List of 6-letter words starting with E
We found 479 six letter words that start with E for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Exequy | 25 | 25 |
Enzyms | 20 | 21 |
Enzyme | 20 | 21 |
Ethoxy | 19 | 17 |
Efflux | 19 | 21 |
Eczema | 19 | 21 |
Expiry | 18 | 18 |
Exonym | 18 | 19 |
Exhume | 18 | 19 |
Exarch | 18 | 18 |
6 letter words
There are a total of 479 six letter words starting with E in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 16706 six letter words and 7421 words that start with the letter E.
- Earwax
- Earthy
- Earwig
- Eatery
- Easily
- Earths
- Earful
- Earbud
- Earlap
- Eagled
- Eating
- Easing
- Earned
- Earing
- Eagres
- Eaglet
- Eagles
- Eagers
- Eaters
- Easter
- Easies
- Easier
- Easers
- Easels
- Earner
- Edgily
- Educed
- Educts
- Educes
- Edicts
- Edible
- Edging
- Edenic
- Edemas
- Eddied
- Edited
- Edgier
- Edgers
- Eddoes
- Eddies
- Editor
- Ediles
- Elixir
- Elvish
- Elfish
- Elbows
- Elytra
- Elvers
- Eluvia
- Eloped
- Elfins
- Elevon
- Eleven
- Elapid
- Eluded
- Elopes
- Eloper
- Elmier
- Elided
- Elicit
- Elemis
- Elects
- Elapse
- Eluted
- Eludes
- Eluder
- Eloign
- Elodea
- Elides
- Elegit
- Eldest
- Elders
- Elated
- Elands
- Elutes
- Eluent
- Eluate
- Eluant
- Eloins
- Elites
- Elints
- Elates
- Elater
- Elains
- Embosk
- Embody
- Embark
- Embank
- Employ
- Empery
- Embryo
- Embows
- Emboly
- Embays
- Emydes
- Emdash
- Emblem
- Embalm
- Emceed
- Embeds
- Empire
- Empale
- Emmets
- Emmers
- Emetic
- Emcees
- Embrue
- Emboss
- Emboli
- Embers
- Embars
- Emoted
- Emodin
- Emigre
- Emerod
- Emergs
- Emerge
- Emends
- Emotes
- Emoter
- Emeute
- Emetin
- Emesis
- Emeses
- Emerse
- Emeers
- Emails
- Enzyms
- Enzyme
- Enjamb
- Enjoys
- Enwomb
- Enjoin
- Envoys
- Encamp
- Enwrap
- Enrich
- Enmity
- Enmesh
- Enface
- Endcap
- Encyst
- Encash
- Enwind
- Envied
- Entomb
- Enough
- Enokis
- Engulf
- Enfold
- Energy
- Endows
- Endive
- Endash
- Envois
- Enviro
- Envies
- Envier
- Entity
- Enserf
- Ennuye
- Enigma
- Enhalo
- Engram
- Encode
- Encage
- Entrap
- Entice
- Enrobe
- Enrapt
- Enolic
- Enlace
- Engird
- Engild
- Engage
- Enemas
- Endued
- Ending
- Encore
- Encina
- Encase
- Enatic
- Enamor
- Enamel
- Enacts
- Enable
- Enured
- Ensued
- Ensign
- Enrage
- Ennead
- Englut
- Engirt
- Engine
- Enduro
- Endure
- Endues
- Endrin
- Endite
- Enders
- Endear
- Enures
- Entree
- Entoil
- Entire
- Enters
- Entera
- Entail
- Ensure
- Ensues
- Ensoul
- Ensile
- Enroot
- Enrols
- Enroll
- Enosis
- Ennuis
- Enlist
- Enisle
- Enates
- Epizoa
- Ephahs
- Eponym
- Epochs
- Ephebi
- Ephebe
- Eparch
- Ephods
- Ephors
- Ephori
- Epopee
- Epimer
- Epical
- Epacts
- Epodes
- Epilog
- Epigon
- Eposes
- Epater
- Ersatz
- Eruvim
- Eryngo
- Erbium
- Ervils
- Erenow
- Erupts
- Eructs
- Erotic
- Eroded
- Ermine
- Ericas
- Erects
- Erugos
- Erring
- Errand
- Erodes
- Eringo
- Ergots
- Ergate
- Erased
- Errors
- Errata
- Errant
- Eroses
- Erases
- Eraser
- Eschew
- Escrow
- Eschar
- Eskers
- Eskars
- Escarp
- Escape
- Estray
- Essays
- Espied
- Escudo
- Estrum
- Estops
- Esteem
- Esprit
- Espoir
- Espies
- Espial
- Escots
- Escort
- Escars
- Estrus
- Estrin
- Estral
- Esters
- Estate
- Essoin
- Ethoxy
- Ethyne
- Ethyls
- Etched
- Etymon
- Ethnic
- Ethics
- Etches
- Etcher
- Etwees
- Ethnos
- Ethion
- Ethers
- Ethene
- Ethane
- Etapes
- Etamin
- Etudes
- Etrier
- Etoile
- Eterne
- Etalon
- Evzone
- Evoked
- Evokes
- Evoker
- Evolve
- Evilly
- Evenly
- Evince
- Evicts
- Evaded
- Evited
- Evened
- Evades
- Evader
- Evulse
- Evites
- Eviler
- Everts
- Events
- Evener
- Exequy
- Expiry
- Exonym
- Exhume
- Exarch
- Expect
- Exempt
- Except
- Exuvia
- Expend
- Expand
- Exhort
- Exhale
- Excide
- Exceed
- Exurbs
- Exuded
- Exsect
- Expose
- Export
- Expire
- Expert
- Expels
- Expats
- Exotic
- Exonic
- Exilic
- Excuse
- Excite
- Excise
- Excess
- Excels
- Examen
- Exacts
- Exacta
- Exudes
- Extend
- Exogen
- Exodus
- Exodos
- Exodoi
- Exited
- Exiled
- Exedra
- Exults
- Extras
- Extort
- Extols
- Extoll
- Extern
- Extent
- Extant
- Exsert
- Exists
- Exines
- Exiles
- Exiler
- Exeunt
- Exerts
- Exalts
Most common letters after the first letter E
We analyzed second letter frequency in 6-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with E from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
93 | n | 19.4% |
60 | x | 12.5% |
43 | m | 9% |
42 | l | 8.8% |
27 | s | 5.6% |
25 | a | 5.2% |
22 | t | 4.6% |
20 | v | 4.2% |
19 | p | 4% |
17 | d | 3.5% |
16 | c | 3.3% |
13 | g | 2.7% |
8 | y | 1.7% |
7 | o | 1.5% |
6 | q | 1.3% |
4 | e | 0.8% |
3 | j | 0.6% |
1 | k | 0.2% |