List of 8-letter words starting with L
We found 874 eight letter words that start with L for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Lysozyme | 25 | 25 |
Lockjaws | 24 | 28 |
Lyricize | 22 | 23 |
Lacqueys | 22 | 24 |
Lymphoma | 20 | 22 |
Longjump | 20 | 28 |
Logicize | 20 | 23 |
Lixivium | 20 | 24 |
Laicized | 20 | 22 |
Lymphoid | 19 | 20 |
8 letter words
There are a total of 1002 eight letter words starting with L in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31736 eight letter words and 5619 words that start with the letter L.
- Lacqueys
- Laicized
- Laicizes
- Lacquers
- Laxative
- Lathwork
- Larynxes
- Ladyfish
- Lackeyed
- Lazurite
- Lazulite
- Laziness
- Lazarets
- Layaways
- Lawmaker
- Lawbooks
- Lavrocks
- Laverock
- Latinize
- Laterize
- Laliques
- Ladyship
- Lacework
- Laywomen
- Laywoman
- Lampyrid
- Lambskin
- Lamblike
- Lambkins
- Lambkill
- Lakeward
- Lakelike
- Lakehead
- Ladypalm
- Ladylike
- Ladykins
- Ladyhood
- Laxities
- Laxation
- Lawyered
- Lawgiver
- Lavished
- Lavalike
- Lashkars
- Landwash
- Landskip
- Landmark
- Lampreys
- Lakefill
- Lakebeds
- Ladylove
- Ladybugs
- Ladybird
- Lacrymal
- Lackered
- Layovers
- Lavishes
- Lavisher
- Lavashes
- Lavalava
- Launched
- Latching
- Larkspur
- Larksome
- Lapwings
- Laneways
- Landform
- Lanching
- Lamppost
- Lambdoid
- Lakeport
- Lacewood
- Lacewing
- Lacelike
- Lavaboes
- Launches
- Launcher
- Laughing
- Latchets
- Lardlike
- Lappeted
- Lappered
- Lapboard
- Landward
- Lambings
- Lambadas
- Lallygag
- Lakeside
- Lakeland
- Lagnappe
- Ladhoods
- Lacheses
- Labdanum
- Layering
- Layerage
- Lavender
- Laveered
- Laughter
- Laughers
- Lathings
- Lathered
- Latewood
- Latakias
- Lashings
- Larynges
- Laryngal
- Larrikin
- Lapsible
- Lapsable
- Lanyards
- Lankness
- Lankiest
- Languish
- Langsyne
- Langshan
- Langleys
- Langlauf
- Landgrab
- Landfill
- Landfast
- Landfall
- Lampoons
- Lampless
- Lampions
- Lampases
- Lambiest
- Lamberts
- Lambasts
- Lambaste
- Laicisms
- Ladyness
- Ladleful
- Laddisms
- Lactonic
- Lacrimal
- Laconism
- Laburnum
- Labrusca
- Labellum
- Labarums
- Layettes
- Lawsuits
- Lavation
- Lavatera
- Lavalier
- Lauwines
- Laudanum
- Laudable
- Latticed
- Latherer
- Lashless
- Larruped
- Larboard
- Lapidist
- Lapidate
- Lapelled
- Lanthorn
- Landsmen
- Landsman
- Landslip
- Landmass
- Lanceted
- Lamented
- Laicised
- Laggings
- Laggards
- Laddered
- Ladanums
- Lactated
- Lacertid
- Labroids
- Labrador
- Laboured
- Laboring
- Labiated
- Labelled
- Labeling
- Lattices
- Lastborn
- Larruper
- Largando
- Larcener
- Lapillus
- Language
- Langrage
- Landslid
- Landside
- Landlord
- Landings
- Lanciers
- Lancelet
- Lamsters
- Lamister
- Laminous
- Laminose
- Laminins
- Laminate
- Laminals
- Lamenter
- Lameness
- Lamellas
- Lamellar
- Lamellae
- Laitance
- Laicises
- Lagering
- Ladening
- Laddiest
- Lacunose
- Lacunate
- Lacunars
- Lactoses
- Lactones
- Lactitol
- Lacteous
- Lacteals
- Lactates
- Lactases
- Lacrosse
- Laciness
- Lacerate
- Laceless
- Labourer
- Laborite
- Laborers
- Labiates
- Labeller
- Labelers
- Laagered
- Laureled
- Launders
- Laudator
- Latitude
- Latigoes
- Latening
- Lastings
- Lassoing
- Lasering
- Lasagnes
- Lasagnas
- Larrigan
- Larigans
- Lariated
- Largesse
- Lardoons
- Lardiest
- Laniards
- Languors
- Languets
- Langrels
- Landline
- Landless
- Landlers
- Lallands
- Lairages
- Lagoonal
- Ladrones
- Laureate
- Latrines
- Latosols
- Latillas
- Laterite
- Laterals
- Lateness
- Lateener
- Lassoers
- Lanterns
- Lantanas
- Lanolins
- Lanoline
- Lanneret
- Lanitals
- Lairiest
- Laetrile
- Lexigram
- Lekythus
- Lekythos
- Lekythoi
- Legalize
- Lechayim
- Lexicons
- Leukemic
- Lehayims
- Legworks
- Lecythus
- Lecythis
- Leafworm
- Leadwork
- Levogyre
- Leftwing
- Leftward
- Leaflike
- Leadoffs
- Levodopa
- Leukotic
- Leukomas
- Leukemia
- Leucemic
- Letching
- Leftover
- Leeching
- Lechered
- Leapfrog
- Leafmold
- Leaching
- Leviable
- Lemonish
- Lemmings
- Legholds
- Leftisms
- Lecithin
- Leakages
- Leachier
- Leachers
- Leachate
- Lewdness
- Levigate
- Levering
- Leverage
- Levelled
- Leveling
- Leveeing
- Levanted
- Leukosis
- Leukoses
- Leucotic
- Leucomas
- Leucitic
- Leucemia
- Letdowns
- Leptonic
- Leprotic
- Lentisks
- Lengthen
- Lempiras
- Lemnisci
- Leghorns
- Leewards
- Leavings
- Leavened
- Leashing
- Leakless
- Leafages
- Lewisson
- Lewisite
- Levulose
- Levulins
- Levities
- Levitate
- Levirate
- Leverets
- Leveller
- Levelers
- Levators
- Levanter
- Leporids
- Lepidote
- Leopards
- Lenitive
- Lendable
- Lemuroid
- Lemonade
- Legumins
- Legrooms
- Leggings
- Legalism
- Legacies
- Leftists
- Leeboard
- Lectured
- Leavener
- Leathers
- Leathern
- Leafroll
- Leaflets
- Leafless
- Leadsmen
- Leadsman
- Leadable
- Leucosis
- Leucoses
- Leucites
- Leucines
- Lettuces
- Lesbians
- Leporine
- Lenticel
- Lenience
- Lendings
- Lemurine
- Lemonier
- Leggiero
- Legating
- Lectures
- Lecturer
- Lections
- Lecterns
- Leasable
- Leaguing
- Leadings
- Leadened
- Lettered
- Lessoned
- Lessened
- Lesioned
- Leotards
- Lentoids
- Lentando
- Lensings
- Leniting
- Leisured
- Legators
- Legation
- Legatine
- Legatees
- Legalise
- Legalese
- Leasings
- Learning
- Leanings
- Leaguers
- Leadless
- Letterer
- Lensless
- Lenition
- Lenities
- Leisures
- Leisters
- Learners
- Leanness
- Lealties
- Lixivium
- Linkwork
- Lixivial
- Liquored
- Liquated
- Lionized
- Limbecks
- Lifework
- Liqueurs
- Liquates
- Lionizes
- Lionizer
- Linkboys
- Liftoffs
- Lifeways
- Lipstick
- Limpkins
- Limewash
- Limerick
- Lithemic
- Lipocyte
- Linchpin
- Lilylike
- Likewise
- Lightish
- Lightful
- Lifelike
- Lickings
- Liveyers
- Livewell
- Liveware
- Liverish
- Lionfish
- Linstock
- Linksmen
- Linksman
- Linkable
- Limekiln
- Likeable
- Lichting
- Lichgate
- Lichened
- Libeccio
- Livetrap
- Liveable
- Lithiums
- Lithemia
- Lippings
- Lippered
- Lippened
- Lipogram
- Linotype
- Linkages
- Lindying
- Limboing
- Limbered
- Likening
- Lighting
- Liftable
- Lifetime
- Lifespan
- Lifecare
- Lichenin
- Licenced
- Livering
- Liveried
- Livening
- Livelong
- Lithoing
- Litharge
- Liripipe
- Liposome
- Lipomata
- Lionlike
- Lingcods
- Linelike
- Limpsier
- Limpness
- Limonium
- Limnetic
- Limbuses
- Limbless
- Limberer
- Limacons
- Limacine
- Likeness
- Likelier
- Lighters
- Lightens
- Ligative
- Liftgate
- Lifelong
- Licorice
- Licences
- Licencer
- Licencee
- Liveries
- Liveness
- Liveners
- Livelier
- Liturgic
- Littlish
- Lithosol
- Lispings
- Lipreads
- Lipoidal
- Lipgloss
- Linguica
- Linebred
- Limuloid
- Limiting
- Limiteds
- Limeades
- Lignitic
- Lifeline
- Lifeless
- Liegemen
- Liegeman
- Licensed
- Librated
- Libelled
- Libeling
- Litmuses
- Listable
- Liriopes
- Lipliner
- Linoleum
- Linocuts
- Lingered
- Linesmen
- Linesman
- Linemate
- Linecuts
- Lineable
- Limonite
- Limonene
- Limiters
- Liminess
- Limeless
- Liguloid
- Ligating
- Lienable
- Licensor
- Licenses
- Licenser
- Licensee
- Libretto
- Libretti
- Librates
- Liberate
- Liberals
- Libelous
- Libeller
- Libellee
- Libelers
- Libelees
- Libation
- Littered
- Litigate
- Listings
- Listened
- Lionised
- Linteled
- Linseeds
- Linsangs
- Lingular
- Lingulae
- Linguisa
- Linguini
- Linguine
- Linguals
- Lingerie
- Lingerer
- Lineated
- Lineages
- Lindanes
- Ligulate
- Ligroins
- Ligroine
- Lignites
- Ligneous
- Ligature
- Ligation
- Liaising
- Littoral
- Litterer
- Literati
- Literate
- Literals
- Liteness
- Litanies
- Listless
- Listeria
- Listener
- Lionises
- Lioniser
- Linurons
- Lintless
- Lineless
- Linalool
- Linalols
- Liaisons
- Lockjaws
- Longjump
- Logicize
- Localize
- Lozenges
- Lockdown
- Lovesick
- Lovelock
- Loquitur
- Lobbyism
- Lowbrows
- Lopstick
- Lookdown
- Logomach
- Lockstep
- Lockrams
- Lockable
- Lobstick
- Lobbying
- Lowdowns
- Longways
- Longneck
- Lollypop
- Logbooks
- Loftlike
- Locofoco
- Lockages
- Lobworms
- Lobbyers
- Lowlives
- Lowlifes
- Lowlifer
- Lovevine
- Lovebugs
- Lovebird
- Lordship
- Looksism
- Lookisms
- Longship
- Longbows
- Logotype
- Locoweed
- Locksets
- Lockouts
- Locknuts
- Lockless
- Loathful
- Loyalism
- Lowballs
- Lovesome
- Loveable
- Lothsome
- Lordlike
- Loppered
- Loophole
- Lookited
- Longhead
- Longhand
- Lollygag
- Logwoods
- Locavore
- Locative
- Lobefins
- Lowrider
- Lowlands
- Lowering
- Louvered
- Lopsided
- Lookouts
- Lookists
- Longwise
- Longleaf
- Longhorn
- Longhair
- Lomentum
- Lollipop
- Logogram
- Locomote
- Locoisms
- Localism
- Loathing
- Loanword
- Loafings
- Lovelorn
- Lovelies
- Lovelier
- Loveless
- Lothario
- Lordotic
- Lordomas
- Longtime
- Longspur
- Longsome
- Lolloped
- Logistic
- Logicise
- Logician
- Loggings
- Loftless
- Lodicule
- Lodgings
- Locating
- Loathers
- Loadable
- Lounging
- Loudened
- Lorimers
- Loricate
- Lordling
- Lordings
- Lonicera
- Longings
- Longeing
- Lonesome
- Locution
- Locustal
- Locustae
- Loculate
- Locators
- Location
- Locaters
- Localite
- Localise
- Lobulose
- Lobulate
- Lobtails
- Lobsters
- Lobeline
- Lobelias
- Lobeless
- Lobation
- Loanable
- Loamless
- Loadings
- Loungier
- Loungers
- Loudness
- Loudlier
- Lorgnons
- Lordosis
- Lordoses
- Lordlier
- Lordless
- Lootings
- Loosened
- Longueur
- Longness
- Longline
- Longeron
- Loitered
- Logrolls
- Loginess
- Lodestar
- Loanings
- Loadstar
- Lostness
- Lossless
- Lornness
- Loriners
- Loosener
- Loneness
- Lonelier
- Loiterer
- Loessial
- Lummoxes
- Lumpfish
- Lukewarm
- Luxating
- Lunkhead
- Luxuries
- Luxation
- Lutfisks
- Lutefisk
- Lungfish
- Lurching
- Lungworm
- Lunching
- Lugworms
- Luckless
- Lurchers
- Lunchers
- Luncheon
- Lumbered
- Lumbagos
- Lucifers
- Lutecium
- Lungfuls
- Luminism
- Lumberer
- Lucences
- Lubrical
- Luthiers
- Lutherns
- Lushness
- Luggages
- Lutetium
- Lustrums
- Luscious
- Lupulins
- Lupanars
- Lungeing
- Lunatics
- Lunacies
- Luminous
- Lucernes
- Lucarnes
- Lustring
- Lustered
- Lurdanes
- Lungless
- Lugsails
- Luteolin
- Lustrous
- Lustrine
- Lustrate
- Lunulate
- Lunettes
- Lunation
- Lunarian
- Lysozyme
- Lyricize
- Lymphoma
- Lymphoid
- Lynchpin
- Lymphous
- Lynching
- Lychgate
- Lythrums
- Lyriform
- Lyophile
- Lynchers
- Lycopsid
- Lycopods
- Lyricism
- Lycopene
- Lyrebird
- Lysosome
- Lyricons
- Lyricise
- Lyddites
- Lysogens
Most common letters after the first letter L
We analyzed second letter frequency in 8-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with L from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
299 | a | 29.8% |
234 | i | 23.4% |
195 | o | 19.5% |
177 | e | 17.7% |
72 | u | 7.2% |
25 | y | 2.5% |