Words starting with A and ending in R
We found 459 words that start with A and end with R for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words starting with A and ending with R
Words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Affixer | 20 | 20 |
Aquiver | 19 | 21 |
Aquifer | 19 | 20 |
Alcazar | 18 | 20 |
Abjurer | 16 | 20 |
Adjuror | 15 | 18 |
Adjurer | 15 | 18 |
Axillar | 14 | 16 |
Anaphor | 12 | 13 |
Acceder | 12 | 14 |
2 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Ar
3 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Air
4 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Ajar
- Aver
- Afar
- Aper
- Amir
- Ager
- Agar
- Alar
5 letter Wordle words that start with A and end in R
- Abhor
- Asker
- Amber
- Alvar
- Aiver
- After
- Asper
- Armor
- Armer
- Arbor
- Apter
- Amour
- Ameer
- Aimer
- Agger
- Adder
- Actor
- Abler
- Augur
- Auger
- Ardor
- Anger
- Algor
- Alder
- Aider
- Aurar
- Attar
- Astir
- Aster
- Anear
- Alter
- Altar
- Airer
6 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Avower
- Affair
- Archer
- Anchor
- Achier
- Appear
- Ampler
- Ambler
- Ambeer
- Avatar
- Author
- Ashler
- Ashlar
- Ashier
- Anther
- Answer
- Aether
- Abider
- Armour
- Arbour
- Amuser
- Almner
- Acuter
- Acinar
- Abuser
- Abator
- Abater
- Abaser
- Aulder
- Arider
- Arguer
- Ardour
- Angler
- Alegar
- Adorer
- Auteur
- Atoner
- Artier
- Arrear
- Antler
- Antiar
- Alular
- Aliner
- Airier
- Aerier
7 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Affixer
- Aquiver
- Aquifer
- Alcazar
- Abjurer
- Adjuror
- Adjurer
- Axillar
- Anaphor
- Acceder
- Awarder
- Avoider
- Avenger
- Apposer
- Applier
- Ammeter
- Amercer
- Almemar
- Advisor
- Adviser
- Adherer
- Adducer
- Acerber
- Accuser
- Awaiter
- Aviator
- Averter
- Astylar
- Assayer
- Arriver
- Arrayer
- Armiger
- Antiwar
- Antifur
- Another
- Annoyer
- Amender
- Allover
- Allayer
- Adopter
- Admirer
- Adepter
- Adaptor
- Adapter
- Acrider
- Abrader
- Assumer
- Aspirer
- Armorer
- Arbiter
- Anticar
- Antbear
- Amateur
- Amasser
- Almoner
- Allobar
- Abutter
- Aborter
- Ablator
- Abettor
- Abetter
- Augurer
- Auditor
- Asunder
- Angular
- Angrier
- Alleger
- Aligner
- Aginner
- Adorner
- Atelier
- Assuror
- Assurer
- Artsier
- Arouser
- Areolar
- Antsier
- Antiair
- Annular
- Alterer
- Allurer
- Alienor
- Aliener
- Alerter
- Alastor
- Aerator
8 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Apprizer
- Analyzer
- Atomizer
- Acquirer
- Anodizer
- Antiquer
- Affrayer
- Avoucher
- Affirmer
- Affecter
- Adjustor
- Adjuster
- Achiever
- Awakener
- Armchair
- Approver
- Ambusher
- Awfuller
- Aweather
- Attacker
- Artmaker
- Advancer
- Acceptor
- Accepter
- Avicular
- Attacher
- Alachlor
- Airpower
- Aglimmer
- Accorder
- Absolver
- Abhorrer
- Abductor
- Avigator
- Attemper
- Argufier
- Appriser
- Appellor
- Appeaser
- Appealer
- Ampullar
- Adductor
- Acicular
- Accouter
- Accentor
- Absorber
- Abrupter
- Abridger
- Atwitter
- Ascender
- Antiwear
- Answerer
- Anovular
- Analyser
- Alveolar
- Aflutter
- Adsorber
- Admitter
- Absurder
- Atomiser
- Aspersor
- Asperser
- Armourer
- Animator
- Animater
- Ancestor
- Actuator
- Actioner
- Absenter
- Abseiler
- Abattoir
- Auguster
- Attender
- Assuager
- Assignor
- Assigner
- Arranger
- Anodiser
- Angstier
- Aglitter
- Agitator
- Adulator
- Adroiter
- Austerer
- Auntlier
- Attestor
- Attester
- Attainer
- Assorter
- Assistor
- Assister
- Assessor
- Assertor
- Asserter
- Assentor
- Assenter
- Assailer
- Arrestor
- Arrester
- Anterior
- Anteater
- Anointer
- Annealer
- Allotter
- Allosaur
- Airliner
9 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Archaizer
- Aphorizer
- Appetizer
- Alkalizer
- Awkwarder
- Acquitter
- Acyclovir
- Alexander
- Afflicter
- Amplifier
- Automaker
- Ambipolar
- Almsgiver
- Advocator
- Acidifier
- Acclaimer
- Accipiter
- Avuncular
- Avascular
- Artificer
- Archosaur
- Applauder
- Antichlor
- Antechoir
- Activator
- Acetifier
- Absconder
- Abolisher
- Abdicator
- Attempter
- Atmometer
- Assembler
- Appraiser
- Appointor
- Appointer
- Appetiser
- Apparitor
- Antinuker
- Amputator
- Ambulator
- Augmentor
- Augmenter
- Antilifer
- Algometer
- Admonitor
- Abrogator
- Abnegator
- Abandoner
- Auricular
- Attractor
- Attracter
- Aspirator
- Articular
- Apatosaur
- Antiulcer
- Antitumor
- Antipolar
- Antilabor
- Antibuser
- Antiarmor
- Announcer
- Animalier
- Ancienter
- Altimeter
- Allocator
- Alabaster
- Aggressor
- Aeronomer
- Aerometer
- Addressor
- Addresser
- Acellular
- Abstruser
- Abstainer
- Absoluter
- Auslander
- Attainder
- Arrogator
- Arraigner
- Antiradar
- Alligator
- Adulterer
- Assaulter
- Antisolar
- Annotator
- Alienator
10 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Authorizer
- Apologizer
- Aquaplaner
- Amphimacer
- Acquisitor
- Aquatinter
- Accoucheur
- Activewear
- Autoworker
- Ankylosaur
- Ambuscader
- Applicator
- Antismoker
- Admonisher
- Ambassador
- Acidimeter
- Antihunger
- Anticancer
- Anemometer
- Altogether
- Advertiser
- Adventurer
- Acetabular
- Abstractor
- Abstracter
- Abominator
- Audiometer
- Arbitrager
- Antimerger
- Antihunter
- Alleviator
- Administer
- Auctioneer
- Astronomer
- Arbitrator
- Antimatter
- Antecessor
- Astrologer
- Attenuator
- Arteriolar
- Antilitter
- Antennular
- Alternator
11 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Azotobacter
- Aggrandizer
- Adjudicator
- Allegorizer
- Antechamber
- Antichoicer
- Abbreviator
- Appreciator
- Alkalimeter
- Airworthier
- Accumulator
- Amalgamator
- Afterburner
- Antipopular
- Anticipator
- Actinometer
- Accelerator
- Arbitrageur
- Antiburglar
- Annihilator
- Assimilator
- Articulator
- Antinuclear
- Annunciator
- Ameliorator
- Adulterator
- Antitruster
12 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Alphabetizer
- Acclimatizer
- Anthologizer
- Accomplisher
- Amphitheater
- Accommodator
- Appendicular
- Antitakeover
- Appropriator
- Antimacassar
- Anticonsumer
- Agroforester
- Antipredator
- Assassinator
13 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Affenpinscher
- Accelerometer
- Authenticator
- Antiforeigner
- Administrator
14 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Autobiographer
- Antifilibuster
- Antitubercular
15 letter words that start with A and end in R
- Autotransformer
How many words start with A and end with R?
There are a total of 459 words starting with A (Prefix) and ending with R (Suffix) in the Scrabble dictionary. The shortest word is 2 letters long and the longest word is 15 letters long.
The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 11127 words beginning with A and 10615 words ending in R.
Distribution of found words
Letters | Word count |
2 | 1 |
3 | 1 |
4 | 8 |
5 | 33 |
6 | 45 |
7 | 86 |
8 | 106 |
9 | 86 |
10 | 43 |
11 | 27 |
12 | 14 |
13 | 5 |
14 | 3 |
15 | 1 |