List of 10-letter words starting with I
We found 874 ten letter words that start with I for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Intermezzo | 30 | 32 |
Intermezzi | 30 | 32 |
Isoenzymic | 26 | 28 |
Immobilize | 25 | 29 |
Isoenzymes | 24 | 25 |
Immunizing | 24 | 30 |
Immunizers | 23 | 27 |
Italicized | 22 | 24 |
Isomerized | 22 | 23 |
Iproniazid | 22 | 24 |
10 letter words
There are a total of 1000 ten letter words starting with I in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 25028 ten letter words and 6836 words that start with the letter I.
- Ichthyoids
- Icefishing
- Icebreaker
- Iconically
- Ichneumons
- Icosahedra
- Iconoscope
- Iconoclasm
- Ickinesses
- Ichnolites
- Iceboating
- Iconoclast
- Iceboaters
- Ideologize
- Idealizing
- Idealizers
- Idiopathic
- Ideographs
- Idiotproof
- Ideophones
- Ideogramic
- Idioplasms
- Identified
- Idempotent
- Identifies
- Identifier
- Idiolectal
- Idioblasts
- Idealistic
- Ideologues
- Ideologist
- Ideologies
- Idealogues
- Idealogies
- Idealising
- Idoneities
- Idolatrous
- Idolatries
- Idlenesses
- Identities
- Ideational
- Idealities
- Illegalize
- Illuviated
- Illuminism
- Illuviates
- Illumining
- Illaudable
- Illuminist
- Illuminati
- Illuminate
- Illuminant
- Illustrate
- Illusional
- Illiterate
- Immobilize
- Immunizing
- Immunizers
- Imidazoles
- Immixtures
- Impoverish
- Impeccable
- Impeaching
- Improvable
- Imposthume
- Imperfects
- Impeachers
- Immovables
- Improvised
- Impromptus
- Improbable
- Impowering
- Implacable
- Impalpable
- Immobilism
- Immiscible
- Imbrowning
- Imbowering
- Imputative
- Impugnable
- Impudences
- Imprudence
- Improvisor
- Improvises
- Improviser
- Impressive
- Imprecated
- Implosives
- Implicated
- Impledging
- Impishness
- Impervious
- Imperative
- Impediment
- Impedances
- Imbricated
- Imbosoming
- Imbalanced
- Improperer
- Imprimatur
- Impregning
- Imprecates
- Impounding
- Impotences
- Impostumes
- Impossible
- Importance
- Importable
- Impolicies
- Implicates
- Implements
- Impleading
- Impatience
- Impassible
- Impassable
- Impartment
- Impartible
- Impalement
- Impairment
- Impactions
- Immurement
- Immunoblot
- Immoralism
- Immobilise
- Immittance
- Immingling
- Imminences
- Immigrated
- Immersible
- Immemorial
- Immanences
- Immaculate
- Imipramine
- Imbuements
- Imbricates
- Imboldened
- Imbibition
- Imbalances
- Imprisoned
- Imprinting
- Impressing
- Impregnate
- Impregnant
- Impounders
- Importuned
- Impleaders
- Implanting
- Impetrated
- Imperilled
- Imperiling
- Impearling
- Imparadise
- Impanelled
- Impaneling
- Impainting
- Immunogens
- Immunising
- Immolating
- Immodester
- Immoderate
- Immigrates
- Immigrants
- Imbroglios
- Imbittered
- Imaginable
- Imputation
- Impurities
- Impureness
- Impunities
- Impulsions
- Impuissant
- Imprinters
- Impressure
- Impression
- Impresario
- Impostures
- Imposition
- Importunes
- Importuner
- Impolitest
- Implosions
- Impletions
- Implanters
- Impetrates
- Impersonal
- Imperators
- Impenitent
- Impellents
- Impassions
- Imparities
- Immunities
- Immortelle
- Immoralist
- Immolators
- Immolation
- Immersions
- Immaturest
- Immaterial
- Imaginings
- Imitations
- Intermezzo
- Intermezzi
- Injunctive
- Infrequent
- Influenzas
- Influenzal
- Inflexible
- Injectable
- Inexplicit
- Inexpiable
- Indigenize
- Intermixed
- Inquietude
- Inquieting
- Inheritrix
- Inflexions
- Infixation
- Infeoffing
- Indexicals
- Inadequate
- Introjects
- Intrazonal
- Intoxicate
- Intoxicant
- Interzonal
- Intermixes
- Interjects
- Inquisitor
- Inquilines
- Injustices
- Injunction
- Injections
- Injectants
- Initialize
- Iniquitous
- Iniquities
- Inexorable
- Inequities
- Ineloquent
- Inwrapping
- Inveighing
- Invectives
- Inhibitive
- Infrahuman
- Inflictive
- Inflective
- Infighting
- Indexation
- Incommoded
- Inchoative
- Involucrum
- Invincible
- Inveighers
- Introfying
- Intifadehs
- Intifadahs
- Interworks
- Intersexes
- Interjoins
- Inswathing
- Inspective
- Insightful
- Insheathed
- Inharmonic
- Inflowings
- Infighters
- Inexistent
- Incumbered
- Incubative
- Incommodes
- Inclipping
- Inceptives
- Invocating
- Invalidism
- Intrenched
- Interwoven
- Interweave
- Interviews
- Interlocks
- Interfluve
- Interflows
- Interfaith
- Interfaced
- Insufflate
- Insphering
- Insheathes
- Innovative
- Innkeepers
- Inkberries
- Inhibiting
- Inhabiting
- Infracting
- Influenced
- Inflicting
- Inflecting
- Infinitive
- Indophenol
- Indicative
- Indecisive
- Incurvated
- Incumbents
- Inculpable
- Incomplete
- Incipience
- Inbreathed
- Involucres
- Involucral
- Involucels
- Invocation
- Invisibles
- Inviolable
- Investment
- Investable
- Invertible
- Inveigling
- Invariance
- Invariable
- Invaluable
- Invaliding
- Intumesced
- Intrenches
- Intravitam
- Interplays
- Interphase
- Internship
- Interfiber
- Interfaces
- Interchain
- Inspecting
- Insolvable
- Insculping
- Inscribing
- Inhumation
- Inhumanest
- Inholdings
- Inhibitors
- Inhibition
- Inhibiters
- Inherences
- Inhabiters
- Inhabitant
- Ingrafting
- Inglenooks
- Ingathered
- Infringing
- Infrasonic
- Infractors
- Infraction
- Informants
- Influences
- Inflictors
- Infliction
- Inflicters
- Inflectors
- Inflection
- Inflatable
- Inferrible
- Inferences
- Infectious
- Infections
- Infeasible
- Infarction
- Infallible
- Inevitable
- Ineducable
- Indwelling
- Inductance
- Inducement
- Indraughts
- Individual
- Indictment
- Indictable
- Indecorums
- Incurvates
- Inculpated
- Inculcated
- Incubating
- Incredible
- Incorpsing
- Incoherent
- Includible
- Includable
- Inclasping
- Incidences
- Incentives
- Incandesce
- Inbreathes
- Inactivate
- Inwardness
- Involuting
- Invigorate
- Invigilate
- Inveiglers
- Invalidest
- Invalidate
- Invaginate
- Intwisting
- Intumesces
- Introspect
- Introduced
- Intimacies
- Inthroning
- Inthralled
- Intervened
- Interspace
- Interlinks
- Interknots
- Interknits
- Intergraft
- Interfused
- Interfolds
- Interfiled
- Interfered
- Intercrops
- Intercepts
- Interceded
- Inspectors
- Inspection
- Insomniacs
- Insociable
- Inshrining
- Inscribers
- Inrushings
- Inoperable
- Innovating
- Innocences
- Innervated
- Inkinesses
- Inimitable
- Inheriting
- Ingressive
- Infuriated
- Infringers
- Infraorder
- Infinitude
- Infielders
- Infatuated
- Inearthing
- Indwellers
- Indurative
- Indulgence
- Indisposed
- Indinavirs
- Indigences
- Indicating
- Indefinite
- Incurrence
- Incurables
- Incunabula
- Incunables
- Inculpates
- Inculcator
- Inculcates
- Incubators
- Incubation
- Increscent
- Increments
- Inclinable
- Incitement
- Inceptions
- Inbreeding
- Inbounding
- Inapposite
- Inapparent
- Inaccurate
- Involution
- Invitation
- Inveterate
- Invertases
- Inversions
- Inverities
- Inventress
- Inventions
- Invariants
- Intubating
- Intrusives
- Introverts
- Introduces
- Introducer
- Intravital
- Intragenic
- Intimidate
- Intimating
- Intervenor
- Intervenes
- Intervener
- Intervales
- Intertwist
- Intertwine
- Interposed
- Interplead
- Intermodal
- Intermedin
- Interloped
- Interleave
- Interlayer
- Interlaced
- Intergroup
- Interfuses
- Interfiles
- Interferon
- Interferes
- Interferer
- Interdicts
- Intercedes
- Interceder
- Interbreed
- Interacted
- Interabang
- Intensives
- Intendment
- Intendance
- Integument
- Integrable
- Intangible
- Insurgence
- Instructed
- Instancing
- Inspirited
- Inspanning
- Insourcing
- Insolvents
- Insipidest
- Inselbergs
- Inselberge
- Inscrolled
- Inpourings
- Inoculated
- Innovators
- Innovation
- Innervates
- Initiative
- Inheritors
- Inhalators
- Inhalation
- Ingestible
- Infusorian
- Infuriates
- Inflations
- Infinities
- Infiltrate
- Infestants
- Infatuates
- Infantries
- Ineptitude
- Ineludible
- Ineligible
- Inelegance
- Inebriated
- Inductions
- Indolences
- Indistinct
- Indisposes
- Indiscreet
- Indigested
- Indictions
- Indicators
- Indication
- Indelicate
- Indecorous
- Indecision
- Indecenter
- Indagating
- Incrusting
- Incrossing
- Increasing
- Incognitos
- Incognitas
- Incogitant
- Inclinings
- Incidental
- Incarnated
- Inbreeders
- Inarguable
- Inaptitude
- Inurnments
- Inurements
- Inundating
- Inunctions
- Intuitable
- Intubation
- Intriguing
- Intraplate
- Intramural
- Intinction
- Intimation
- Intimaters
- Interurban
- Intertroop
- Interstice
- Intersects
- Interrupts
- Interprets
- Interposes
- Interposer
- Interpoint
- Interplant
- Interocean
- Internment
- Interments
- Interlopes
- Interloper
- Interloops
- Interlocal
- Interlaces
- Interionic
- Intergrade
- Intercross
- Interclass
- Intercaste
- Interbasin
- Intellects
- Integrated
- Integrands
- Intaglioed
- Intactness
- Insurances
- Insularism
- Instrument
- Instructor
- Instigated
- Instancies
- Instalment
- Inspissate
- Inspirator
- Insouciant
- Insolubles
- Insolences
- Insistence
- Insincerer
- Insensible
- Inseminate
- Insecurest
- Insatiable
- Inpatients
- Inosculate
- Inoculator
- Inoculates
- Inoculants
- Innumerous
- Innumerate
- Innuendoed
- Innominate
- Innocenter
- Innermosts
- Initialism
- Ingredient
- Ingraining
- Inebriates
- Inebriants
- Indurating
- Indigotins
- Indigenous
- Indentured
- Indagators
- Indagation
- Incursions
- Incretions
- Increasers
- Inconstant
- Inclusions
- Inclosures
- Incitation
- Incinerate
- Incestuous
- Incautious
- Incautions
- Incarnates
- Inartistic
- Inamoratos
- Inamoratas
- Inundators
- Inundation
- Intrusting
- Intriguers
- Intriguant
- Intrigants
- Intreating
- Intradoses
- Intonating
- Intituling
- Intertidal
- Interstage
- Interrogee
- Interregna
- Interreges
- Interorgan
- Internodes
- Internodal
- Interludes
- Interlined
- Interlends
- Interlards
- Interested
- Intendants
- Integrator
- Integrates
- Integrants
- Intaglioes
- Insurgents
- Insulating
- Instituted
- Instilling
- Instigator
- Instigates
- Instarring
- Installing
- Insolating
- Insinuated
- Inordinate
- Innuendoes
- Initiating
- Initialled
- Initialing
- Ingression
- Ingratiate
- Inglorious
- Ingestions
- Industries
- Industrial
- Induration
- Indentures
- Indentions
- Inaugurate
- Inaugurals
- Intuitions
- Intrusions
- Intrastate
- Intranasal
- Intonation
- Intolerant
- Intestines
- Intestinal
- Intestates
- Interunion
- Intertrial
- Intertills
- Interstate
- Interrenal
- Internists
- Interlunar
- Interloans
- Interlines
- Interliner
- Intentness
- Intentions
- Intensions
- Intenerate
- Insulators
- Insulation
- Institutor
- Institutes
- Instituter
- Instillers
- Installers
- Insolation
- Insinuator
- Insinuates
- Insertions
- Insentient
- Insanities
- Insaneness
- Innersoles
- Innateness
- Initiators
- Initiation
- Initialers
- Inanitions
- Ironworker
- Ironsmiths
- Ironhanded
- Irremeable
- Ironfisted
- Irritative
- Irreverent
- Irrelevant
- Irrelative
- Irradiance
- Ironmonger
- Iridosmine
- Iridescent
- Irruptions
- Irrigating
- Irradiated
- Ironmaster
- Irritating
- Irrigators
- Irrigation
- Irridentas
- Irreligion
- Irregulars
- Irredentas
- Irradiator
- Irradiates
- Irritators
- Irritation
- Irresolute
- Irrational
- Ironstones
- Ironnesses
- Isoenzymic
- Isoenzymes
- Isomerized
- Isomerizes
- Isoniazids
- Isomorphic
- Isopropyls
- Isoplethic
- Ischaemias
- Isoflavone
- Isothermal
- Isografted
- Isogametic
- Isocyanate
- Isochrones
- Isochronal
- Isopiestic
- Isometrics
- Isomerisms
- Isocracies
- Isoclinics
- Isocaloric
- Isobarisms
- Isentropic
- Iseikonias
- Isoprenoid
- Isoglossic
- Isogametes
- Isotropies
- Isostacies
- Isospories
- Isooctanes
- Isometries
- Isomerases
- Isoleucine
- Isolatable
- Isoclinals
- Isobutenes
- Isobutanes
- Isallobars
- Isoglosses
- Isoglossal
- Isoantigen
- Isostasies
- Isolations
- Italicized
- Italicizes
- Italianize
- Italicised
- Italicises
- Itinerated
- Itinerates
- Itinerants
- Iterations
- Italianise
- Italianate
Most common letters after the first letter I
We analyzed second letter frequency in 10-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with I from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
651 | n | 65.1% |
175 | m | 17.5% |
45 | s | 4.5% |
34 | r | 3.4% |
30 | d | 3% |
19 | l | 1.9% |
14 | c | 1.4% |
12 | t | 1.2% |
7 | o | 0.7% |
2 | v | 0.2% |
1 | p | 0.1% |