List of 9-letter words ending with Y
We found 868 nine letter words that end in Y for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Buzzingly | 33 | 37 |
Blizzardy | 33 | 34 |
Jequirity | 28 | 30 |
Coxcombry | 27 | 30 |
Exemplify | 26 | 28 |
Cockneyfy | 26 | 27 |
Frequency | 26 | 28 |
Breezeway | 26 | 26 |
Homophyly | 25 | 24 |
Hawkishly | 25 | 23 |
9 letter words
There are a total of 1716 nine letter words ending with Y in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31229 nine letter words and 13818 words that end with the letter Y.
- Frequency
- Adjacency
- Adjutancy
- Homocercy
- Flippancy
- Exultancy
- Affluency
- Impudency
- Immediacy
- Diplomacy
- Democracy
- Covalency
- Coherency
- Bivalency
- Impotency
- Imminency
- Immanency
- Fragrancy
- Flagrancy
- Decadency
- Contumacy
- Captaincy
- Candidacy
- Biopiracy
- Appetency
- Inviolacy
- Inherency
- Indecency
- Hesitancy
- Emergency
- Dominancy
- Intricacy
- Innocency
- Indigency
- Cotenancy
- Constancy
- Colonelcy
- Baronetcy
- Autocracy
- Aberrancy
- Generalcy
- Dilatancy
- Arrogancy
- Itineracy
- Irritancy
- Intestacy
- Inerrancy
- Esuriency
- Aliteracy
- Exemplify
- Cockneyfy
- Kitschify
- Frenchify
- Commodify
- Demystify
- Decalcify
- Dandruffy
- Diversify
- Devitrify
- Deacidify
- Indemnify
- Demulsify
- Decertify
- Electrify
- Desertify
- Denitrify
- Intensify
- Hypnology
- Hymnology
- Karyology
- Hydrology
- Ichnology
- Herbology
- Haplology
- Gemmology
- Etymology
- Autophagy
- Hagiology
- Cosmology
- Coprology
- Carpology
- Lithology
- Histology
- Hierology
- Garbology
- Ethnology
- Anthology
- Limnology
- Iconology
- Anemology
- Acarology
- Iridology
- Genealogy
- Audiology
- Angiology
- Andrology
- Astrology
- Aetiology
- Exstrophy
- Archduchy
- Heptarchy
- Hagiarchy
- Dystrophy
- Logomachy
- Hierarchy
- Ethnarchy
- Epigraphy
- Biography
- Geography
- Idiopathy
- Airworthy
- Entelechy
- Antipathy
- Allopathy
- Buzzingly
- Homophyly
- Hawkishly
- Complexly
- Jumpingly
- Jerkingly
- Huffishly
- Enjoyably
- Blazingly
- Amazingly
- Joshingly
- Grazingly
- Gawkishly
- Execrably
- Excusably
- Excitably
- Equitably
- Coequally
- Citizenly
- Brusquely
- Bizarrely
- Baroquely
- Awkwardly
- Knavishly
- Joylessly
- Foppishly
- Excitedly
- Coaxingly
- Chokingly
- Bumpkinly
- Babyishly
- Adjunctly
- Lexically
- Jocularly
- Inexactly
- Immovably
- Extremely
- Expressly
- Coaxially
- Bookishly
- Biaxially
- Aqueously
- Antiquely
- Amphiboly
- Knowingly
- Juttingly
- Joltingly
- Jointedly
- Jestingly
- Jeeringly
- Jarringly
- Ineffably
- Hopefully
- Homostyly
- Hoggishly
- Helpfully
- Harmfully
- Haggishly
- Flaccidly
- Fictively
- Favorably
- Faddishly
- Exigently
- Exaltedly
- Dextrally
- Compactly
- Botchedly
- Bashfully
- Lumpishly
- Kiddingly
- Jealously
- Howlingly
- Heedfully
- Haughtily
- Habitably
- Frowardly
- Forwardly
- Flowingly
- Flightily
- Fawningly
- Epochally
- Envyingly
- Drinkably
- Diffusely
- Cynically
- Crunchily
- Crowdedly
- Crookedly
- Crabbedly
- Concavely
- Civically
- Chidingly
- Charcoaly
- Caddishly
- Caddisfly
- Butcherly
- Brimfully
- Blotchily
- Bimonthly
- Beamishly
- Asexually
- Anxiously
- Abysmally
- Laughably
- Irksomely
- Incapably
- Imputably
- Immutably
- Husbandly
- Hurtfully
- Hennishly
- Hellishly
- Hedgingly
- Healthily
- Hatefully
- Haggardly
- Grouchily
- Furtively
- Fretfully
- Foolishly
- Flowerily
- Flamingly
- Festively
- Fervently
- Fearfully
- Fatefully
- Fairishly
- Evasively
- Duncishly
- Doomfully
- Doggishly
- Dobsonfly
- Divisibly
- Dividedly
- Definably
- Deducibly
- Damselfly
- Cubically
- Comically
- Coercibly
- Cloyingly
- Berserkly
- Avoidably
- Ashamedly
- Advisably
- Accusably
- Abashedly
- Lyrically
- Lurkingly
- Lumpingly
- Limpingly
- Killingly
- Invisibly
- Inhumanly
- Inferably
- Honorably
- Hillbilly
- Heritably
- Helically
- Haplessly
- Gushingly
- Growingly
- Gnawingly
- Glowingly
- Gibbously
- Furcately
- Fulsomely
- Franticly
- Finically
- Figuredly
- Fibrously
- Feignedly
- Factually
- Evadingly
- Ethically
- Emotively
- Dubitably
- Drunkenly
- Drivingly
- Dragonfly
- Doughtily
- Domically
- Devotedly
- Denyingly
- Decimally
- Decidedly
- Debatably
- Dashingly
- Cursively
- Currishly
- Cultishly
- Costively
- Comradely
- Coltishly
- Clavately
- Cattishly
- Carpingly
- Carefully
- Calmingly
- Butterfly
- Buoyantly
- Bullishly
- Brutishly
- Brotherly
- Breathily
- Bracingly
- Boorishly
- Boomingly
- Bipedally
- Bifilarly
- Bemusedly
- Bearishly
- Beamingly
- Banefully
- Balefully
- Awesomely
- Availably
- Amatively
- Allowably
- Advisedly
- Admirably
- Abusively
- Lengthily
- Leewardly
- Lambently
- Irascibly
- Invalidly
- Incurably
- Impiously
- Immorally
- Immensely
- Hurriedly
- Hugeously
- Hideously
- Haltingly
- Gulpingly
- Gropingly
- Gripingly
- Goatishly
- Gleefully
- Girlishly
- Gaspingly
- Gainfully
- Fulgently
- Fragilely
- Fluidally
- Flaringly
- Fittingly
- Figurally
- Feelingly
- Federally
- Failingly
- Evidently
- Estimably
- Dutifully
- Dullishly
- Donnishly
- Doltishly
- Dollishly
- Dolefully
- Diversely
- Direfully
- Deviously
- Defiantly
- Daubingly
- Damningly
- Crucially
- Countably
- Corruptly
- Correctly
- Copiously
- Contumely
- Conically
- Condignly
- Concisely
- Colorably
- Clemently
- Clamantly
- Capitally
- Bulgingly
- Bulbously
- Bindingly
- Bigotedly
- Basically
- Averagely
- Assumably
- Allowedly
- Adversely
- Abidingly
- Lustfully
- Loutishly
- Logically
- Lispingly
- Limitedly
- Lawlessly
- Laggardly
- Laboredly
- Irrigably
- Inversely
- Insipidly
- Indelibly
- Inaudibly
- Illegibly
- Hostilely
- Heinously
- Hastately
- Guardedly
- Globosely
- Glacially
- Girdingly
- Germanely
- Genically
- Geminally
- Furiously
- Frontally
- Forlornly
- Flauntily
- Flannelly
- Fertilely
- Fatuously
- Enviously
- Engagedly
- Endurably
- Elusively
- Edictally
- Easefully
- Ductilely
- Dubiously
- Dilatably
- Desirably
- Cuttingly
- Cunningly
- Cordially
- Cordately
- Cognately
- Burningly
- Boilingly
- Blurredly
- Blessedly
- Biassedly
- Belatedly
- Bastardly
- Assumedly
- Amusingly
- Alarmedly
- Agreeably
- Adamantly
- Longingly
- Lobularly
- Lissomely
- Liberally
- Leprously
- Languidly
- Lacteally
- Irritably
- Insolubly
- Illicitly
- Gratingly
- Gradually
- Godlessly
- Glaringly
- Gallingly
- Enragedly
- Emulously
- Eminently
- Droningly
- Digitally
- Dastardly
- Dartingly
- Darlingly
- Cursorily
- Currently
- Curiously
- Cuneately
- Crenately
- Cranially
- Coronally
- Connately
- Coastally
- Ciliately
- Certainly
- Centrally
- Callously
- Brittlely
- Blatantly
- Biliously
- Bestially
- Arcuately
- Antically
- Animately
- Anciently
- Amorously
- Alterably
- Allegedly
- Aimlessly
- Adoringly
- Actinally
- Lollingly
- Lingually
- Liltingly
- Leeringly
- Learnedly
- Lastingly
- Illegally
- Genuinely
- Genteelly
- Genitally
- Generally
- Gallantly
- Eruditely
- Endlessly
- Elegantly
- Duteously
- Diurnally
- Distantly
- Dietarily
- Dentately
- Atoningly
- Assuredly
- Arduously
- Angularly
- Agelessly
- Adrenally
- Literally
- Leniently
- Leisurely
- Laterally
- Inutilely
- Intensely
- Insularly
- Instantly
- Initially
- Eternally
- Enterally
- Earnestly
- Austerely
- Aurorally
- Aureately
- Asininely
- Artlessly
- Annularly
- Cockamamy
- Hypergamy
- Eurhythmy
- Karyogamy
- Dichogamy
- Blasphemy
- Dichotomy
- Daydreamy
- Cystotomy
- Archenemy
- Lobectomy
- Lipectomy
- Leukotomy
- Diathermy
- Colectomy
- Lithotomy
- Colostomy
- Anisogamy
- Ileostomy
- Astronomy
- Homophony
- Hawthorny
- Cacophony
- Halfpenny
- Accompany
- Colophony
- Diachrony
- Inharmony
- Fourpenny
- Cosmogony
- Calcedony
- Antiphony
- Androgyny
- Cinnamony
- Brimstony
- Geobotany
- Epirogeny
- Coxcombry
- Hackberry
- Gimmickry
- Exemplary
- Citizenry
- Judiciary
- Jewellery
- Expletory
- Expiatory
- Executory
- Excretory
- Exclusory
- Cuckoldry
- Antiquary
- Herbivory
- Backstory
- Amphigory
- Janissary
- Homospory
- Formicary
- Crowberry
- Chicanery
- Chemistry
- Auxiliary
- Asymmetry
- Husbandry
- Heathenry
- Fiduciary
- Embracery
- Discovery
- Columbary
- Chandlery
- Babbittry
- Infirmary
- Formulary
- Connivery
- Comradery
- Cassowary
- Carnivory
- Feudatory
- Emunctory
- Dysentery
- Dromedary
- Deviatory
- Customary
- Crematory
- Cranberry
- Costumery
- Circuitry
- Carpentry
- Capillary
- Cabinetry
- Budgetary
- Blueberry
- Blaeberry
- Bearberry
- Barometry
- Baptistry
- Baneberry
- Bacillary
- Baboonery
- Ampullary
- Adversary
- Accessory
- Accessary
- Lingberry
- Iodometry
- Inventory
- Imaginary
- Hortatory
- Honourary
- Gossamery
- Floristry
- Fallalery
- Ergometry
- Educatory
- Dosimetry
- Dormitory
- Directory
- Deerberry
- Decretory
- Decennary
- Damnatory
- Algometry
- Libratory
- Legendary
- Insectary
- Glengarry
- Electuary
- Dignitary
- Corollary
- Centenary
- Casuistry
- Cartulary
- Armillary
- Arbitrary
- Ancillary
- Ancientry
- Altimetry
- Allopatry
- Allometry
- Aerometry
- Legionary
- Laudatory
- Gustatory
- Gestatory
- Gallantry
- Desultory
- Dentistry
- Adulatory
- Itinerary
- Artillery
- Antistory
- Allostery
- Jequirity
- Convexity
- Loquacity
- Liquidity
- Joviality
- Jocundity
- Duplexity
- Hybridity
- Extremity
- Cyclicity
- Champerty
- Antiquity
- Hyponasty
- Dexterity
- Juniority
- Haecceity
- Fervidity
- Febricity
- Facticity
- Extrality
- Extensity
- Crotchety
- Concavity
- Commodity
- Chocolaty
- Captivity
- Acclivity
- Improbity
- Hispidity
- Frivolity
- Festivity
- Fecundity
- Depravity
- Deformity
- Declivity
- Community
- Limpidity
- Infirmity
- Immodesty
- Gravidity
- Gibbosity
- Frigidity
- Formality
- Febrility
- Ethnicity
- Emotivity
- Duplicity
- Coevality
- Chirality
- Biosafety
- Anonymity
- Ambiguity
- Lubricity
- Longevity
- Immensity
- Iconicity
- Hideosity
- Frugality
- Fragility
- Floridity
- Feudality
- Diversity
- Clonicity
- Celebrity
- Barbarity
- Atomicity
- Adversity
- Abnormity
- Lethality
- Indemnity
- Hostility
- Gracility
- Globosity
- Fissility
- Fertility
- Erosivity
- Edibility
- Ductility
- Dubiosity
- Disparity
- Credulity
- Congruity
- Benignity
- Authority
- Admiralty
- Adiposity
- Absurdity
- Liability
- Labiality
- Intracity
- Intercity
- Inebriety
- Indignity
- Inability
- Curiosity
- Contrasty
- Certainty
- Causality
- Carnality
- Cariosity
- Callosity
- Brutality
- Atonicity
- Arability
- Apriority
- Antiparty
- Animosity
- Animality
- Amorality
- Actuality
- Integrity
- Ingenuity
- Gentility
- Geniality
- Garrulity
- Dentality
- Assiduity
- Linearity
- Lineality
- Irreality
- Inutility
- Intensity
- Austerity
- Atonality
- Asininity
Most common letters before the last letter Y
We analyzed eighth letter frequency in 9-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the eighth letters in words that end with Y from the table below.
Word count | Eighth letter | Frequency |
873 | l | 50.9% |
234 | r | 13.6% |
229 | t | 13.3% |
83 | c | 4.8% |
69 | g | 4% |
41 | n | 2.4% |
35 | f | 2% |
32 | m | 1.9% |
28 | h | 1.6% |
22 | p | 1.3% |
18 | a | 1% |
15 | d | 0.9% |
10 | s | 0.6% |
7 | e | 0.4% |
6 | o | 0.3% |
5 | x | 0.3% |
4 | k | 0.2% |
2 | z | 0.1% |
1 | u | 0.1% |