List of 10-letter words starting with T
We found 874 ten letter words that start with T for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Tetrazzini | 28 | 29 |
Tzarevitch | 27 | 28 |
Texturized | 27 | 28 |
Texturizes | 26 | 27 |
Textualize | 26 | 28 |
Taffetized | 26 | 26 |
Trichinize | 24 | 25 |
Throwbacks | 24 | 25 |
Thermalize | 24 | 25 |
Temporized | 24 | 26 |
10 letter words
There are a total of 1017 ten letter words starting with T in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 25028 ten letter words and 9524 words that start with the letter T.
- Taffetized
- Taxpayings
- Tackifying
- Taxidermic
- Tamoxifens
- Tachylytes
- Tachograph
- Tantalized
- Taxonomies
- Taximeters
- Tarmacking
- Taphonomic
- Tanzanites
- Tantalizes
- Tantalizer
- Tackifiers
- Tackboards
- Tacamahacs
- Taperstick
- Taekwondos
- Tachylites
- Tarmacadam
- Tallyhoing
- Talkathons
- Tachometer
- Tablecloth
- Tabboulehs
- Tastemaker
- Taskmaster
- Tailstocks
- Tayberries
- Tarbooshes
- Tarabishes
- Tambouring
- Talmudisms
- Tabloidism
- Tablewares
- Tawdriness
- Tautomeric
- Tarnishing
- Tambourins
- Tambourine
- Tambourers
- Talismanic
- Tailpieces
- Taillights
- Tahsildars
- Tacticians
- Tablespoon
- Tablemates
- Tabernacle
- Targetable
- Tardigrade
- Taradiddle
- Tapestried
- Tangencies
- Tailwaters
- Tailorbird
- Tailcoated
- Tailboards
- Tabulating
- Tabletting
- Tablelands
- Tarriances
- Tarpaulins
- Tarantisms
- Tapestries
- Tamenesses
- Tamarillos
- Talebearer
- Tailplanes
- Tailgating
- Tabulators
- Tabulation
- Tablatures
- Tasselling
- Tantalised
- Tangerines
- Tangential
- Tailslides
- Tailorings
- Tailgaters
- Tailenders
- Tautnesses
- Tattooists
- Tattletale
- Tattersall
- Tartnesses
- Tarnations
- Tarantulas
- Tarantulae
- Tarantists
- Tarantella
- Tarantases
- Tantaluses
- Tantalites
- Tantalises
- Tantaliser
- Tantalates
- Tanistries
- Tallnesses
- Talentless
- Tetrazzini
- Texturized
- Texturizes
- Textualize
- Temporized
- Techniques
- Temporizes
- Temporizer
- Teppanyaki
- Tenderized
- Telefaxing
- Tearjerker
- Teutonized
- Tetanizing
- Terrorized
- Tenderizes
- Tenderizer
- Tellurized
- Teazelling
- Teutonizes
- Terrorizes
- Tellurizes
- Technopops
- Texturings
- Tetroxides
- Teleworked
- Textuaries
- Tetrarchic
- Testifying
- Terrifying
- Terpolymer
- Tenterhook
- Tenebrific
- Teleworker
- Televiewed
- Telephonic
- Telepathic
- Telemarked
- Technician
- Technicals
- Technetium
- Teacupsful
- Teacupfuls
- Tetrachord
- Tentmakers
- Temperance
- Temperable
- Telphering
- Televiewer
- Teletyping
- Telescopic
- Telephoned
- Telemarker
- Telegraphs
- Tetherball
- Tetchiness
- Terraforms
- Terebinths
- Temporised
- Tempesting
- Telophases
- Telestichs
- Telescoped
- Telephotos
- Telephones
- Telephoner
- Teethridge
- Tetrameric
- Tetrahedra
- Terminable
- Tenebrisms
- Tenaculums
- Temptation
- Temporises
- Televising
- Telescopes
- Teleonomic
- Telemetric
- Tectonisms
- Teakettles
- Tetraploid
- Tetragrams
- Testifiers
- Terrifiers
- Terpenoids
- Terminated
- Termagants
- Tepidities
- Tentatives
- Tenpounder
- Tendencies
- Televisual
- Televisors
- Television
- Teleported
- Teleologic
- Telenovela
- Telecasted
- Tetraspore
- Tetrameter
- Tetracaine
- Testicular
- Testaments
- Testaceous
- Testaceans
- Tesseracts
- Terrorisms
- Terreplein
- Terrariums
- Terpineols
- Terneplate
- Termitaria
- Terminuses
- Terminator
- Terminates
- Teratomata
- Tentacular
- Tenotomies
- Tenesmuses
- Tenebrists
- Tenebrious
- Tendrilled
- Tenderised
- Tenantable
- Tenacities
- Temerities
- Telomerase
- Telluriums
- Teliospore
- Telicities
- Telemeters
- Telecourse
- Telecaster
- Tearstrips
- Teargassed
- Teaberries
- Tetragonal
- Tetanising
- Testudines
- Tesselated
- Terrorised
- Teratogens
- Tensioning
- Tendrilous
- Tendresses
- Tendonitis
- Tendinitis
- Tenderness
- Tenderloin
- Tenderises
- Tenderiser
- Telnetting
- Tellurides
- Telegonies
- Teetotaled
- Teaselling
- Teargasses
- Tessituras
- Tessellate
- Tesselates
- Tertiaries
- Terrorless
- Terrorists
- Terrorises
- Tensioners
- Tenantries
- Tenantless
- Tellurites
- Tellurions
- Tellurians
- Teleostean
- Teetotaler
- Teatasters
- Teasellers
- Tearstains
- Throwbacks
- Thermalize
- Thyroxines
- Thymocytes
- Thumbwheel
- Thumbtacks
- Thickheads
- Theorizing
- Theologize
- Throwaways
- Theorizers
- Thylakoids
- Thornbacks
- Thumbholes
- Thoughtful
- Thimbleful
- Thickening
- Thermoform
- Theophanic
- Thymidines
- Thwartwise
- Thrombotic
- Threadworm
- Thighbones
- Thickeners
- Thatchings
- Thylacines
- Thrombosed
- Threadlike
- Thiophenes
- Thimblerig
- Thermogram
- Themselves
- Thearchies
- Thaneships
- Thumbnails
- Thrombosis
- Thromboses
- Thresholds
- Threshings
- Threepence
- Threadfins
- Thrashings
- Thousandth
- Thorougher
- Thermopile
- Thermionic
- Theocratic
- Thysanuran
- Thyristors
- Thyratrons
- Throwsters
- Thriftless
- Threadbare
- Thralldoms
- Thirtieths
- Thirteenth
- Thieveries
- Theurgical
- Thermidors
- Thereafter
- Therapsids
- Theodicies
- Thecodonts
- Thundering
- Thuggeries
- Threesomes
- Threescore
- Tholeiitic
- Thiouracil
- Thiopental
- Thimerosal
- Thiaminase
- Thermosets
- Thermistor
- Therapists
- Theonomous
- Theonomies
- Theistical
- Theatrical
- Thunderous
- Thunderier
- Thunderers
- Thrustings
- Throttling
- Threnodies
- Threatened
- Threadless
- Theurgists
- Thereunder
- Theorising
- Theologues
- Theologise
- Theologies
- Theologian
- Theogonies
- Theodolite
- Throttlers
- Threonines
- Threatener
- Thorniness
- Thorianite
- Tholeiites
- Thinnesses
- Thelitises
- Thanatoses
- Ticktocked
- Ticktacked
- Timberwork
- Timeworker
- Tictocking
- Tictacking
- Timekeeper
- Timberhead
- Tinkertoys
- Tightwires
- Timocratic
- Timesaving
- Timepieces
- Tilefishes
- Tightropes
- Tiebreaker
- Ticketless
- Tittupping
- Timeserver
- Timesavers
- Timbrelled
- Timberland
- Timberings
- Tightening
- Tittivated
- Titivating
- Timpanists
- Timetables
- Timescales
- Timberline
- Tighteners
- Tidewaters
- Tittivates
- Titivation
- Tinplating
- Tincturing
- Timidities
- Titratable
- Tinctorial
- Timeliness
- Tiltmeters
- Tiercerons
- Tiemannite
- Titillated
- Tinselling
- Tillandsia
- Tidinesses
- Titularies
- Titrations
- Titillates
- Titanesses
- Tinnituses
- Tininesses
- Tiltrotors
- Touchbacks
- Tomahawked
- Toxaphenes
- Toxoplasma
- Touchmarks
- Toothpicks
- Toadflaxes
- Totalizing
- Topworking
- Toxicities
- Touchwoods
- Touchdowns
- Totaquines
- Totalizers
- Torpefying
- Torchwoods
- Townswomen
- Townswoman
- Tovariches
- Touchholes
- Topographs
- Toothbrush
- Toothaches
- Tomographs
- Townscapes
- Torrifying
- Torrefying
- Toponymies
- Topnotcher
- Topminnows
- Toolmaking
- Tocopherol
- Toadfishes
- Townhouses
- Tovarishes
- Toothworts
- Toolmakers
- Toughening
- Touchtones
- Touchstone
- Touchlines
- Touchiness
- Torchieres
- Toploftier
- Toothpaste
- Toolpushes
- Tonguelike
- Tomcatting
- Tollbooths
- Tokologies
- Tobogganed
- Towellings
- Tourneying
- Tougheners
- Totemistic
- Torpedoing
- Topcrosses
- Toolholder
- Tombstones
- Tobogganer
- Towelettes
- Tortricids
- Tormenting
- Topsoiling
- Topologies
- Toolhouses
- Tollhouses
- Tolerative
- Tocologies
- Tourmaline
- Tourbillon
- Totalistic
- Tormentors
- Tormentils
- Tormenters
- Tonoplasts
- Tonometers
- Tonicities
- Tomatillos
- Toluidides
- Tollgating
- Tolerances
- Totalising
- Torridness
- Tongueless
- Toluidines
- Tolerating
- Toiletings
- Toenailing
- Toadstools
- Toadstones
- Toadeaters
- Totalities
- Tortellini
- Torrential
- Torosities
- Tonalities
- Tolerators
- Toleration
- Toiletries
- Trichinize
- Trapeziums
- Trafficked
- Trivialize
- Trapezoids
- Trafficker
- Triglyphic
- Traumatize
- Trapezists
- Transfixed
- Tryptophan
- Triplexing
- Trazodones
- Transfixes
- Trajecting
- Tropotaxis
- Tropotaxes
- Triphthong
- Trimorphic
- Trihybrids
- Tricyclics
- Trichogyne
- Tribrachic
- Tranquiler
- Trajection
- Tracklayer
- Triumphing
- Trigraphic
- Tricycling
- Trebuckets
- Trackballs
- Tryptamine
- Trufflings
- Truckloads
- Troopships
- Treehopper
- Trebuchets
- Transexual
- Transaxles
- Tragicomic
- Trademarks
- Tracksides
- Trucklines
- Trochoidal
- Tricksters
- Trickiness
- Trickeries
- Trephining
- Trauchling
- Trancelike
- Tragacanth
- Tracksuits
- Tracheated
- Truncheons
- Trumpeting
- Tropologic
- Trolleybus
- Troglodyte
- Trochlears
- Trochanter
- Tritheisms
- Trinketing
- Trifurcate
- Trifoliums
- Trifacials
- Trierarchs
- Tricuspids
- Trichinous
- Trichiasis
- Trichiases
- Tribadisms
- Triarchies
- Trendified
- Trawlermen
- Trawlerman
- Transships
- Transshape
- Transforms
- Transfects
- Trammelled
- Trammeling
- Tracheoles
- Tracheolar
- Tracheitis
- Tracheates
- Trumpeters
- Trumperies
- Truculence
- Trowelling
- Tropopause
- Tropaeolum
- Trolleying
- Trisulfide
- Triskelion
- Triplicate
- Trinketers
- Trimerisms
- Trihedrons
- Trihedrals
- Triggermen
- Triggerman
- Triclinium
- Tribalisms
- Treponemes
- Treponemas
- Treponemal
- Trendifies
- Tremolitic
- Trebbianos
- Travestied
- Traversing
- Travelogue
- Travelling
- Travailing
- Traumatism
- Transfused
- Transduced
- Transcribe
- Trampoline
- Trammelers
- Trailheads
- Tractrices
- Trabeculas
- Trabecular
- Trabeculae
- Truncating
- Trowellers
- Troubadour
- Trivialise
- Tritheists
- Trisecting
- Trillionth
- Trilithons
- Triggering
- Trigeminal
- Trifoliate
- Tricolored
- Tribulated
- Triathlons
- Triathlete
- Trevallies
- Trespassed
- Trepanning
- Tremendous
- Trematodes
- Trehaloses
- Treenwares
- Treehouses
- Treadmills
- Travesties
- Travertine
- Traversers
- Traversals
- Travellers
- Trashiness
- Trapnested
- Trapanning
- Transverse
- Transvalue
- Transposed
- Transpired
- Transmuted
- Transitive
- Transgenic
- Transfuses
- Transferor
- Transferee
- Transferal
- Transected
- Transduces
- Transducer
- Transcends
- Transacted
- Tramelling
- Trainbands
- Truncation
- Tropeolins
- Triturable
- Triticales
- Trisectors
- Trisection
- Tripletail
- Tripinnate
- Tripartite
- Trinomials
- Trinocular
- Trimnesses
- Trimesters
- Trilobites
- Trienniums
- Tricotines
- Tricolours
- Tricolette
- Triclosans
- Tribunates
- Tribulates
- Tribalists
- Triacetate
- Trespasses
- Trespasser
- Trepanners
- Tremolites
- Treatments
- Traumatise
- Transuding
- Transsonic
- Transposon
- Transposes
- Transports
- Transpolar
- Transpires
- Transmutes
- Transience
- Transeptal
- Transactor
- Tramontane
- Tragedians
- Tractional
- Trabeation
- Trusteeing
- Triturated
- Triradiate
- Trilingual
- Trignesses
- Triangular
- Trialogues
- Trendiness
- Trellising
- Treillages
- Treasuring
- Transudate
- Translated
- Transiting
- Transgress
- Transgenes
- Trainloads
- Trailering
- Traditores
- Traditions
- Trustiness
- Truenesses
- Truantries
- Trousseaus
- Troostites
- Triunities
- Triturator
- Triturates
- Tristearin
- Triliteral
- Trilateral
- Triennials
- Tretinoins
- Treasuries
- Treasurers
- Treasonous
- Trattorias
- Translator
- Translates
- Transition
- Transistor
- Transients
- Traitorous
- Traitoress
- Trailerite
- Turquoises
- Turtleback
- Turnbuckle
- Turfskiing
- Tumbleweed
- Tumbledown
- Tuffaceous
- Tubificids
- Turduckens
- Tumblerful
- Tumblebugs
- Turtleneck
- Turboprops
- Tumescence
- Tulipwoods
- Tutorships
- Turophiles
- Tunesmiths
- Tutoyering
- Turtlehead
- Turtledove
- Turbulence
- Tunnellike
- Tumblesets
- Tuberculin
- Tubercular
- Turpitudes
- Turnverein
- Turmoiling
- Turgencies
- Turbinated
- Turbidness
- Turbidites
- Tumidities
- Tubulating
- Turpentine
- Turntables
- Turnabouts
- Turgidness
- Turbinates
- Tumultuous
- Tularemias
- Tubulators
- Turnrounds
- Turnaround
- Tunnelling
- Tunnelings
- Tungstites
- Tungstates
- Tutoresses
- Tutelaries
- Turnstones
- Turnstiles
- Tunnellers
- Tyrannized
- Tyrannizer
- Tympanitic
- Typhlosole
- Typewriter
- Tyrocidine
- Tyrannical
- Typesetter
- Tyrannised
- Tyrosinase
Most common letters after the first letter T
We analyzed second letter frequency in 10-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with T from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
300 | r | 29.5% |
191 | e | 18.8% |
133 | h | 13.1% |
122 | o | 12% |
110 | a | 10.8% |
62 | u | 6.1% |
23 | y | 2.3% |
11 | w | 1.1% |
1 | z | 0.1% |