Word Unscrambler

Easy and fast word unscrambler. Instantly unscramble words from letters.

Word Unscrambler is an online tool that unscrambles scrambled words and solves word games like Scrabble, Words With Friends or Wordle. Our word finder helps you find the highest scoring words quickly.

When to use Word Unscrambler?

If you get stuck unscrambling scrambled letter combinations it makes sense to use this simple app. Word games need to be fun and challenging. Not progressing is the worst. Our word finder lets you unscramble letters to make words, review finished games, create word lists and even cheat. Advanced players use this tool to expand their vocabulary and analyze all plays for missed opportunities. We make finding words efficient!

  • You can enter up to 15 letters in the search field. Use our crossword solver for wild cards and blanks.
  • Choose a dictionary or leave the default option.
  • Click the 'Unscramble It' button to see all possible valid words that can be made.
DictionaryWord count
Scrabble US and Canada (Official TWL dictionary)196 601
Scrabble UK and World (Official CSW dictionary)267 751
Most common English words3000

First the unscrambler unscrambles letters until all words are found. Results are ordered into word lists by length and high score. A Scrabble word score is displayed for all words.

Scrabble dictionaries contain many rare words like 'QI'. We added the common words option for casual players.
Our Word of the Day is a fun way to learn new unique words.

How to unscramble words and letters?

Word puzzles like Jumble, Wordscapes and Cryptogram have only one correct answer so the wording 'unscramble word' is used. Word games like Scrabble Go, TextTwist, Wordfeud and Word Cookies have multiple correct answers which is why the wording 'unscramble letters' is used.

  • Count the scrambled letters. Word length is a solving clue.
  • Search for common prefixes and suffixes. Finding the beginning or ending of a word narrows down possibilities greatly.
  • Rearrange letters alphabetically. Existing patterns will hinder your creativity.
  • Separate consonants (b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, x, z) and vowels (a, e, i, o, u). Create two letter pairs of a vowel and consonant. Select combinations that are found in words.

Unscrambling is faster when our simple tips are used in combination.