List of 9-letter words starting with O
We found 874 nine letter words that start with O for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Oxygenize | 29 | 30 |
Ozonizing | 28 | 31 |
Outdazzle | 28 | 30 |
Oxidizing | 27 | 29 |
Overquick | 27 | 30 |
Oxyphilic | 26 | 27 |
Outjinxed | 24 | 28 |
Overprize | 23 | 25 |
Overjoyed | 23 | 25 |
Outjinxes | 23 | 27 |
9 letter words
There are a total of 1083 nine letter words starting with O in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31229 nine letter words and 6239 words that start with the letter O.
- Objective
- Obliquing
- Objecting
- Obelizing
- Obsequies
- Obloquies
- Obloquial
- Objectors
- Objection
- Objurgate
- Obnoxious
- Obfuscate
- Obeahisms
- Obviating
- Obverting
- Observing
- Obconical
- Obviators
- Obviation
- Obversion
- Obtrusive
- Obsessive
- Observers
- Obscuring
- Oblivious
- Oblivions
- Obligable
- Obedience
- Obcordate
- Obbligato
- Obbligati
- Obtunding
- Obtruding
- Obstructs
- Obstetric
- Obstacles
- Obsolesce
- Obsecrate
- Obligated
- Obeliscal
- Obeisance
- Obturated
- Obtruders
- Obtesting
- Obtaining
- Obsoleted
- Obsidians
- Obsessing
- Obligatos
- Obligator
- Obligates
- Obelising
- Obturator
- Obturates
- Obtrusion
- Obtainers
- Obstinate
- Obsoletes
- Obsessors
- Obsession
- Oblations
- Obesities
- Obeseness
- Occupying
- Octachord
- Octothorp
- Occlusive
- Octahedra
- Occupiers
- Occupants
- Occultism
- Occluding
- Occipital
- Octupling
- Octopodes
- Octopodan
- Octoploid
- Occurring
- Occulting
- Occidents
- Octuplets
- Octopuses
- Octameter
- Occulters
- Occlusion
- Occasions
- Octangles
- Octagonal
- Ocellated
- Octoroons
- Octillion
- Octennial
- Ocotillos
- Oceanauts
- Oceanaria
- Offhanded
- Offspring
- Offshores
- Offshoots
- Officered
- Offensive
- Offscreen
- Offprints
- Offloaded
- Officious
- Officinal
- Officiate
- Officials
- Offending
- Offstages
- Offerings
- Offenders
- Oldsquaws
- Ololiuqui
- Olympiads
- Olfactive
- Oligarchs
- Oleograph
- Olfaction
- Olibanums
- Oldstyles
- Olivenite
- Oligomers
- Oligocene
- Oligogene
- Olecranon
- Olecranal
- Oligurias
- Oleanders
- Oldnesses
- Oleoresin
- Oleasters
- Omophagic
- Omophagia
- Omniarchs
- Ombudsmen
- Ombudsman
- Omadhauns
- Omnivores
- Ommatidia
- Omnibuses
- Omissible
- Omnirange
- Omissions
- Omelettes
- Onlooking
- Oncovirus
- Oncomings
- Oncologic
- Oncogenic
- Oncidiums
- Onrushing
- Onomastic
- Onlookers
- Onionskin
- Ondograms
- Ontologic
- Ontogenic
- Oncogenes
- Onloading
- Onanistic
- Onenesses
- Optimized
- Optimizes
- Optimizer
- Opsonized
- Opsonizes
- Openworks
- Opacified
- Opsimaths
- Opacifies
- Opacifier
- Opusculum
- Optimisms
- Oppugning
- Opposable
- Opiumisms
- Ophiuroid
- Ophidians
- Operculum
- Optimised
- Optatives
- Oppugners
- Oppressed
- Oppilated
- Ophiolite
- Operative
- Opalesced
- Opuscules
- Opuscular
- Opulences
- Optometer
- Optimists
- Optimises
- Opticists
- Opticians
- Oppressor
- Oppresses
- Opposites
- Opportune
- Opponents
- Oppilates
- Opercules
- Opercular
- Operceles
- Operatics
- Opalesces
- Opacities
- Optioning
- Opsonised
- Opinioned
- Operating
- Operagoer
- Optionees
- Optionals
- Opsonises
- Operettas
- Operators
- Operation
- Organized
- Organzine
- Organizes
- Organizer
- Orphreyed
- Orthoptic
- Orthoepic
- Oriflamme
- Orichalcs
- Orphaning
- Orphanage
- Orthotics
- Orthopter
- Orthicons
- Orificial
- Orchillas
- Orchestra
- Orpiments
- Ornithoid
- Orgasming
- Orbicular
- Ornithine
- Origanums
- Oribatids
- Orgiastic
- Organisms
- Orebodies
- Ordnances
- Ordinance
- Orderable
- Orometers
- Ornaments
- Organised
- Organdies
- Ordinands
- Ordaining
- Oratrices
- Orangeade
- Orologies
- Orogenies
- Originate
- Originals
- Orienting
- Organosol
- Organists
- Organises
- Organiser
- Organelle
- Oreodonts
- Ordinates
- Orderlies
- Orderless
- Ordainers
- Orangutan
- Orangerie
- Orinasals
- Orienters
- Orienteer
- Orientate
- Orientals
- Oratorios
- Oratories
- Oralities
- Ostracize
- Ossifying
- Ostriches
- Osteopath
- Osteocyte
- Ostracism
- Ossobucos
- Ossifrage
- Osmometer
- Oscitance
- Ostracods
- Ostracode
- Ostensive
- Ossifiers
- Osnaburgs
- Osmundine
- Osculated
- Ostracise
- Ostomates
- Osteotome
- Osteomata
- Ossicular
- Osmeteria
- Osculates
- Oscillate
- Ostosises
- Ostinatos
- Ostiaries
- Ossuaries
- Ossatures
- Outdazzle
- Outjinxed
- Outjinxes
- Outjumped
- Outblazed
- Outkicked
- Outgazing
- Outfoxing
- Outbrazen
- Outblazes
- Outquoted
- Outpsychs
- Outboxing
- Outquotes
- Outjuggle
- Outworked
- Outwalked
- Outoffice
- Outjutted
- Outbluffs
- Outbacker
- Outworker
- Outwished
- Outweighs
- Outthinks
- Outthanks
- Outsmoked
- Outscheme
- Outrocked
- Outpreach
- Outhowled
- Outgrowth
- Outfumble
- Outflying
- Outflowed
- Outflanks
- Outfished
- Outfights
- Outfawned
- Outcooked
- Outchided
- Outcharms
- Outbulked
- Outbarked
- Outbaking
- Outyelped
- Outwishes
- Outwhirls
- Outwashes
- Outvoiced
- Outtricks
- Outthrows
- Outthrown
- Outthieve
- Outspoken
- Outspeaks
- Outsmokes
- Outslicks
- Outshamed
- Outreckon
- Outpushed
- Outprayed
- Outplayed
- Outmoving
- Outfrowns
- Outfishes
- Outfenced
- Outfacing
- Outfabled
- Outechoed
- Outcrying
- Outcrowed
- Outcrowds
- Outclimbs
- Outchides
- Outcharge
- Outbuying
- Outbreaks
- Outbraved
- Outbawled
- Outwinded
- Outvoices
- Outthrobs
- Outtasked
- Outtalked
- Outsweeps
- Outsulked
- Outskated
- Outshames
- Outranked
- Outpushes
- Outpriced
- Outpowers
- Outplaced
- Outpacing
- Outkissed
- Outkilled
- Outhumors
- Outhomers
- Outgushed
- Outgnawed
- Outglowed
- Outgiving
- Outgamble
- Outfences
- Outfables
- Outechoes
- Outdrinks
- Outcurves
- Outcrawls
- Outcheats
- Outcavils
- Outbribed
- Outbrawls
- Outbraves
- Outbegged
- Outbeamed
- Outasking
- Outyields
- Outyelled
- Outwitted
- Outwilled
- Outwiling
- Outwasted
- Outwarred
- Outwaited
- Outvoting
- Outvalued
- Outtrumps
- Outswings
- Outstroke
- Outstayed
- Outskirts
- Outskates
- Outsights
- Outshined
- Outserved
- Outscream
- Outscoops
- Outsaying
- Outrushed
- Outrowing
- Outraving
- Outpupils
- Outprices
- Outplaces
- Outpeople
- Outnumber
- Outmuscle
- Outmoding
- Outloving
- Outliving
- Outlaying
- Outlawing
- Outlaughs
- Outkisses
- Outhunted
- Outhandle
- Outgushes
- Outfooted
- Outfooled
- Outfitted
- Outfiring
- Outfigure
- Outfields
- Outfasted
- Outdrives
- Outdriven
- Outdodged
- Outdanced
- Outcapers
- Outbulged
- Outbribes
- Outblooms
- Outbidder
- Outbidden
- Outwrites
- Outwastes
- Outvaunts
- Outvalues
- Outtravel
- Outtowers
- Outswears
- Outstrove
- Outstrive
- Outsprung
- Outspring
- Outspread
- Outsprang
- Outspends
- Outspeeds
- Outsmiled
- Outshouts
- Outshoots
- Outshines
- Outserves
- Outscored
- Outscolds
- Outsavors
- Outrushes
- Outrivals
- Outrigged
- Outracing
- Outputted
- Outpulled
- Outpoured
- Outpolled
- Outpitied
- Outpassed
- Outmanned
- Outlivers
- Outleaped
- Outhustle
- Outhouses
- Outguided
- Outgroups
- Outgleams
- Outgallop
- Outfloats
- Outfitter
- Outfeasts
- Outerwear
- Outdreams
- Outdodges
- Outdebate
- Outdances
- Outcursed
- Outcasted
- Outburned
- Outbulges
- Outbuilds
- Outbreeds
- Outboards
- Outadding
- Outacting
- Ourselves
- Outtraded
- Outstrips
- Outspells
- Outsource
- Outsmiles
- Outsmells
- Outsmarts
- Outsleeps
- Outscorns
- Outscores
- Outrigger
- Outriding
- Outridden
- Outranged
- Outrances
- Outraging
- Outpursue
- Outpreens
- Outpourer
- Outpoints
- Outpities
- Outpasses
- Outpaints
- Outmaster
- Outgunned
- Outguides
- Outgoings
- Outglared
- Outgassed
- Outgained
- Outdueled
- Outdesign
- Outdating
- Outdaring
- Outcurses
- Outcounts
- Outcities
- Outcastes
- Outbursts
- Outboasts
- Outbleats
- Outargued
- Oubliette
- Outtrades
- Outstrode
- Outstride
- Outstated
- Outstared
- Outstands
- Outsoared
- Outsnored
- Outsinned
- Outsiders
- Outseeing
- Outsailed
- Outrooted
- Outrolled
- Outroared
- Outriders
- Outrating
- Outranges
- Outraised
- Outlining
- Outlasted
- Outlander
- Outglares
- Outgasses
- Outeating
- Outearned
- Outargues
- Outstunts
- Outsteers
- Outstates
- Outstarts
- Outstares
- Outsnores
- Outrunner
- Outreason
- Outraises
- Outliners
- Outlearns
- Ouistitis
- Overquick
- Overprize
- Overjoyed
- Oversized
- Overmixed
- Overgraze
- Overglaze
- Overthick
- Overhyped
- Overwhelm
- Overwatch
- Overtaxed
- Oversexed
- Overweigh
- Overvivid
- Overthink
- Overmatch
- Overfrank
- Overdecks
- Overcoach
- Overcheap
- Overbaked
- Overtrick
- Overstuff
- Overstock
- Overstaff
- Oversmoke
- Overhoped
- Overflows
- Overflown
- Overfavor
- Overcrowd
- Overcooks
- Overbrake
- Overbooks
- Overbakes
- Overteach
- Oversharp
- Overreach
- Overproof
- Overpower
- Overfocus
- Overdrunk
- Overdrink
- Overdrank
- Overcivil
- Overchill
- Overbrief
- Overblows
- Overblown
- Ovenproof
- Overwound
- Overvoted
- Overtrump
- Overtaken
- Overswung
- Overswing
- Overspice
- Overshade
- Oversewed
- Oversaved
- Overprice
- Overlying
- Overloved
- Overlived
- Overheard
- Overhated
- Overgrown
- Overfunds
- Overflood
- Overfeeds
- Overdyers
- Overdrove
- Overdrive
- Overdraws
- Overdrawn
- Overcrops
- Overcrams
- Overcomes
- Overcomer
- Overclaim
- Overawing
- Ovalbumin
- Oviductal
- Overwrote
- Overwrite
- Overwater
- Overvalue
- Overtimid
- Overtimed
- Overspend
- Overproud
- Overplied
- Overplaid
- Overpedal
- Overmined
- Overhonor
- Overflies
- Overfills
- Overfears
- Overcured
- Overcloud
- Overbuild
- Overbroad
- Overbreed
- Overboard
- Overarmed
- Overacted
- Ovenwares
- Ovenbirds
- Oviraptor
- Overurged
- Overspill
- Oversleep
- Overscore
- Overscale
- Oversauce
- Overrigid
- Overladed
- Overlabor
- Overgrade
- Overgirds
- Overgilds
- Overemote
- Overdried
- Overdosed
- Overdoing
- Overdared
- Overcures
- Overcools
- Overcolor
- Overcoats
- Overclose
- Overclear
- Overclean
- Overclass
- Overcasts
- Overcalls
- Overburns
- Overborne
- Overboots
- Overboils
- Overbites
- Overbills
- Overbeats
- Overbears
- Overacute
- Ovulating
- Overusing
- Overtured
- Overtrade
- Overtired
- Overruled
- Overrated
- Overlarge
- Overladen
- Overedits
- Overeager
- Overdries
- Overdress
- Overdoses
- Overdoers
- Overdares
- Overalled
- Ovulation
- Overtrain
- Oversteer
- Overstate
- Overlearn
- Overissue
- Overeater
- Overeaten
- Ovational
- Ovarioles
- Ovalities
- Oxygenize
- Oxidizing
- Oxyphilic
- Oxycodone
- Oxygenate
- Oxygenase
- Oxidative
- Oxidising
- Oxidating
- Oxacillin
- Oxidation
- Oxalating
Most common letters after the first letter O
We analyzed second letter frequency in 9-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with O from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
330 | u | 30.5% |
292 | v | 27% |
80 | b | 7.4% |
71 | r | 6.6% |
66 | p | 6.1% |
38 | c | 3.5% |
37 | s | 3.4% |
24 | x | 2.2% |
23 | l | 2.1% |
20 | n | 1.8% |
14 | m | 1.3% |
11 | o | 1% |
8 | z | 0.7% |
6 | i | 0.6% |
5 | a | 0.5% |
4 | y | 0.4% |
2 | w | 0.2% |
1 | k | 0.1% |