List of 10 letter words starting with A
We found 874 ten letter words that start with A for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Axiomatize | 28 | 29 |
Alchemized | 27 | 29 |
Antihijack | 26 | 29 |
Alchemizes | 26 | 28 |
Asphyxiate | 25 | 24 |
Archaizing | 25 | 27 |
Aquafarmed | 25 | 27 |
Aphorizing | 25 | 27 |
Affixments | 25 | 27 |
Activizing | 25 | 29 |
10 letter words
There are a total of 1457 ten letter words starting with A in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 25028 ten letter words and 11127 words that start with the letter A.
- Absolutize
- Abjectness
- Abjections
- Abjuration
- Abbotships
- Aboveboard
- Abcoulombs
- Absorptive
- Abhorrence
- Abeyancies
- Abbreviate
- Abashments
- Absorbance
- Absorbable
- Absconding
- Abominable
- Abolishing
- Abdicating
- Abundances
- Absurdisms
- Abstricted
- Abstracted
- Absolvents
- Absolutive
- Absconders
- Abscessing
- Abreacting
- Abominated
- Abolishers
- Abductores
- Abductions
- Abducentes
- Abdominals
- Abdicators
- Abdication
- Abstractor
- Abstracter
- Abstinence
- Absterging
- Abstemious
- Absorption
- Absorbents
- Absorbants
- Absolutism
- Abscission
- Abruptness
- Abruptions
- Abrogating
- Abreaction
- Abominator
- Abominates
- Abnegating
- Aberrances
- Abatements
- Abasements
- Abandoning
- Abacterial
- Absurdness
- Absurdists
- Abstaining
- Abrogators
- Abrogation
- Aborigines
- Aboriginal
- Abnegators
- Abnegation
- Abandoners
- Abstention
- Abstainers
- Absolution
- Abolitions
- Aberration
- Activizing
- Acquiesced
- Acquirable
- Acquiesces
- Actualized
- Acquitting
- Acquainted
- Actualizes
- Acrophobic
- Acquitters
- Acquittals
- Acquisitor
- Accomplish
- Acyclovirs
- Acidifying
- Achievable
- Accomplice
- Acrophobia
- Acrophobes
- Achromatic
- Acetifying
- Accoucheur
- Activewear
- Acrylamide
- Acidophils
- Acidophile
- Acceptance
- Acceptable
- Actomyosin
- Activistic
- Acritarchs
- Acetylenic
- Acephalous
- Accustomed
- Accusative
- Accordance
- Acclimated
- Acclaiming
- Accidences
- Accedences
- Academisms
- Academical
- Activating
- Acrobatics
- Acidifiers
- Achondrite
- Acetylated
- Acetabulum
- Accuracies
- Accumulate
- Accredited
- Accolading
- Acclimates
- Acclaimers
- Accipiters
- Accessible
- Acylations
- Acuminated
- Activities
- Activeness
- Activators
- Activation
- Acidimeter
- Achinesses
- Achalasias
- Acetylenes
- Acetylates
- Acetifiers
- Acetamides
- Acerbating
- Accoutring
- Accoutered
- Accounting
- Accordions
- Accidental
- Acaricides
- Acaricidal
- Acanthuses
- Acuminates
- Actionable
- Acrostical
- Acrospires
- Acrimonies
- Acoustical
- Acoelomate
- Acidulated
- Acetabular
- Acerbities
- Accusation
- Accretions
- Accessions
- Accentuate
- Accentless
- Accelerate
- Acridities
- Acierating
- Acidulates
- Acidnesses
- Acetanilid
- Actuations
- Actionless
- Actinolite
- Advertized
- Advertizes
- Adjunctive
- Adjectives
- Adjectival
- Adjacences
- Adequacies
- Adjudicate
- Admixtures
- Adjustable
- Adjunction
- Advocative
- Adjourning
- Advocacies
- Adjuration
- Adipocytes
- Advocating
- Adventives
- Admonished
- Adhibiting
- Advocators
- Advocation
- Advertence
- Adverbials
- Advections
- Advantaged
- Adumbrated
- Adsorptive
- Admonishes
- Admonisher
- Adherences
- Advertised
- Adventured
- Advantages
- Adumbrates
- Adulthoods
- Adsorbable
- Admittance
- Admissible
- Adipoceres
- Ademptions
- Addlepated
- Adamancies
- Advisories
- Advertises
- Advertiser
- Adventures
- Adventurer
- Adventitia
- Adrenergic
- Admeasured
- Adhesional
- Adenovirus
- Adenoviral
- Adductions
- Addictions
- Adaptogens
- Adsorption
- Adsorbents
- Adsorbates
- Adornments
- Admonitors
- Admonition
- Admissions
- Admiration
- Administer
- Admeasures
- Addressing
- Adaptation
- Adamantine
- Addressors
- Addressers
- Addressees
- Additional
- Adulterous
- Adulterine
- Adulteries
- Adulteress
- Adulterers
- Adulterate
- Adulations
- Adroitness
- Adrenalins
- Adrenaline
- Adorations
- Adenosines
- Adenitises
- Aerobicize
- Aerenchyma
- Aerosolize
- Aerophobic
- Aerophytes
- Aerophobia
- Aerophobes
- Aerobraked
- Aerobrakes
- Aesthetics
- Aerophores
- Aerogramme
- Aestivated
- Aerospaces
- Aeroscopes
- Aerobatics
- Aeciospore
- Aestivates
- Aesthesias
- Aerodromes
- Aeropulses
- Aeroplanes
- Aeropauses
- Aeronomies
- Aeronomers
- Aeronautic
- Aerometers
- Aerobiosis
- Aerobioses
- Aerologies
- Aerialists
- Affixments
- Affixtures
- Affixation
- Aftershock
- Affrighted
- Afflictive
- Afterdecks
- Aflatoxins
- Affirmance
- Affirmable
- Affidavits
- Affectable
- Aftershave
- Affricated
- Affordable
- Afflicting
- Affiancing
- Aftermaths
- Afterdamps
- Afterbirth
- Affricates
- Affluences
- Affliction
- Afflicters
- Affirmants
- Affectless
- Affections
- Afterworld
- Afterwords
- Afterwards
- Afterpiece
- Afterglows
- Afterclaps
- Affronting
- Afforested
- Affiliated
- Afterlives
- Afterlifes
- Afterimage
- Aficionado
- Aficionada
- Afflatuses
- Affinities
- Affiliates
- Aftertimes
- Afterpains
- Afterguard
- Aftercares
- Aftertaste
- Afternoons
- Aggrandize
- Agoraphobe
- Aggrieving
- Aggravated
- Agapanthus
- Aggressive
- Aggravates
- Aggregated
- Agatewares
- Agronomies
- Agrimonies
- Agreements
- Aggressing
- Aggregates
- Aggrandise
- Agalactias
- Agrologies
- Aggressors
- Aggression
- Agglutinin
- Agendaless
- Agednesses
- Agnolottis
- Agitations
- Aitchbones
- Airmanship
- Aircoaches
- Airproofed
- Airdropped
- Airbrushed
- Airbrushes
- Airstrikes
- Airlifting
- Airmailing
- Airstreams
- Airinesses
- Alchemized
- Alchemizes
- Altazimuth
- Alkalizing
- Alprazolam
- Alkalizers
- Alkalinize
- Aluminized
- Allegorize
- Alphameric
- Alphabetic
- Alkahestic
- Alizarines
- Alchemical
- Alphabeted
- Alpenstock
- Alkylating
- Alkalified
- Alexanders
- Almsgiving
- Allophonic
- Allopathic
- Allomorphs
- Alkylation
- Alkalifies
- Alcoholism
- Alcoholics
- Alchemists
- Allowanced
- Allographs
- Algorithms
- Alderwomen
- Alderwoman
- Allowances
- Allowables
- Allotypies
- Allophones
- Allophanes
- Alkaloidal
- Alkalising
- Aldermanic
- Altogether
- Altocumuli
- Altarpiece
- Alongshore
- Allotropic
- Alloplasms
- Allopatric
- Allometric
- Allografts
- Alleviated
- Algaecides
- Alderflies
- Albuminous
- Albinistic
- Altercated
- Almandines
- Allogeneic
- Allogamous
- Allogamies
- Allocating
- Alleviator
- Alleviates
- Alleviants
- Allethrins
- Allergenic
- Allemandes
- Allegiance
- Alimenting
- Alignments
- Algometers
- Algarrobos
- Algarrobas
- Alfilerias
- Alfilarias
- Altruistic
- Allotropes
- Allotments
- Allosteric
- Allocution
- Allocators
- Allocation
- Alliaceous
- Allargando
- Alinements
- Algologies
- Algolagnia
- Algidities
- Albuterols
- Albertites
- Alacritous
- Alacrities
- Alabasters
- Alternated
- Alligators
- Allergists
- Allegretto
- Allegorise
- Allegories
- Allegiants
- Allegation
- Allantoids
- Alienating
- Altostrati
- Alternator
- Alteration
- Allosaurus
- Alliterate
- Allantoins
- Aliterates
- Alienators
- Alienation
- Amphibrach
- Amphiphile
- Amortizing
- Amplifying
- Amphimacer
- Ambisexual
- Amylolytic
- Amphiploid
- Amphoteric
- Amoebocyte
- Amygdaloid
- Ammonified
- Ambuscaded
- Ambulacrum
- Ambuscader
- Ampicillin
- Amnestying
- Ammoniacal
- Amerciable
- Ambulacral
- Amputating
- Ammoniated
- Amenorrhea
- Ambulating
- Ambitioned
- Ambassador
- Amateurish
- Amalgamate
- Amputation
- Ammunition
- Ambulation
- Amateurism
- Amortising
- Amantadine
- Ameliorate
- Antihijack
- Analyzable
- Anglicized
- Anxiolytic
- Antifreeze
- Animalized
- Anatomized
- Antiplaque
- Analogized
- Anaglyphic
- Antiquated
- Antichurch
- Antagonize
- Annualized
- Anchylosed
- Anamorphic
- Ankylosing
- Anemograph
- Anchovetta
- Antisexual
- Antigrowth
- Antichoice
- Anticaking
- Antechapel
- Annexation
- Ankylosaur
- Anglerfish
- Anchoritic
- Anarchical
- Anachronic
- Antismoker
- Anthropoid
- Animallike
- Anglophone
- Anagrammed
- Anabaptism
- Antithetic
- Antireform
- Antipyrine
- Antiphonal
- Antiheroic
- Antifemale
- Antidromic
- Antiasthma
- Anthracite
- Anthracene
- Answerable
- Anorthitic
- Anopheline
- Anguishing
- Angiosperm
- Aneurysmal
- Anesthetic
- Androecium
- Anathemata
- Anastrophe
- Analytical
- Analysable
- Anacolutha
- Antistrike
- Antiseptic
- Antiracism
- Antipolice
- Antipoetic
- Antihunger
- Antifungal
- Antiemetic
- Anticipate
- Anticancer
- Antibiotic
- Antheridia
- Anteverted
- Antemortem
- Anteceding
- Antebellum
- Animalcule
- Animalcula
- Anglicised
- Angiogenic
- Anemometer
- Anecdotage
- Androgenic
- Anatomical
- Anaplastic
- Anandamide
- Anamnestic
- Analemmata
- Anagogical
- Anaerobium
- Antipodean
- Antiplague
- Antimonide
- Antimodern
- Antimerger
- Antihunter
- Antibusing
- Antependia
- Antagonism
- Announcing
- Annotative
- Annihilate
- Anesthesia
- Andropause
- Ancestored
- Anatomised
- Analogical
- Antistatic
- Antisocial
- Antiproton
- Antinomian
- Antimonial
- Antimatter
- Antierotic
- Antidoting
- Anticlinal
- Antianemia
- Antedating
- Antecessor
- Annunciate
- Annalistic
- Angulating
- Anastomose
- Antagonise
- Annotating
- Angulation
- Andalusite
- Antinausea
- Antinature
- Antilitter
- Antennular
- Annulation
- Annotation
- Aphorizing
- Appetizing
- Apophthegm
- Apologized
- Apologizer
- Apocryphal
- Apostatize
- Approached
- Apophyseal
- Approvable
- Apperceive
- Apothecium
- Apocalypse
- Applicable
- Apoplectic
- Approbated
- Appraisive
- Appositive
- Appointive
- Appetitive
- Apothecial
- Apostrophe
- Apodeictic
- Apocopated
- Aphoristic
- Aphaeretic
- Apprentice
- Appreciate
- Applicator
- Applesauce
- Applauding
- Appeasable
- Appearance
- Appealable
- Apotropaic
- Aposematic
- Aphorising
- Appressing
- Appraising
- Appointing
- Appetising
- Apparelled
- Appareling
- Apologetic
- Apposition
- Apparition
- Apologised
- Apolitical
- Apiculture
- Apostolate
- Apostatise
- Archaizing
- Arabicized
- Arrhythmic
- Aromatized
- Archbishop
- Arborizing
- Arrhythmia
- Archerfish
- Archetypal
- Architrave
- Archdeacon
- Arithmetic
- Archaistic
- Arthralgic
- Archegonia
- Archaising
- Artificial
- Argumentum
- Arborvitae
- Arthralgia
- Arpeggiate
- Arbitraged
- Arbitrable
- Armaturing
- Arbitrated
- Arbitrager
- Aragonitic
- Articulate
- Arrogating
- Arraigning
- Arbitrator
- Araucarian
- Arrogation
- Arteriolar
- Asphyxiate
- Asymptotic
- Asymmetric
- Ascomycete
- Ascocarpic
- Astrocytic
- Assumptive
- Aspherical
- Ascriptive
- Asphalting
- Ascribable
- Ascosporic
- Asceticism
- Astigmatic
- Asterisked
- Assembling
- Assemblage
- Asphaltite
- Ascogonium
- Ascendible
- Ascendence
- Ascendance
- Ascendable
- Astronomic
- Astonished
- Assumption
- Ascription
- Asafoetida
- Astricting
- Astarboard
- Associated
- Assignable
- Asseverate
- Assaultive
- Aspirating
- Aspidistra
- Aspergilli
- Aspergilla
- Asperating
- Asparagine
- Astronomer
- Astringing
- Astounding
- Assistance
- Assimilate
- Assessable
- Assegaiing
- Assailable
- Assagaiing
- Aspiration
- Astrologer
- Asteroidal
- Asteriated
- Assonating
- Assaulting
- Assonantal
- Atticizing
- Atrophying
- Attachable
- Atmosphere
- Attractive
- Attempting
- Attempered
- Atheromata
- Attributed
- Attracting
- Attendance
- Attraction
- Attainable
- Attritting
- Attenuated
- Attainting
- Attenuator
- Autolyzing
- Authorized
- Autolyzate
- Authorizer
- Audibilize
- Autotomize
- Automatize
- Autosexing
- Autochthon
- Authorship
- Autoworker
- Autopsying
- Autoclaved
- Autarkical
- Ausforming
- Audiophile
- Automotive
- Autobahnen
- Auspicated
- Automobile
- Automatism
- Autolysing
- Autoimmune
- Autocratic
- Authorised
- Augmenting
- Audiotaped
- Audiologic
- Audiogenic
- Automating
- Autolysate
- Auditorium
- Audiometer
- Auctioning
- Automation
- Autoerotic
- Autodialed
- Austenitic
- Auscultate
- Auriculate
- Auditioned
- Auctioneer
- Autostrade
- Autostrada
- Autorotate
Most common letters after the first letter A
We analyzed second letter frequency in 10-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with A from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
278 | n | 19.1% |
141 | l | 9.7% |
117 | c | 8% |
110 | s | 7.5% |
109 | u | 7.5% |
106 | p | 7.3% |
105 | d | 7.2% |
104 | r | 7.1% |
90 | b | 6.2% |
83 | m | 5.7% |
55 | f | 3.8% |
44 | t | 3% |
32 | e | 2.2% |
26 | g | 1.8% |
16 | v | 1.1% |
13 | q | 0.9% |
6 | x | 0.4% |
3 | y | 0.2% |
2 | z | 0.1% |
1 | a | 0.1% |