List of 8-letter words starting with I
We found 778 eight letter words that start with I for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Isozymic | 24 | 25 |
Isozymes | 22 | 22 |
Imblazed | 22 | 25 |
Immunize | 21 | 25 |
Imblazes | 21 | 24 |
Ichthyic | 21 | 20 |
Itemized | 20 | 21 |
Iniquity | 20 | 21 |
Inequity | 20 | 21 |
Immixing | 20 | 24 |
8 letter words
There are a total of 778 eight letter words starting with I in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31736 eight letter words and 6836 words that start with the letter I.
- Ichthyic
- Iceboxes
- Icekhana
- Icemaker
- Iceblink
- Iceworms
- Ickiness
- Icescape
- Icefield
- Ichorous
- Ichnites
- Icewines
- Icehouse
- Icefalls
- Icebound
- Icebergs
- Icterics
- Iconical
- Iceboats
- Idolized
- Idolizes
- Idolizer
- Idealize
- Identify
- Idiotype
- Ideology
- Idealogy
- Idyllist
- Idylists
- Idoneity
- Idolatry
- Ideogram
- Identity
- Ideative
- Ideality
- Idolisms
- Idocrase
- Idiotism
- Idiolect
- Idiocies
- Idealism
- Idolised
- Ideating
- Idoneous
- Idolises
- Idoliser
- Idolator
- Idolater
- Idlesses
- Idleness
- Ideation
- Idealist
- Idealise
- Idealess
- Ignominy
- Ignified
- Ignifies
- Ignorami
- Ignobler
- Iguanids
- Ignoring
- Igniting
- Iguanian
- Ignorers
- Ignorant
- Ignitron
- Ignitors
- Ignition
- Igniters
- Ignatias
- Illiquid
- Illuvium
- Illuvial
- Illusory
- Illusive
- Illuming
- Illogics
- Illative
- Ilmenite
- Illumine
- Illuding
- Illinium
- Illegals
- Illusion
- Illation
- Imblazed
- Immunize
- Imblazes
- Immixing
- Impishly
- Impolicy
- Imparked
- Imbarked
- Improved
- Implying
- Impawned
- Immeshed
- Impurity
- Impurely
- Impunity
- Improves
- Improver
- Impowers
- Imparity
- Impacted
- Immunity
- Immeshes
- Imbrowns
- Imbowers
- Imbibing
- Imbedded
- Imbalmed
- Impugned
- Improper
- Imprimis
- Imploded
- Implicit
- Impledge
- Impinged
- Imperium
- Impended
- Impeding
- Impactor
- Impacter
- Immobile
- Immerged
- Imbosoms
- Imbodied
- Imbibers
- Imbecile
- Imbalmer
- Imputing
- Impulsed
- Impugner
- Impudent
- Impregns
- Impounds
- Imposted
- Imposing
- Imported
- Imponing
- Implored
- Implodes
- Impleads
- Impinges
- Impinger
- Impetigo
- Impelled
- Impeders
- Impasted
- Imparted
- Impaling
- Impaired
- Immuring
- Immodest
- Immingle
- Immersed
- Immerges
- Imbruted
- Imbruing
- Imbolden
- Imbodies
- Imagisms
- Imputers
- Impurest
- Impulses
- Imprison
- Imprints
- Imprests
- Impreses
- Impresas
- Impotent
- Impostor
- Imposter
- Imposers
- Importer
- Imporous
- Impolite
- Implores
- Implorer
- Implants
- Imperils
- Imperial
- Impellor
- Impeller
- Impearls
- Impastos
- Impastes
- Impasses
- Imparter
- Impanels
- Impalers
- Impairer
- Impaints
- Immunise
- Immunest
- Immotile
- Immortal
- Immolate
- Imminent
- Immerses
- Immenser
- Immature
- Immanent
- Imitable
- Imbrutes
- Imbitter
- Imamates
- Imagings
- Imagined
- Imitated
- Imagists
- Imagines
- Imaginer
- Imaginal
- Imitator
- Imitates
- Iniquity
- Inequity
- Inukshuk
- Inflexed
- Infixing
- Indoxyls
- Inquired
- Injected
- Influxes
- Infixion
- Inchworm
- Intermix
- Inquires
- Inquirer
- Inquiets
- Inquests
- Inkberry
- Injector
- Infeoffs
- Inexpert
- Indexing
- Invoking
- Inviably
- Inuksuks
- Inkwoods
- Injuring
- Infotech
- Infobahn
- Infirmly
- Indexers
- Inweaved
- Inwardly
- Involved
- Invokers
- Inveighs
- Intimacy
- Intersex
- Interrex
- Insomuch
- Inkwells
- Inkhorns
- Injuries
- Injurers
- Ingrowth
- Infought
- Inflight
- Infights
- Inchmeal
- Inasmuch
- Inweaves
- Involves
- Involver
- Invoiced
- Inviscid
- Inverity
- Invected
- Invasive
- Inswathe
- Insheath
- Inmeshed
- Inkblots
- Inhuming
- Infusive
- Informed
- Inflamed
- Infirmed
- Infinity
- Infecund
- Infected
- Infantry
- Inedibly
- Incurved
- Incumber
- Inarched
- Invoices
- Invocate
- Inviable
- Invading
- Intrench
- Intombed
- Intactly
- Instancy
- Insphere
- Inmeshes
- Inkstand
- Inklings
- Inhumers
- Inhumane
- Inhibits
- Inhibins
- Inhabits
- Ingulfed
- Infracts
- Informer
- Informal
- Infolded
- Inflicts
- Inflects
- Inflames
- Inflamer
- Infector
- Infecter
- Infarcts
- Infamous
- Infamies
- Indowing
- Indignly
- Indicium
- Incurves
- Incoming
- Incisory
- Incisive
- Inchoate
- Incepted
- Inarches
- Inactive
- Inwalled
- Inviting
- Invested
- Inverted
- Inversed
- Invented
- Inveigle
- Invalids
- Invaders
- Inuksuit
- Intwined
- Intraday
- Intifada
- Intercom
- Instroke
- Inspects
- Insights
- Insculps
- Inscribe
- Inscapes
- Inoculum
- Innerved
- Inlaying
- Inkstone
- Inkiness
- Inimical
- Inholder
- Inhering
- Inhaling
- Ingrafts
- Ingather
- Infusing
- Infrugal
- Infringe
- Infrared
- Infolder
- Inflated
- Infilled
- Infields
- Infidels
- Infested
- Inferred
- Indwells
- Industry
- Inducted
- Inducing
- Indrafts
- Indicted
- Indevout
- Indebted
- Incubate
- Incorpse
- Incomers
- Included
- Inclasps
- Incipits
- Inceptor
- Incaging
- Involute
- Inviters
- Invitees
- Invirile
- Investor
- Invertor
- Invertin
- Inverter
- Inverses
- Inventor
- Inventer
- Invasion
- Intwists
- Intwines
- Intrepid
- Inthrone
- Inthrals
- Inthrall
- Interwar
- Interval
- Interrow
- Interlay
- Interbed
- Intently
- Inspired
- Inshrine
- Insanity
- Insanely
- Inrushes
- Inputted
- Inpoured
- Innovate
- Innerves
- Innately
- Inlayers
- Inlacing
- Inhesion
- Inherits
- Inherent
- Inhauler
- Inhalers
- Inhalant
- Ingroups
- Infusion
- Infusers
- Influent
- Inflator
- Inflates
- Inflater
- Infinite
- Infester
- Inferrer
- Infernos
- Infernal
- Inferior
- Infaunas
- Infaunal
- Infaunae
- Infantes
- Infantas
- Inedible
- Inearths
- Indusium
- Indulged
- Inductor
- Inductee
- Inducers
- Indocile
- Indirect
- Indigoid
- Indictor
- Indicter
- Indictee
- Indicias
- Indicate
- Indicant
- Indicans
- Indecent
- Indamins
- Indamine
- Incusing
- Incurred
- Incudate
- Includes
- Inclosed
- Inclined
- Inciting
- Incising
- Incident
- Incented
- Incensed
- Incasing
- Incanted
- Inbreeds
- Inbounds
- Inboards
- Inbeings
- Inarming
- Inurbane
- Intubate
- Intruded
- Intronic
- Intromit
- Intimist
- Intimate
- Intermit
- Intermat
- Interlap
- Interims
- Intercut
- Interact
- Intended
- Instruct
- Instinct
- Instance
- Instable
- Inspirit
- Inspires
- Inspirer
- Insource
- Insomnia
- Insecure
- Insectan
- Inscroll
- Inputter
- Inotrope
- Innocent
- Inground
- Ingoting
- Ingested
- Ineptest
- Inedited
- Indulges
- Indulger
- Indorsed
- Inditing
- Indigoes
- Indigent
- Indigens
- Indigene
- Indented
- Indagate
- Incrusts
- Increate
- Increase
- Inconnus
- Incloses
- Incloser
- Inclines
- Incliner
- Inciters
- Incitant
- Incisure
- Incisors
- Incision
- Incenter
- Incenses
- Inbursts
- Inarable
- Inaptest
- Inaction
- Inurning
- Inundate
- Inundant
- Inturned
- Intuited
- Intrudes
- Intruder
- Intrigue
- Intrados
- Intorted
- Intoning
- Intitled
- Interred
- Interned
- Interage
- Intender
- Integrin
- Integral
- Integers
- Intaglio
- Insuring
- Insureds
- Insulted
- Instated
- Insouled
- Insnared
- Insisted
- Insignia
- Insiders
- Insetted
- Inserted
- Innuendo
- Inlander
- Inguinal
- Ingrates
- Ingrains
- Ingenues
- Indusial
- Indurate
- Indulins
- Induline
- Indorsor
- Indorses
- Indorser
- Indorsee
- Indolent
- Inditers
- Indentor
- Indenter
- Inulases
- Intrusts
- Introrse
- Introits
- Intreats
- Intrants
- Intranet
- Intoners
- Intonate
- Intitule
- Intitles
- Intertie
- Internes
- Internee
- Internal
- Interior
- Interest
- Intenser
- Intarsia
- Insurers
- Insurant
- Insulter
- Insulins
- Insulate
- Insulars
- Insulant
- Instills
- Instates
- Instants
- Installs
- Insolent
- Insolate
- Insnares
- Insnarer
- Insister
- Insetter
- Inserter
- Insanest
- Inositol
- Inosites
- Inosines
- Initiate
- Initials
- Inertias
- Inertial
- Inertiae
- Inerrant
- Iodizing
- Ionizing
- Iodizers
- Ionizers
- Iodophor
- Iodoform
- Ionicity
- Iotacism
- Iodopsin
- Ionomers
- Iodising
- Iodating
- Ionogens
- Ionising
- Iodinate
- Iodation
- Ionisers
- Ironized
- Ironizes
- Ironwork
- Ironbark
- Irefully
- Ironwood
- Ironweed
- Ironlike
- Irrupted
- Ironware
- Ironclad
- Iridiums
- Ironical
- Irenical
- Irrigate
- Ironside
- Ironised
- Ironings
- Irritate
- Irritant
- Ironness
- Ironless
- Ironists
- Ironises
- Ironiest
- Iritises
- Isozymic
- Isozymes
- Ischemic
- Isotypic
- Isopachs
- Isomorph
- Isocracy
- Isochime
- Isocheim
- Ischemia
- Isthmoid
- Isohyets
- Isograph
- Isthmian
- Issuably
- Isotypes
- Isotropy
- Isotherm
- Isotachs
- Isostacy
- Isospory
- Isopleth
- Isophote
- Isometry
- Isoforms
- Isochron
- Isochors
- Isochore
- Isobutyl
- Isobaths
- Isarithm
- Isotopic
- Isonomic
- Isomeric
- Isogrivs
- Isograft
- Isobaric
- Isagogic
- Isothere
- Isostasy
- Isopodan
- Isograms
- Isogonic
- Isogenic
- Issuance
- Issuable
- Isotopes
- Isotonic
- Isospins
- Isoprene
- Isolable
- Isocline
- Isobares
- Islanded
- Isatinic
- Isagoges
- Isologue
- Isoleads
- Isolated
- Isogones
- Isogonal
- Isogloss
- Islander
- Isotones
- Isolines
- Isolator
- Isolates
- Isleless
- Isatines
Most common letters after the first letter I
We analyzed second letter frequency in 8-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with I from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
431 | n | 55.4% |
132 | m | 17% |
69 | s | 8.9% |
35 | d | 4.5% |
26 | r | 3.3% |
19 | c | 2.4% |
17 | o | 2.2% |
16 | g | 2.1% |
15 | l | 1.9% |
11 | t | 1.4% |
2 | a | 0.3% |
1 | v | 0.1% |