List of 6-letter words starting with P
We found 874 six letter words that start with P for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Puzzle | 26 | 29 |
Pizzle | 26 | 28 |
Pizzas | 26 | 27 |
Piazze | 26 | 27 |
Piazza | 26 | 27 |
Paczki | 23 | 25 |
Pyjama | 20 | 23 |
Phizes | 20 | 20 |
Pukkah | 19 | 20 |
Putzed | 18 | 20 |
6 letter words
There are a total of 1153 six letter words starting with P in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 16706 six letter words and 15820 words that start with the letter P.
- Paczki
- Payoff
- Patzer
- Panzer
- Pajama
- Paskha
- Pashka
- Pakeha
- Packed
- Packer
- Paynim
- Paunch
- Pashms
- Parked
- Paraph
- Papyri
- Papaya
- Papaws
- Painch
- Paiked
- Padouk
- Padauk
- Pachas
- Paying
- Pawned
- Pawing
- Paving
- Paveed
- Paskas
- Pashed
- Parkin
- Parker
- Parkas
- Pardah
- Pappus
- Papism
- Pamper
- Pampas
- Pakora
- Pablum
- Payors
- Payola
- Payess
- Payers
- Payees
- Pawnor
- Pawner
- Pawnee
- Pawers
- Pavise
- Pavior
- Pavins
- Pavers
- Pavans
- Pavane
- Pathos
- Pashes
- Pashas
- Parvos
- Parvis
- Parish
- Pariah
- Pareve
- Panful
- Palped
- Palmed
- Palish
- Padded
- Pacing
- Pauper
- Pataca
- Passim
- Pascal
- Parsec
- Parged
- Parcel
- Paramo
- Papule
- Papula
- Papers
- Papain
- Panics
- Panged
- Panama
- Palpus
- Palpal
- Palmer
- Palmar
- Palapa
- Palace
- Pagods
- Pagoda
- Paging
- Padnag
- Paddle
- Padder
- Pacier
- Pacers
- Paused
- Patted
- Pasted
- Passed
- Parted
- Parsed
- Parred
- Parled
- Paring
- Pargos
- Parges
- Pardon
- Pardie
- Pardee
- Parang
- Parade
- Panted
- Panned
- Pangen
- Pangas
- Pander
- Pandas
- Pandan
- Panada
- Pallid
- Palled
- Paling
- Paired
- Pained
- Pagers
- Pagans
- Padres
- Padles
- Pauses
- Pauser
- Pausal
- Paulin
- Pattie
- Patter
- Patten
- Pattee
- Patron
- Patrol
- Patois
- Patios
- Patins
- Patine
- Patina
- Paters
- Patens
- Pastor
- Pastis
- Pastil
- Pastie
- Pastes
- Paster
- Pastel
- Pastas
- Passus
- Passes
- Passer
- Passel
- Passee
- Paseos
- Parure
- Parura
- Parton
- Parter
- Partan
- Parson
- Parses
- Parser
- Parrel
- Parral
- Parous
- Parols
- Parole
- Parlor
- Parles
- Paries
- Parian
- Pareus
- Parers
- Pareos
- Parens
- Pantos
- Pantie
- Pannes
- Panner
- Panino
- Panini
- Panier
- Panels
- Paneer
- Palter
- Palsas
- Pallor
- Pallia
- Palier
- Palets
- Paleal
- Paleae
- Palate
- Palais
- Paisas
- Paisan
- Paints
- Paesan
- Paeons
- Paella
- Paeans
- Pecked
- Pecker
- Peched
- Perked
- Pepped
- Pelvic
- Pelham
- Peeked
- Pechan
- Peaked
- Peruke
- Peptic
- Pepper
- Peplum
- Pekoes
- Pekins
- Pekans
- Peeved
- Peepbo
- Pectic
- Pebble
- Peyotl
- Peyote
- Pewter
- Pewits
- Pewees
- Pesewa
- Pervos
- Permed
- Perish
- Percid
- Peptid
- Pentyl
- Pelvis
- Pelves
- Pegtop
- Pegged
- Peewee
- Peeves
- Peeped
- Peahen
- Peaced
- Petnap
- Pepsis
- Pepsin
- Peplus
- Peplos
- Pepita
- Pepino
- People
- Penmen
- Penman
- Pended
- Pencil
- Pencel
- Peepul
- Peeper
- Peddle
- Pectin
- Pecten
- Pecans
- Peaces
- Petted
- Petard
- Pesade
- Perogi
- Pernod
- Period
- Perdus
- Perdue
- Perdie
- Pentad
- Penned
- Pengos
- Penang
- Pelted
- Pelage
- Peised
- Peined
- Peered
- Peened
- Peeled
- Peeing
- Pedros
- Pedler
- Pedlar
- Pedate
- Pedals
- Pedalo
- Pealed
- Peages
- Pettle
- Petter
- Petsai
- Petrol
- Petrel
- Petite
- Peters
- Petals
- Pestos
- Pestle
- Pester
- Peseta
- Peruse
- Perter
- Person
- Perses
- Perron
- Pernio
- Periti
- Perils
- Pereon
- Pereia
- Peones
- Pensil
- Pensee
- Pennon
- Pennis
- Pennia
- Pennes
- Penner
- Pennae
- Penile
- Penial
- Pelter
- Pelota
- Pelite
- Pelaus
- Peises
- Peerie
- Peeler
- Peases
- Peasen
- Pearls
- Phizes
- Physic
- Phylum
- Phylic
- Physed
- Phreak
- Phobic
- Phyton
- Phytol
- Phytin
- Physis
- Physio
- Physes
- Phylon
- Phyllo
- Phylar
- Phylae
- Phlegm
- Phenyl
- Photic
- Phonic
- Phoebe
- Phobia
- Phloem
- Phenom
- Phatic
- Phasic
- Pharma
- Photog
- Phoned
- Phased
- Phages
- Phrase
- Photos
- Photon
- Phonos
- Phonon
- Phones
- Phoner
- Phonal
- Phials
- Phenol
- Phasis
- Phases
- Phaser
- Pharos
- Phalli
- Pizzle
- Pizzas
- Piazze
- Piazza
- Piqued
- Piques
- Pikake
- Pickup
- Pixies
- Pixels
- Picked
- Pipkin
- Pilaff
- Piffle
- Pickle
- Picker
- Piaffe
- Pipped
- Pinked
- Pimped
- Piking
- Pithed
- Pished
- Pippin
- Pinkos
- Pinkie
- Pinker
- Pinken
- Pimple
- Pikers
- Picric
- Picnic
- Pivots
- Pithos
- Pithoi
- Pitaya
- Pishes
- Pisher
- Piraya
- Piping
- Pipage
- Pinyon
- Pinyin
- Pilfer
- Pilaws
- Pilafs
- Pigpen
- Pigged
- Pieced
- Pitmen
- Pitman
- Piscos
- Pipits
- Pipier
- Pipets
- Pipers
- Pipals
- Pionic
- Pinups
- Pinged
- Pincer
- Pileup
- Pileum
- Piggin
- Piggie
- Pierce
- Pieces
- Piecer
- Pidgin
- Piddle
- Piculs
- Picots
- Picaro
- Picara
- Pibals
- Pianic
- Pitted
- Pitied
- Pissed
- Pirogi
- Pinned
- Pining
- Pingos
- Pinger
- Pinder
- Pinang
- Pilled
- Piling
- Pignus
- Pigeon
- Pieing
- Pittas
- Pitots
- Pitons
- Pities
- Pitier
- Piston
- Pistol
- Pistil
- Pistes
- Pisses
- Pisser
- Pirate
- Pirana
- Pintos
- Pintle
- Pintas
- Pinots
- Pinons
- Pinole
- Pinner
- Pinnas
- Pinnal
- Pinnae
- Pinite
- Pinion
- Pinier
- Pineta
- Pinene
- Pineal
- Pinata
- Pilule
- Pilous
- Pilots
- Pilose
- Pillar
- Pileus
- Pilaus
- Pietas
- Pianos
- Plazas
- Plaque
- Plexus
- Plexor
- Plexes
- Plexal
- Plucks
- Placks
- Plench
- Pleach
- Planch
- Plying
- Plunks
- Plumps
- Plumbs
- Ployed
- Plowed
- Plough
- Plonks
- Plinks
- Played
- Planks
- Plyers
- Plumed
- Ployes
- Plower
- Plover
- Plinth
- Player
- Playas
- Platys
- Placid
- Placed
- Plumes
- Plicas
- Plical
- Plicae
- Plenum
- Pledge
- Plebes
- Plasms
- Plasma
- Plaice
- Places
- Placer
- Plunge
- Pleiad
- Pleads
- Plated
- Planed
- Plaids
- Plague
- Plages
- Plagal
- Pluton
- Plutei
- Pluses
- Plural
- Pluots
- Plisse
- Pliers
- Pleura
- Pleons
- Pleats
- Please
- Plates
- Plater
- Platen
- Platan
- Plants
- Planes
- Planer
- Planar
- Plaits
- Plains
- Podzol
- Pozole
- Potzer
- Poxing
- Poxier
- Pocked
- Pouffe
- Pompom
- Polack
- Porked
- Popped
- Popish
- Poobah
- Poncho
- Polypi
- Poking
- Podunk
- Poboys
- Powder
- Poufed
- Porker
- Popple
- Popper
- Poohed
- Pompon
- Pommie
- Pommel
- Pommee
- Pomace
- Pokier
- Pogeys
- Powter
- Pother
- Potful
- Potash
- Posher
- Popgun
- Pooped
- Ponced
- Pomade
- Polyol
- Polish
- Poleyn
- Poisha
- Pogrom
- Podium
- Podded
- Pounce
- Potpie
- Potmen
- Potman
- Postop
- Possum
- Porism
- Popsie
- Poplin
- Poplar
- Pongid
- Ponged
- Ponded
- Pomelo
- Police
- Pogoed
- Poetic
- Pouted
- Poured
- Potted
- Potage
- Posted
- Posing
- Posada
- Ported
- Poring
- Pooled
- Pooing
- Poodle
- Ponied
- Pongee
- Pongal
- Ponder
- Polled
- Poling
- Polder
- Poised
- Poinds
- Pogoes
- Pogies
- Podsol
- Podite
- Pouter
- Pourer
- Pottle
- Potter
- Potsie
- Potion
- Poteen
- Potato
- Postin
- Postie
- Poster
- Postal
- Posole
- Posier
- Poseur
- Porter
- Portal
- Porose
- Poorer
- Pooler
- Ponton
- Pontil
- Poller
- Pollen
- Pollee
- Polite
- Poison
- Poiser
- Pointe
- Poilus
- Prized
- Prizer
- Prajna
- Propyl
- Prefab
- Preach
- Prying
- Proved
- Preyed
- Precip
- Preamp
- Prayed
- Prutah
- Prower
- Prowar
- Prover
- Proven
- Protyl
- Probed
- Primed
- Priced
- Preyer
- Prewar
- Prevue
- Premed
- Prefer
- Prebid
- Prayer
- Proper
- Propel
- Prober
- Prince
- Primer
- Primal
- Prided
- Pricer
- Priapi
- Prenup
- Premie
- Premen
- Preman
- Prelim
- Prearm
- Prance
- Pruned
- Prosed
- Prolog
- Proleg
- Progun
- Prised
- Prated
- Pruner
- Proton
- Protei
- Protea
- Proser
- Pronto
- Proner
- Prolan
- Prison
- Pretor
- Presto
- Pratie
- Prater
- Praise
- Puzzle
- Pukkah
- Putzed
- Pulque
- Punkah
- Puffed
- Putoff
- Puffin
- Puffer
- Pucker
- Putsch
- Pushup
- Pupped
- Pumped
- Puking
- Pushed
- Purdah
- Punkin
- Punkie
- Punker
- Pumper
- Pummel
- Pumice
- Pukier
- Public
- Pusher
- Purfle
- Punish
- Pulped
- Pugged
- Purple
- Purism
- Purged
- Pupate
- Puncta
- Pumelo
- Pulper
- Pulpal
- Pullup
- Pueblo
- Puddle
- Putted
- Putrid
- Putlog
- Pursed
- Purred
- Purled
- Purger
- Pureed
- Punted
- Punned
- Pungle
- Pulsed
- Pulled
- Puling
- Pugree
- Pudeur
- Puttie
- Putter
- Puttee
- Pursue
- Purser
- Purlin
- Purine
- Purana
- Punter
- Punner
- Punier
- Pulser
- Pulsar
- Puller
- Puisne
Most common letters after the first letter P
We analyzed second letter frequency in 6-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with P from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
240 | a | 20.8% |
180 | o | 15.6% |
152 | e | 13.2% |
150 | i | 13% |
139 | r | 12.1% |
112 | u | 9.7% |
92 | l | 8% |
50 | h | 4.3% |
20 | y | 1.7% |
11 | s | 1% |
6 | t | 0.5% |
1 | n | 0.1% |