List of 10-letter words starting with B
We found 874 ten letter words that start with B for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Bumfuzzled | 36 | 41 |
Bemuzzling | 33 | 39 |
Blizzarded | 32 | 34 |
Bedazzling | 32 | 36 |
Blackjacks | 31 | 37 |
Backchecks | 29 | 32 |
Bejeezuses | 28 | 32 |
Bolshevize | 27 | 29 |
Bodychecks | 27 | 28 |
Backpacked | 27 | 31 |
10 letter words
There are a total of 1157 ten letter words starting with B in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 25028 ten letter words and 10621 words that start with the letter B.
- Backchecks
- Backpacked
- Bamboozled
- Balkanized
- Backpacker
- Backblocks
- Bathyscaph
- Bamboozles
- Balkanizes
- Backwashed
- Backcombed
- Barbequing
- Barbarized
- Bacterized
- Backwashes
- Backtracks
- Basketwork
- Barbarizes
- Bakshished
- Bacterizes
- Backwinded
- Backstitch
- Backsplash
- Backspaced
- Backhanded
- Backgammon
- Backcloths
- Bastardize
- Banqueting
- Banalizing
- Baldaquins
- Bakshishes
- Backswords
- Backswings
- Backstroke
- Backstamps
- Backspaces
- Backlights
- Backlashed
- Backhoeing
- Backhauled
- Backhander
- Backfitted
- Backfiring
- Backfilled
- Backfields
- Backdrafts
- Babyproofs
- Bazillions
- Barquettes
- Barebacked
- Banquettes
- Banqueters
- Bailiwicks
- Bahuvrihis
- Bafflegabs
- Backwaters
- Backshores
- Backrushes
- Backpedals
- Backlogged
- Backlashes
- Backlasher
- Backhouses
- Backboards
- Backbiting
- Basketlike
- Barhopping
- Bandwidths
- Bakeapples
- Backloaded
- Background
- Backdating
- Backcourts
- Backbitten
- Backbiters
- Batfowling
- Basophilic
- Basketsful
- Basketfuls
- Barracking
- Barbershop
- Bankrupted
- Ballyhooed
- Bakehouses
- Badmouthed
- Backstages
- Backslides
- Backslider
- Backlisted
- Bacchantes
- Bacchanals
- Bathwaters
- Batholiths
- Bathhouses
- Batfowlers
- Basketball
- Bashfuller
- Barrackers
- Barographs
- Barkeepers
- Baldachins
- Baldachino
- Baitfishes
- Bacteremic
- Backstairs
- Baynoddies
- Bayberries
- Battleship
- Batrachian
- Basophilia
- Basophiles
- Barleycorn
- Bareheaded
- Barehanded
- Barbecuing
- Bankrolled
- Bandwagons
- Ballplayer
- Balderdash
- Balaclavas
- Babysitter
- Babbitting
- Bayonetted
- Bayoneting
- Basketries
- Barricaded
- Barrelhead
- Baroscopes
- Barometric
- Baroceptor
- Barkentine
- Bargeboard
- Barefooted
- Barbecuers
- Barbascoes
- Barbarisms
- Bankroller
- Bandshells
- Balmacaans
- Balbriggan
- Balalaikas
- Bacteremia
- Bacitracin
- Babbitries
- Baseboards
- Barricados
- Barricades
- Barrelsful
- Barrelfuls
- Barramundi
- Barramunda
- Barracudas
- Bargepoles
- Bandpasses
- Bandmaster
- Bandicoots
- Bandagings
- Badmintons
- Badinaging
- Bacteroids
- Battements
- Bastinaded
- Basicities
- Baseplates
- Bartending
- Barracouta
- Barracoons
- Barotrauma
- Barometers
- Barnstorms
- Bargaining
- Barcarolle
- Barcaroles
- Barbitones
- Barberries
- Barbarians
- Bandstands
- Bandleader
- Ballpoints
- Ballistics
- Ballbuster
- Bacterials
- Babirussas
- Babesiosis
- Babesioses
- Baudronses
- Batterings
- Battenings
- Bastinades
- Bastardise
- Bastardies
- Bassetting
- Bartenders
- Barrelling
- Barrelages
- Baronetage
- Bargainers
- Bardolater
- Banistered
- Bandoneons
- Bandoliers
- Bandoleers
- Banditries
- Banderoles
- Banderilla
- Balustrade
- Ballooning
- Ballasting
- Balladries
- Balladists
- Balladeers
- Baldnesses
- Bagatelles
- Battalions
- Battailous
- Bassnesses
- Basenesses
- Baseliners
- Barristers
- Barretries
- Barrenness
- Barratries
- Baronesses
- Barenesses
- Bannisters
- Bannerette
- Banalities
- Ballsiness
- Ballerinas
- Ballasters
- Bemuzzling
- Bedazzling
- Bejeezuses
- Bequeathed
- Bequeathal
- Benzofuran
- Bejumbling
- Benzocaine
- Benchmarks
- Bejewelled
- Bejeweling
- Beeswaxing
- Bedizening
- Becquerels
- Beachcombs
- Benzidines
- Benzenoids
- Belowdecks
- Beliquored
- Beflecking
- Bedchamber
- Bechalking
- Beatboxing
- Bewitching
- Bestialize
- Bellyached
- Beknighted
- Bejaberses
- Beechwoods
- Beccaficos
- Beachheads
- Bewrapping
- Bewitchers
- Bethumping
- Bethinking
- Bethanking
- Besmirched
- Beshadowed
- Bescorched
- Bellyaches
- Bellyacher
- Behindhand
- Beechdrops
- Bedwarfing
- Becharming
- Bechancing
- Beworrying
- Bewearying
- Bespeaking
- Besmirches
- Beshrewing
- Beshivered
- Bescorches
- Bepimpling
- Beforehand
- Beflowered
- Beekeeping
- Beefsteaks
- Beechmasts
- Bedrenched
- Bedfellows
- Becrowding
- Becowarded
- Becloaking
- Beatifying
- Beachballs
- Bevomiting
- Beswarming
- Besprinkle
- Besmoothed
- Beseeching
- Berkeliums
- Beneficing
- Benchlands
- Bemadaming
- Bellybands
- Bellwether
- Bellflower
- Behaviours
- Behavioral
- Begrimming
- Beggarweed
- Befuddling
- Beflagging
- Beekeepers
- Beefburger
- Bedwarmers
- Bedrenches
- Bedimpling
- Bedighting
- Bedclothes
- Bedarkened
- Bedabbling
- Becrawling
- Beclowning
- Beclothing
- Beachgoers
- Bewildered
- Betokening
- Besmudging
- Beshrouded
- Beseechers
- Berylliums
- Beribboned
- Beneficial
- Benefactor
- Bemurmured
- Bemuddling
- Bemaddened
- Believable
- Beknotting
- Beheadings
- Beggardoms
- Befringing
- Befriended
- Beforetime
- Befingered
- Bedriveled
- Bedirtying
- Bedevilled
- Bedeviling
- Bedeafened
- Becudgeled
- Beclogging
- Beclasping
- Beclamored
- Becarpeted
- Betrothing
- Betrotheds
- Bethorning
- Bestrowing
- Bestrewing
- Bespangled
- Besoothing
- Beshouting
- Berserkers
- Benefitted
- Benefiting
- Bemingling
- Bemedalled
- Belvederes
- Bellowings
- Begrudging
- Beglooming
- Beglamored
- Begladding
- Befretting
- Bedwetters
- Bedsprings
- Bedspreads
- Bedrugging
- Bedraggled
- Bediapered
- Bedehouses
- Beclouding
- Beblooding
- Beautified
- Beanstalks
- Beadledoms
- Beadhouses
- Betrothals
- Bestudding
- Bespousing
- Bespangles
- Besmutting
- Besmearing
- Bescreened
- Bescouring
- Berascaled
- Bepainting
- Benefiters
- Belaboured
- Belaboring
- Begrudgers
- Beglamours
- Begirdling
- Beefeaters
- Bedraggles
- Bedlamites
- Becrusting
- Beavertail
- Beautifies
- Beautifier
- Bestriding
- Bestridden
- Besteading
- Bespatters
- Besmearers
- Besetments
- Berberises
- Berberines
- Bentonitic
- Belongings
- Belemnites
- Begroaning
- Beginnings
- Bebeerines
- Beautician
- Betattered
- Bestirring
- Bengalines
- Belladonna
- Belittling
- Beleaguers
- Beatitudes
- Bestiaries
- Bentonites
- Belittlers
- Biohazards
- Bilharzias
- Bilharzial
- Bituminize
- Bipolarize
- Biorhythms
- Billycocks
- Bivouacked
- Biophysics
- Bizarrerie
- Birthmarks
- Biomorphic
- Bijections
- Bipyramids
- Biographic
- Biodynamic
- Biweeklies
- Bitmapping
- Bishoprics
- Birthplace
- Biospheric
- Biopolymer
- Bijouterie
- Bigmouthed
- Bicyclists
- Bickerings
- Bichromate
- Birthworts
- Biowarfare
- Biomimetic
- Biomarkers
- Biographer
- Biographee
- Billfishes
- Bifurcated
- Biblicisms
- Bivalences
- Bitchiness
- Bitcheries
- Birthnames
- Birddogged
- Bipedalism
- Bioweapons
- Biospheres
- Biophilias
- Biomedical
- Bioethical
- Bighearted
- Bigfooting
- Bifurcates
- Bitterweed
- Bisulfides
- Birdliming
- Birdhouses
- Bioscopies
- Bioscience
- Biometrics
- Biofouling
- Biodiverse
- Biodefense
- Biocentric
- Bioassayed
- Bimetallic
- Biliverdin
- Bilgewater
- Bifidities
- Bidonville
- Bibliotics
- Bibliopole
- Biblicists
- Bisulfites
- Bisulfates
- Birthstone
- Birthroots
- Birthrates
- Birdbrains
- Biradicals
- Biologisms
- Biological
- Biogenetic
- Biofoulers
- Biodegrade
- Billionths
- Billboards
- Billabongs
- Bigeminies
- Biathletes
- Bituminous
- Bitstreams
- Biteplates
- Bisections
- Bipartisan
- Biparental
- Biostromes
- Bioreactor
- Biopirates
- Bionomists
- Biomineral
- Biometries
- Biocontrol
- Biocenosis
- Biocenoses
- Binucleate
- Binoculars
- Bilocation
- Bilirubins
- Bilections
- Bilberries
- Bicultural
- Bioregions
- Biologists
- Biogenesis
- Biogeneses
- Biodiesels
- Binturongs
- Bilinguals
- Bigarreaus
- Bitternuts
- Bitterness
- Bitartrate
- Bistouries
- Bioterrors
- Biosensors
- Binational
- Biasnesses
- Blizzarded
- Blackjacks
- Blitzkrieg
- Blackcocks
- Blackbucks
- Blacksmith
- Blackfaces
- Blackdamps
- Blockheads
- Blazonings
- Blackwoods
- Blacksnake
- Blackheads
- Blowfishes
- Blockhouse
- Blazonries
- Blanquette
- Blackwater
- Blackthorn
- Blackflies
- Blackboard
- Blackbirds
- Blockbusts
- Blockading
- Blasphemed
- Blackpolls
- Blackmails
- Blackguard
- Blackballs
- Blackamoor
- Bloodstock
- Blockaders
- Bleachable
- Blasphemes
- Blasphemer
- Blackleads
- Blacklands
- Blackening
- Blueshifts
- Bluefishes
- Bloodworms
- Bloodbaths
- Blindworms
- Blemishing
- Blacktails
- Blacklists
- Blackeners
- Blubbering
- Bloodsheds
- Bloodhound
- Blithesome
- Blinkering
- Blindfolds
- Blemishers
- Blanketing
- Blandished
- Blancmange
- Blabbering
- Blubberers
- Bloviating
- Bloodworts
- Blithering
- Blimperies
- Blethering
- Blathering
- Blarneying
- Blanketies
- Blandishes
- Blandisher
- Bluishness
- Bluebloods
- Bluebeards
- Bludgeoned
- Bloviation
- Blossoming
- Bloatwares
- Blindsided
- Blatherers
- Blastodisc
- Blastoderm
- Blundering
- Blueprints
- Bluepoints
- Bluebottle
- Bloomeries
- Blondining
- Blindsides
- Blatancies
- Blastopore
- Blastomere
- Blastomata
- Blastocoel
- Blastments
- Blastemata
- Blustering
- Blunderers
- Bluetongue
- Bloodstone
- Bloodstain
- Bloodroots
- Bloodlusts
- Bloodlines
- Bloodiness
- Blistering
- Blattering
- Blusterous
- Blusterers
- Blurriness
- Bluestones
- Bluenesses
- Blueliners
- Bleariness
- Bolshevize
- Bodychecks
- Bowdlerize
- Boozehound
- Bombazines
- Boxhauling
- Bookmarked
- Bookmaking
- Bodyworker
- Botanizing
- Bookmarker
- Bookmakers
- Bookkeeper
- Bolsheviks
- Bolsheviki
- Bodywashes
- Bombproofs
- Borborygmi
- Bookmobile
- Boneblacks
- Bombsights
- Bolshevism
- Bodysurfed
- Boardwalks
- Bowhunting
- Bootlicked
- Bookbinder
- Bombshells
- Bollocking
- Boldfacing
- Bodysurfer
- Bodyboards
- Boycotting
- Bottleneck
- Bootlicker
- Bookplates
- Bookending
- Bonefishes
- Bondswomen
- Bondswoman
- Bombarding
- Bolographs
- Bodyguards
- Bobsleighs
- Boarfishes
- Bothersome
- Boneheaded
- Bondholder
- Bombinated
- Bombardons
- Bombardier
- Bombarders
- Bobsledded
- Bowdlerise
- Bourbonism
- Bounderish
- Botryoidal
- Bookstalls
- Bookseller
- Bombinates
- Bombasters
- Bolometric
- Bobsledder
- Boatlifted
- Boarhounds
- Bottomland
- Bootlegged
- Boondoggle
- Bolivianos
- Bobtailing
- Boatswains
- Boathouses
- Boardrooms
- Bourgeoned
- Bouldering
- Borderland
- Bootlegger
- Boosterism
- Boogalooed
- Booboisies
- Bolometers
- Bolections
- Bourgeoise
- Botanising
- Borderline
- Bondstones
- Bolstering
- Boldnesses
- Boninesses
- Bonesetter
- Bolsterers
- Boisterous
- Bryophytic
- Brazilwood
- Brightwork
- Brutalized
- Briquetted
- Brickfield
- Brusquerie
- Bridgework
- Bricklayer
- Broomstick
- Bradykinin
- Brachiopod
- Brutifying
- Brownfield
- Bronchitic
- Breastwork
- Breakwater
- Breadstuff
- Bracketing
- Broadcloth
- Bridgehead
- Brainchild
- Brachiated
- Bruschetta
- Browbeaten
- Bronchiole
- Broadsword
- Brightened
- Brewmaster
- Brecciated
- Breathable
- Brandished
- Branchline
- Brainpower
- Brachiator
- Brownnosed
- Brothering
- Brightener
- Bridgeable
- Bridesmaid
- Bridegroom
- Brevetting
- Breastfeed
- Breadboard
- Brownstone
- Brownnoser
- Brominated
- Broadsided
- Broadscale
- Brigandage
- Bratticing
- Brassbound
- Broidering
- Brocatelle
- Broadening
- Brilliance
- Brigandine
- Breastbone
- Brainstorm
- Brutalised
- Brigantine
- Brontosaur
- Bumfuzzled
- Bumpkinish
- Bulldozing
- Burlesqued
- Burglarize
- Bufflehead
- Burlesquer
- Buffoonish
- Buckraming
- Bucketsful
- Bulwarking
- Bubblehead
- Buttonhook
- Bullnecked
- Buffaloing
- Bucklering
- Buttermilk
- Butterfish
- Butchering
- Buttonbush
- Bushmaster
- Bullheaded
- Butylating
- Buttonwood
- Butterweed
- Butterhead
- Bushranger
- Bushelling
- Burthening
- Burnishing
- Bulldogged
- Buccinator
- Butylation
- Buttonhole
- Busticated
- Burdensome
- Bunglesome
- Bulldogger
- Budgerigar
- Buttonball
- Butterball
- Burgeoning
- Buttressed
- Bulletined
Most common letters after the first letter B
We analyzed second letter frequency in 10-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with B from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
247 | a | 21.3% |
221 | e | 19.1% |
176 | r | 15.2% |
145 | i | 12.5% |
129 | o | 11.1% |
128 | l | 11.1% |
107 | u | 9.2% |
4 | y | 0.3% |