Words starting with E and ending in N
We found 341 words that start with E and end with N for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words starting with E and ending with N
Words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Epizoon | 18 | 20 |
Exurban | 16 | 19 |
Explain | 16 | 19 |
Exciton | 16 | 18 |
Examen | 15 | 17 |
Exilian | 14 | 16 |
Embryon | 14 | 16 |
Embrown | 14 | 17 |
Exogen | 14 | 16 |
Ecdyson | 13 | 14 |
2 letter words that start with E and end in N
- En
3 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Ern
- Eon
4 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Exon
- Eyen
- Even
- Ebon
- Elan
- Earn
5 letter Wordle words that start with E and end in N
- Eikon
- Elven
- Elfin
- Eosin
- Eloin
- Elain
- Eaten
6 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Examen
- Exogen
- Extern
- Enjoin
- Etymon
- Ethion
- Epigon
- Emodin
- Elevon
- Eleven
- Etamin
- Emetin
- Ensign
- Endrin
- Eloign
- Etalon
- Estrin
- Essoin
- Eonian
- Eolian
7 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Epizoon
- Exurban
- Explain
- Exciton
- Exilian
- Embryon
- Embrown
- Ecdyson
- Enchain
- Echelon
- Einkorn
- Evasion
- Eudemon
- Epigean
- Environ
- Enliven
- Elytron
- Elysian
- Eiswein
- Eftsoon
- Earthen
- Erepsin
- Epsilon
- Endogen
- Emotion
- Engrain
- Eidolon
- Edition
- Etesian
- Erosion
- Erasion
- Entrain
- Enteron
- Enation
- Elution
- Elusion
- Elision
- Elation
- Elastin
- Eastern
8 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Exotoxin
- Emblazon
- Ectozoon
- Ectozoan
- Excision
- Exaction
- Equation
- Entozoon
- Entozoan
- Ejection
- Everymen
- Everyman
- Ethephon
- Exertion
- Empyrean
- Erythron
- Ephedrin
- Egyptian
- Effusion
- Eviction
- Evection
- Eulachon
- Eulachan
- Ethician
- Embolden
- Earthmen
- Earthman
- Empoison
- Emoticon
- Eighteen
- Evulsion
- Eversion
- Eudaimon
- Eudaemon
- Envision
- Endbrain
- Eduction
- Eruption
- Erection
- Enaction
- Emulsion
- Emission
- Emersion
- Electron
- Election
- Eclosion
- Estrogen
- Estragon
- Erigeron
- Enneagon
- Egestion
- Elaterin
- Einstein
9 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Effluxion
- Exemption
- Excisemen
- Exciseman
- Exception
- Exsection
- Expulsion
- Explosion
- Expiation
- Expansion
- Execution
- Excursion
- Excretion
- Exclusion
- Exudation
- Endotoxin
- Extrusion
- Extortion
- Extension
- Exsertion
- Ephemeron
- Endorphin
- Evocation
- Eiderdown
- Earthborn
- Evergreen
- Epicurean
- Enlighten
- Encrimson
- Eyestrain
- Evolution
- Eutherian
- Euclidian
- Euclidean
- Energumen
- Elevation
- Education
- Ealdormen
- Ealdorman
- Epilation
- Entropion
- Emulation
- Emanation
- Elocution
- Erudition
- Eledoisin
- Egression
- Entertain
10 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Exhumation
- Exhibition
- Excavation
- Expunction
- Expressmen
- Expressman
- Excerption
- Everywomen
- Everywoman
- Exuviation
- Expedition
- Exhaustion
- Exhalation
- Extraction
- Extinction
- Expression
- Exposition
- Expiration
- Execration
- Excitation
- Exaptation
- Equitation
- Equestrian
- Enkephalin
- Exultation
- Exsolution
- Exaltation
- Escutcheon
- Epinephrin
- Encryption
- Encephalon
- Erythrosin
- Evacuation
- Epilimnion
- Endosulfan
- Emaciation
- Evaluation
- Euglobulin
- Estivation
- Enervation
- Emigration
- Emendation
- Eluviation
- Estimation
- Escalation
- Eructation
- Ebullition
- Elongation
- Etiolation
11 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Exsiccation
- Explication
- Expectation
- Exoskeleton
- Exculpation
- Exclamation
- Expurgation
- Exhortation
- Exfoliation
- Epoxidation
- Extrication
- Extirpation
- Exportation
- Exploration
- Explanation
- Expatiation
- Excoriation
- Examination
- Erotization
- Ejaculation
- Extradition
- Embarkation
- Extenuation
- Exoneration
- Euchromatin
- Enterotoxin
- Enchiridion
- Embrocation
- Edification
- Evaporation
- Esthetician
- Evagination
- Electrician
- Eradication
- Elucidation
- Enunciation
- Enumeration
- Enucleation
- Elimination
- Elicitation
- Elaboration
- Egalitarian
- Elutriation
12 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Equalization
- Equivocation
- Erythromycin
- Embolization
- Etherization
- Excruciation
- Exacerbation
- Extroversion
- Extraversion
- Exhilaration
- Exfiltration
- Excogitation
- Energization
- Exploitation
- Explantation
- Expatriation
- Exercitation
- Exasperation
- Exaggeration
- Eternization
- Equalitarian
- Equalisation
- Effectuation
- Exenteration
- Epithalamion
- Echolocation
- Emancipation
- Evisceration
- Envenomation
- Endoskeleton
- Embolisation
- Emasculation
- Elucubration
- Emargination
- Encrustation
13 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Expropriation
- Expectoration
- Eroticization
- Equilibration
- Extravasation
- Extrapolation
- Extermination
- Expostulation
- Epiphenomenon
- Encapsulation
- Electrocution
- Enculturation
14 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Epithelization
- Envenomization
- Evangelization
- Exponentiation
- Exsanguination
- Erythropoietin
- Encephalitogen
- Eutrophication
- Emulsification
- Ethnohistorian
- Econometrician
- Esterification
- Evangelisation
15 letter words that start with E and end in N
- Extemporization
- Externalization
- Exteriorization
- Exemplification
- Excommunication
- Epichlorohydrin
- Etherealization
- Extemporisation
- Experimentation
- Externalisation
- Electrification
- Electroporation
How many words start with E and end with N?
There are a total of 341 words starting with E (Prefix) and ending with N (Suffix) in the Scrabble dictionary. The shortest word is 2 letters long and the longest word is 15 letters long.
The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 7421 words beginning with E and 8029 words ending in N.
Distribution of found words
Letters | Word count |
2 | 1 |
3 | 2 |
4 | 6 |
5 | 7 |
6 | 20 |
7 | 40 |
8 | 53 |
9 | 48 |
10 | 49 |
11 | 43 |
12 | 35 |
13 | 12 |
14 | 13 |
15 | 12 |