
- Cherished
- Chemosorb
- Chemisorb
- Charabanc
- Chamomile
- Chromatid
- Chondroma
- Chloridic
- Chirruped
- Chinaware
- Chiliadic
- Childcare
- Chicaning
- Chevelure
- Cheapened
- Chaptered
- Chapleted
- Chancroid
- Chamoised
- Chaetopod
- Chundered
- Chronicle
- Chorionic
- Choreatic
- Choleraic
- Chocolate
- Chlorotic
- Chloritic
- Chloracne
- Chipolata
- Chignoned
- Chicalote
- Chiasmata
- Chelicera
- Cheatable
- Chaseable
- Chartable
- Charmeuse
- Chaperone
- Chantable
- Chagrined
- Chuntered
- Chorussed
- Chorusing
- Chortling
- Chondrule
- Chondrite
- Choleroid
- Chlordane
- Chittered
- Chitinoid
- Chiselled
- Chiseling
- Chelating
- Cheerlead
- Chaunting
- Chattered
- Chastised
- Chastened
- Chasseing
- Chartered
- Charioted
- Channeled
- Chandelle
- Challenge
- Chlorella
- Chaussure
- Charlotte
- Chanteuse
- Civilized
- Cicatrize
- Civetlike
- Cityscape
- Citifying
- Cinchonic
- Ciphering
- Cichlidae
- Cirrhotic
- Cinephile
- Cigarlike
- Civilised
- Cirrhosed
- Cinematic
- Cicatrice
- Cirripede
- Circuited
- Cinctured
- Cistronic
- Cisalpine
- Circulate
- Circinate
- Cindering
- Cingulate
- Ciguatera
- Cigarette
- Cisternae
- Cineraria
- Ciliolate
- Clozapine
- Cliticize
- Climatize
- Clocklike
- Climaxing
- Clifflike
- Clockwise
- Clumplike
- Clickable
- Clothlike
- Cliffside
- Clutching
- Clubbable
- Clippable
- Clinching
- Climbable
- Climactic
- Clepsydra
- Clenching
- Clubhouse
- Cloudlike
- Clobbered
- Clipboard
- Clinkered
- Cleavable
- Claughted
- Clapboard
- Clambered
- Clabbered
- Clearwing
- Clearweed
- Cleareyed
- Clavering
- Clarified
- Claimable
- Claytonia
- Claystone
- Clathrate
- Clamoured
- Clamoring
- Cladistic
- Cloudland
- Closeable
- Clearance
- Clearable
- Cleanable
- Classmate
- Classable
- Clangored
- Cluttered
- Clustered
- Cloturing
- Closuring
- Closeting
- Clonidine
- Clittered
- Clientage
- Cleansing
- Clattered
- Clarioned
- Cloisonne
- Clintonia
- Clientele
- Coxcombic
- Comprized
- Communize
- Complexed
- Commixing
- Cockscomb
- Cognizing
- Cocozelle
- Cocainize
- Coquetted
- Conquered
- Colorized
- Colonized
- Coequated
- Cobwebbed
- Cowlstaff
- Colloquia
- Cockhorse
- Convoking
- Conjuring
- Conjugate
- Conjoined
- Confabbed
- Complying
- Commoving
- Cojoining
- Coexisted
- Coexerted
- Codifying
- Coannexed
- Corymbose
- Corkboard
- Cookstove
- Cookhouse
- Convoying
- Convolved
- Conveying
- Compacted
- Commerced
- Commenced
- Combative
- Coiffured
- Coffining
- Coffering
- Coevolved
- Cockering
- Coachable
- Cowardice
- Coulombic
- Corncrake
- Copacetic
- Convinced
- Convicted
- Convected
- Conformed
- Confirmed
- Confervae
- Confected
- Condyloma
- Conducive
- Conceived
- Concaving
- Commended
- Commanded
- Comforted
- Coliphage
- Colicweed
- Coiffeuse
- Cohobated
- Cohabited
- Cochaired
- Coachload
- Covetable
- Coverable
- Covalence
- Couchette
- Coproduce
- Converged
- Confiding
- Condyloid
- Concocted
- Computing
- Comprised
- Composted
- Composing
- Comported
- Completed
- Compiling
- Competing
- Compering
- Compendia
- Compelled
- Compeered
- Compassed
- Comparted
- Comparing
- Companied
- Commuting
- Communing
- Communard
- Commonage
- Commodore
- Committed
- Commingle
- Commented
- Combusted
- Combining
- Combatted
- Combating
- Colorific
- Colombard
- Collotype
- Coherence
- Coheading
- Cofounded
- Cofinance
- Coenocyte
- Coempting
- Codriving
- Coderived
- Cochleate
- Courtyard
- Coulibiac
- Coseismic
- Corpuscle
- Cornrowed
- Cornified
- Cornfield
- Corbicula
- Copesetic
- Copasetic
- Coonhound
- Convulsed
- Converted
- Conversed
- Convented
- Convening
- Contrived
- Conserved
- Conscribe
- Conniving
- Conglobed
- Confuting
- Confusing
- Conflated
- Confining
- Configure
- Confessed
- Conferred
- Conducted
- Conducing
- Condemned
- Concubine
- Concluded
- Conceding
- Composure
- Composite
- Commutate
- Communise
- Committee
- Comminute
- Comingled
- Comanaged
- Columbite
- Columbine
- Coldblood
- Coinhered
- Coincided
- Cohousing
- Cohosting
- Cognitive
- Coercible
- Coastward
- Coalified
- Coalfield
- Coadmired
- Coadapted
- Coverture
- Coversine
- Covellite
- Covelline
- Covariate
- Corticoid
- Corrupted
- Corrosive
- Corrected
- Corrasive
- Cornbread
- Cornbraid
- Corbelled
- Copulated
- Coplotted
- Copiloted
- Coopering
- Cooperage
- Convolute
- Contusive
- Contemned
- Contacted
- Consuming
- Conspired
- Connected
- Confiture
- Conferree
- Concussed
- Concurred
- Concreted
- Concierge
- Concerted
- Concerned
- Conceited
- Concealed
- Comatulid
- Colorbred
- Colocated
- Collusive
- Collected
- Collapsed
- Cognomina
- Cogitable
- Cofeature
- Coerected
- Coenacted
- Cocreated
- Cocooning
- Coastwise
- Coassumed
- Coalesced
- Countable
- Coumarone
- Cosmoline
- Coruscate
- Corticose
- Corticate
- Corporate
- Cordelled
- Corbeille
- Coprolite
- Copestone
- Cooperate
- Contended
- Contactee
- Constable
- Consigned
- Conominee
- Congested
- Congeeing
- Congealed
- Condoning
- Condoling
- Condensed
- Concourse
- Comatulae
- Columella
- Colubrine
- Colorable
- Colluding
- Collogued
- Collocate
- Collimate
- Colliding
- Collaging
- Coleading
- Cognising
- Cogitated
- Coenosarc
- Coenobite
- Coendured
- Coelomate
- Coelomata
- Coediting
- Coculture
- Cobaltite
- Cobaltine
- Coarctate
- Cousinage
- Courtside
- Couriered
- Courgette
- Countered
- Counseled
- Costarred
- Corrugate
- Corralled
- Corotated
- Coroneted
- Coronated
- Corelated
- Coralloid
- Contusing
- Contoured
- Contorted
- Continued
- Contested
- Contented
- Contained
- Consulted
- Construed
- Consorted
- Consoling
- Consisted
- Consignee
- Consented
- Connoting
- Colouring
- Colorised
- Colonnade
- Colonised
- Colligate
- Colleting
- Colleague
- Collating
- Collaring
- Coinsured
- Coastland
- Coarsened
- Coagulate
- Coagulase
- Coadunate
- Counselee
- Cotrustee
- Cortisone
- Correlate
- Corollate
- Coralline
- Consulate
- Consortia
- Collinsia
- Coastline
- Crazyweed
- Cryophyte
- Criticize
- Croqueted
- Critiqued
- Creolized
- Creampuff
- Crackhead
- Croquette
- Cryoscope
- Cryoprobe
- Crocketed
- Cricketed
- Cryogenic
- Crucified
- Crossruff
- Crocheted
- Crisphead
- Craunched
- Crapelike
- Crankcase
- Crabapple
- Crushable
- Creekside
- Creamware
- Crossword
- Crosswind
- Crosshead
- Crevassed
- Crepuscle
- Cravatted
- Crosswise
- Crossfire
- Crossbred
- Crocodile
- Crispened
- Crispated
- Crimsoned
- Crustacea
- Crossable
- Criticise
- Criminate
- Crepitate
- Creosotic
- Creatable
- Cramoisie
- Croustade
- Crosstied
- Crossroad
- Cristated
- Cretinoid
- Creosoted
- Creolised
- Crenelled
- Crosstree
- Crinoline
- Crenulate
- Crenelate
- Crenature
- Customize
- Cutinized
- Curarized
- Cubbyhole
- Currycomb
- Cuckolded
- Cumbrance
- Cushioned
- Curvetted
- Curtseyed
- Culverted
- Cuspidate
- Curvature
- Curlicued
- Cumulated
- Cultivate
- Cudgelled
- Cuticulae
- Customise
- Curricula
- Curbstone
- Culminate
- Cucullate
- Cubanelle
- Cutinised
- Curtilage
- Curtained
- Curtailed
- Curettage
- Curandera
- Cultrated
- Cuirassed
- Cuadrilla
- Cyclizine
- Cytotoxic
- Cymophane
- Cybercafe
- Cytolytic
- Cyanotype
- Cyclorama
- Cyclamate
- Cycadeoid
- Cytologic
- Cyprinoid
- Cylindric
- Cyanamide
- Cytosolic
- Cystocele
- Cysteinic
- Cyclonite
- Cybernate
- Cyanurate
Most common letters after the first letter C
We analyzed second letter frequency in 9-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with C from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
1001 | o | 35.1% |
631 | a | 22.2% |
372 | h | 13.1% |
272 | r | 9.6% |
185 | l | 6.5% |
132 | u | 4.6% |
105 | e | 3.7% |
73 | i | 2.6% |
71 | y | 2.5% |
3 | z | 0.1% |
1 | t | 0% |