List of 8-letter words starting with F
We found 874 eight letter words that start with F for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Fuzzball | 31 | 35 |
Frizzled | 30 | 31 |
Frizzing | 30 | 32 |
Frazzled | 30 | 31 |
Fizzling | 30 | 33 |
Fuzztone | 29 | 31 |
Frizzler | 29 | 30 |
Frizzier | 29 | 29 |
Flapjack | 26 | 31 |
Frowzier | 23 | 23 |
8 letter words
There are a total of 1446 eight letter words starting with F in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 31736 eight letter words and 7425 words that start with the letter F.
- Fabrique
- Fazendas
- Faradize
- Farmwork
- Fanzines
- Fatbacks
- Fastback
- Farmwife
- Fallback
- Faceoffs
- Facemask
- Fawnlike
- Fatstock
- Fathomed
- Farmyard
- Farmhand
- Fancying
- Famished
- Falloffs
- Fallfish
- Faithful
- Fairways
- Fahlband
- Facedown
- Fauvisms
- Fathomer
- Farouche
- Fanglike
- Fanciful
- Famishes
- Falchion
- Fairyism
- Favoured
- Favoring
- Faunlike
- Fatwoods
- Fathered
- Fatheads
- Fascisms
- Fascicle
- Fartleks
- Farthing
- Farrowed
- Farmable
- Farcical
- Faradays
- Fanfolds
- Familism
- Fallowed
- Fakeries
- Faithing
- Faddisms
- Factotum
- Factices
- Faceable
- Fabulism
- Fayalite
- Favourer
- Favorite
- Favorers
- Favonian
- Favellas
- Fauvists
- Faubourg
- Fatbirds
- Fashious
- Fashions
- Farmland
- Farmings
- Farinhas
- Farfalle
- Farewell
- Faradism
- Faradaic
- Fanworts
- Fanfaron
- Fanfares
- Falcated
- Falafels
- Faintish
- Faggoted
- Factored
- Factoids
- Faciends
- Facetted
- Faceting
- Fatigued
- Fatalism
- Fastball
- Fascitis
- Fascists
- Fascines
- Fasciate
- Farceurs
- Fantasms
- Fanegada
- Fandango
- Fanciers
- Fanatics
- Families
- Familiar
- Familial
- Fameless
- Fallible
- Falconer
- Falbalas
- Faiences
- Fagoting
- Faddists
- Factures
- Factious
- Factions
- Facetiae
- Faceless
- Fabulous
- Fabulate
- Faulting
- Fattened
- Fatlings
- Fatigues
- Fastings
- Fastened
- Farsides
- Farragos
- Faradise
- Fangless
- Fangirls
- Faltered
- Fallings
- Falderol
- Falderal
- Fairlead
- Fairings
- Fairgoer
- Fainting
- Failings
- Fagoters
- Fadeouts
- Fadeless
- Fauteuil
- Faunists
- Faultier
- Fattener
- Fastuous
- Fastness
- Fastener
- Farriers
- Farolito
- Farnesol
- Farinose
- Fantasts
- Fantasie
- Fantasia
- Fantails
- Falterer
- Falsetto
- Fallouts
- Faitours
- Fairness
- Fainters
- Failures
- Feminize
- Feminazi
- Feedback
- Fedexing
- Feoffing
- Febrific
- Feverish
- Fetlocks
- Fetching
- Feoffors
- Feoffers
- Feoffees
- Feckless
- Fetiches
- Fetchers
- Ferrymen
- Ferryman
- Feedyard
- Feeblish
- Fevering
- Ferrying
- Fernlike
- Fermiums
- Fencible
- Feminism
- Feluccas
- Feltlike
- Fellowed
- Feldsher
- Feedhole
- Feedbags
- Fedayeen
- Fewtrils
- Feverous
- Fetishes
- Feticide
- Festival
- Fesswise
- Fervours
- Fenthion
- Fentanyl
- Fencings
- Felworts
- Fellahin
- Feldspar
- Felafels
- Feedable
- Feathers
- Feastful
- Ferritic
- Fermions
- Ferments
- Fermatas
- Fendered
- Fenagled
- Feminise
- Feminine
- Felspars
- Felsitic
- Fellable
- Feigning
- Feedings
- Feasible
- Feasance
- Fearsome
- Feudists
- Fettling
- Fettered
- Festered
- Feruling
- Ferruled
- Ferriage
- Ferreted
- Ferreled
- Fenlands
- Fenagles
- Feltings
- Fellated
- Feinting
- Feigners
- Feelings
- Feedlots
- Federate
- Federals
- Featured
- Feasting
- Fettlers
- Fetterer
- Fetialis
- Fetiales
- Feterita
- Fetation
- Festoons
- Ferrules
- Ferritin
- Ferrites
- Ferreter
- Ferreous
- Ferrates
- Fernless
- Ferities
- Fenurons
- Fenestra
- Felstone
- Felsites
- Felonies
- Fellness
- Fellator
- Fellatio
- Fellates
- Feistier
- Feetless
- Features
- Featlier
- Feasters
- Fearless
- Fealties
- Fizzling
- Fiberize
- Fixative
- Fishhook
- Fishwife
- Finalize
- Fiftyish
- Fixating
- Fishworm
- Fishbowl
- Fireback
- Fixation
- Fivefold
- Fishlike
- Fishkill
- Firework
- Fishpond
- Firepink
- Firelock
- Firebomb
- Finnmark
- Finickin
- Filmlike
- Filefish
- Filching
- Fiftieth
- Fiefdoms
- Fishpole
- Fishmeal
- Fishbone
- Fishable
- Firmware
- Fireworm
- Fireship
- Firedamp
- Finochio
- Finiking
- Filmcard
- Filiform
- Fighting
- Firewood
- Fireweed
- Firefang
- Finished
- Fimbrial
- Fimbriae
- Filmable
- Fiendish
- Fibrotic
- Fibromas
- Fissiped
- Fishtail
- Fishline
- Firewall
- Fireplug
- Firehose
- Firehall
- Firebird
- Finisher
- Findable
- Financed
- Filthier
- Filmland
- Filmgoer
- Filliped
- Filicide
- Fiducial
- Fidgeted
- Fideisms
- Fiddling
- Fibroids
- Fittable
- Firetrap
- Fireroom
- Firebase
- Fireball
- Fireable
- Finitism
- Fingered
- Finespun
- Fineable
- Finalism
- Finagled
- Fillable
- Filename
- Fileable
- Figuring
- Fielding
- Fidgeter
- Fiddlier
- Fiddlers
- Fictions
- Fibsters
- Fibrosis
- Fibroses
- Fibroins
- Fibrilla
- Fibranne
- Fiascoes
- Fiancees
- Fissured
- Fireside
- Finitude
- Finialed
- Fingerer
- Finessed
- Finagler
- Filtered
- Filleted
- Filigree
- Filiated
- Fileting
- Filariid
- Filagree
- Figurine
- Figurate
- Figuline
- Figeater
- Fideists
- Fistular
- Fistulae
- Fistnote
- Fissural
- Firereel
- Finalise
- Filtrate
- Filterer
- Filleter
- Filister
- Filature
- Filarian
- Filarial
- Filariae
- Flapjack
- Flyspeck
- Flixweed
- Flexwing
- Fluidize
- Flywheel
- Flextime
- Flexible
- Flyblown
- Fluxgate
- Flipbook
- Flexagon
- Flaxseed
- Flatpack
- Flypaper
- Fluffing
- Flocking
- Flipflop
- Flimflam
- Flicking
- Flexural
- Flexuose
- Flecking
- Flatwork
- Flacking
- Fluffier
- Flockier
- Flitched
- Flinched
- Fletched
- Flenched
- Fleeched
- Flatwash
- Flatfish
- Flagship
- Flunking
- Flumping
- Flubbing
- Flowable
- Flopping
- Flopover
- Floccing
- Flipping
- Flincher
- Flighted
- Flichter
- Fletcher
- Flatworm
- Flapping
- Flanking
- Flamming
- Flambeed
- Flushing
- Flowered
- Floppier
- Flocculi
- Floccule
- Floccose
- Flippier
- Flinkite
- Fleshing
- Fleishig
- Flavored
- Flathead
- Flashing
- Flashgun
- Flappier
- Flamenco
- Flabbier
- Fluteyer
- Fluidram
- Flowerer
- Flourish
- Flounced
- Flogging
- Fleshier
- Fleecing
- Fledging
- Flavorer
- Flavonol
- Flavanol
- Flatwise
- Flatware
- Flattish
- Flashier
- Flancard
- Flamingo
- Flagpole
- Flagging
- Florence
- Floorpan
- Flooding
- Flinging
- Flimsier
- Fleecier
- Fledgier
- Flection
- Fleabite
- Fleabane
- Flatmate
- Flaperon
- Flanging
- Flaggier
- Flabella
- Flurried
- Fluoride
- Fluidise
- Flouting
- Flouring
- Flounder
- Flossing
- Florigen
- Flooring
- Floorage
- Floating
- Floatage
- Flitting
- Flirting
- Flinting
- Flensing
- Fleeting
- Fleering
- Flaunted
- Flatting
- Flatlong
- Flatling
- Flatland
- Flailing
- Flagella
- Fluorite
- Fluorine
- Fluorene
- Flourier
- Flotilla
- Flossier
- Floatier
- Flirtier
- Flintier
- Flaunter
- Flatline
- Flatiron
- Flanerie
- Foxhound
- Foxglove
- Focalize
- Forzando
- Forzandi
- Foozling
- Formwork
- Forjudge
- Forklike
- Folklike
- Forksful
- Foredeck
- Footwork
- Folklife
- Fogeyish
- Fogeydom
- Fortyish
- Forkball
- Forepeak
- Foremilk
- Forelock
- Forehoof
- Footmark
- Foolfish
- Folkmote
- Fogeyism
- Focaccia
- Foamlike
- Fourchee
- Foreface
- Forceful
- Footpath
- Footbath
- Followup
- Folksong
- Foveated
- Fourfold
- Foureyed
- Foughten
- Forsaker
- Forsaken
- Formable
- Forgiver
- Forgiven
- Foreyard
- Foreword
- Forewing
- Foreskin
- Forerank
- Forelimb
- Forehead
- Forehand
- Forefend
- Foreboom
- Forcible
- Forboded
- Foraying
- Footpace
- Footlike
- Foothold
- Foolscap
- Followed
- Folktale
- Folksier
- Folklore
- Fogbound
- Foamable
- Foveolar
- Foveolae
- Fortieth
- Forsworn
- Forswore
- Forswear
- Forsooth
- Foreworn
- Forewarn
- Forefeel
- Foredoom
- Forebode
- Fordable
- Forbidal
- Footworn
- Footwell
- Footwear
- Footwall
- Foothill
- Footfall
- Fomented
- Follower
- Foldable
- Foddered
- Focussed
- Focusing
- Foursome
- Founding
- Fornical
- Formulae
- Formalin
- Forgoing
- Foretime
- Forensic
- Forename
- Forebear
- Fordoing
- Forborne
- Foramina
- Foraging
- Footstep
- Footrope
- Footrace
- Football
- Foosball
- Foodland
- Fonduing
- Fondling
- Fomenter
- Follicle
- Foliaged
- Foilsmen
- Foilsman
- Foilable
- Focalise
- Fostered
- Fortuned
- Forrader
- Foretold
- Forested
- Foreside
- Foresaid
- Foreland
- Foregone
- Foregoer
- Foredone
- Foredate
- Footslog
- Footlong
- Footling
- Footgear
- Folioing
- Foliated
- Folderol
- Foisting
- Foustier
- Fourteen
- Fountain
- Fosterer
- Fossette
- Foretell
- Forester
- Forestal
- Foreseer
- Foreseen
- Foresail
- Forenoon
- Footsore
- Footnote
- Fontanel
- Frizzled
- Frizzing
- Frazzled
- Frizzler
- Frizzier
- Frowzier
- Francize
- Frenzied
- Freezing
- Frouzier
- Frizette
- Frumpish
- Frogfish
- Frocking
- Fretwork
- Freckled
- Freakish
- Fracking
- Frybread
- Frenched
- Froglike
- Frogeyed
- Frisking
- Frighted
- Fribbled
- Freshmen
- Freshman
- Freeform
- Freaking
- Frapping
- Franking
- Frumpier
- Frowsted
- Frowning
- Frothing
- Frivoled
- Friskier
- Frighten
- Fribbler
- Freshing
- Freehold
- Freehand
- Freakier
- Franklin
- Francium
- Framable
- Fruitful
- Frugging
- Frowsier
- Frounced
- Frothier
- Frogging
- Frivoler
- Frigging
- Fricando
- Frescoed
- Freewill
- Freeware
- Freedmen
- Freedman
- Fragging
- Fructose
- Frostnip
- Frontmen
- Frontman
- Froggier
- Fringing
- Friended
- Friction
- Fretsome
- Frescoer
- Frenulum
- Frenetic
- Freeborn
- Freebase
- Frascati
- Francise
- Fracture
- Fraction
- Fruiting
- Fruitage
- Frottage
- Frosting
- Fronting
- Frontage
- Frondose
- Frondeur
- Fritting
- Fringier
- Frilling
- Fretting
- Freeride
- Freeload
- Frustule
- Fruition
- Fruitier
- Frotteur
- Frostier
- Frontier
- Friulano
- Frittata
- Frisette
- Frillier
- Frettier
- Frenular
- Fraulein
- Fuzzball
- Fuzztone
- Fuckface
- Fuckhead
- Fullback
- Fumelike
- Fusiform
- Funnymen
- Funnyman
- Fumbling
- Fullface
- Fuchsine
- Fuselike
- Furrowed
- Furpiece
- Furlough
- Furculum
- Funkster
- Fulminic
- Fugitive
- Fuelwood
- Furrower
- Furnaced
- Furibund
- Furfuran
- Furfural
- Furcated
- Funhouse
- Fungible
- Fundable
- Fumigate
- Fulmined
- Fuglemen
- Fugleman
- Fuddling
- Fucoidal
- Futurism
- Fusarium
- Furuncle
- Furlable
- Furcular
- Furculae
- Furcraea
- Funiculi
- Function
- Fumarole
- Fumarate
- Fumarase
- Fuselage
- Funneled
- Fullered
- Fuelling
- Fusional
- Fusilier
- Fusileer
- Furriner
- Furanose
- Funereal
Most common letters after the first letter F
We analyzed second letter frequency in 8-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with F from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
289 | o | 20% |
284 | l | 19.6% |
213 | i | 14.7% |
197 | r | 13.6% |
195 | a | 13.5% |
145 | e | 10% |
123 | u | 8.5% |