List of 7-letter words starting with P
We found 874 seven letter words that start with P for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Puzzled | 28 | 31 |
Prezzie | 27 | 28 |
Palazzi | 27 | 29 |
Pixyish | 22 | 21 |
Pickaxe | 22 | 24 |
Pyrexic | 21 | 22 |
Pickoff | 21 | 23 |
Pyxidia | 20 | 20 |
Pirojki | 20 | 23 |
Peptize | 20 | 22 |
7 letter words
There are a total of 1943 seven letter words starting with P in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 25473 seven letter words and 15820 words that start with the letter P.
- Palazzi
- Payback
- Pasquil
- Paddock
- Packmen
- Packman
- Paydown
- Padshah
- Padlock
- Packing
- Package
- Pacific
- Paywall
- Pavlova
- Patched
- Parched
- Parbake
- Paprika
- Panfish
- Pancake
- Pahlavi
- Payable
- Paschal
- Paronym
- Parking
- Parkade
- Papyral
- Paphian
- Papayan
- Papadum
- Papadom
- Papadam
- Panoche
- Panocha
- Panache
- Palmyra
- Palmful
- Paiking
- Pachisi
- Payload
- Pawning
- Pawnage
- Pashing
- Partook
- Partake
- Paprica
- Pappose
- Panpipe
- Panlike
- Panicum
- Pampean
- Palooka
- Pageful
- Pabulum
- Payroll
- Pavisse
- Passive
- Parvise
- Parodic
- Paratha
- Papered
- Pangram
- Palping
- Palming
- Palaced
- Painful
- Pailful
- Paddled
- Padding
- Patonce
- Pastime
- Parotic
- Parging
- Paretic
- Parboil
- Paraded
- Parable
- Papulae
- Papoose
- Papilla
- Pantoum
- Panicle
- Panging
- Pandied
- Panacea
- Palpate
- Palmate
- Pallium
- Palabra
- Pagurid
- Paeonic
- Paction
- Pausing
- Patting
- Patined
- Patagia
- Pasting
- Passing
- Passage
- Passade
- Parting
- Partied
- Parsing
- Parring
- Parried
- Parotid
- Paroled
- Parodoi
- Parling
- Parerga
- Pardine
- Paragon
- Panting
- Panning
- Pangene
- Paneled
- Pandura
- Pandore
- Pandora
- Pandani
- Paludal
- Palsied
- Palling
- Paladin
- Pairing
- Painted
- Paining
- Paginal
- Padroni
- Padrone
- Padrona
- Pattern
- Patroon
- Patinae
- Patella
- Pasture
- Pastina
- Pastern
- Passion
- Partite
- Partita
- Partial
- Parolee
- Pareira
- Parasol
- Pantile
- Pallial
- Palette
- Paleate
- Palatal
- Paisana
- Paesani
- Peptize
- Pectize
- Perique
- Peckish
- Petcock
- Peroxid
- Peacock
- Perkish
- Perjure
- Pecking
- Peccavi
- Peakish
- Perched
- Peptalk
- Peevish
- Peching
- Peafowl
- Peached
- Peruked
- Perking
- Perfume
- Perform
- Pepping
- Penuchi
- Penuche
- Penoche
- Peglike
- Peeking
- Pedicab
- Pebbled
- Peaking
- Pervade
- Periwig
- Pemican
- Pembina
- Peeving
- Pealike
- Peytrel
- Peytral
- Pettish
- Perpend
- Perming
- Perfuse
- Percoid
- Peracid
- Peptide
- Peopled
- Pensive
- Pelagic
- Pegging
- Peeping
- Pedocal
- Pedicle
- Pedicel
- Peddled
- Pedagog
- Peascod
- Peacing
- Perturb
- Permute
- Permian
- Percale
- Peptone
- Pepsine
- Peonism
- Penname
- Penicil
- Pending
- Penance
- Peloric
- Pelitic
- Pelican
- Peebeen
- Pedaled
- Peculia
- Pectate
- Pectase
- Pettled
- Petting
- Petered
- Petaled
- Pestled
- Perused
- Perogie
- Periled
- Perigon
- Perigee
- Peridia
- Pergola
- Perdure
- Peonage
- Pentode
- Penning
- Penguin
- Pelting
- Peising
- Peining
- Peering
- Peerage
- Peening
- Peeling
- Pearled
- Pealing
- Petunia
- Petrale
- Petiole
- Perusal
- Pertain
- Persona
- Peroral
- Perlite
- Perinea
- Perilla
- Pereion
- Pentose
- Pentene
- Pentane
- Pension
- Pensile
- Pennine
- Pennate
- Penlite
- Peltate
- Peloton
- Peloria
- Pelisse
- Phytoid
- Phished
- Phytane
- Phasmid
- Pharaoh
- Phrenic
- Phoneme
- Phocine
- Phellem
- Phantom
- Phallic
- Phrased
- Photoed
- Phoning
- Phonied
- Phasing
- Phrasal
- Phorate
- Phonate
- Philtre
- Philtra
- Phenate
- Phaseal
- Phaeton
- Pixyish
- Pickaxe
- Pickoff
- Pirojki
- Piquing
- Piroque
- Piddock
- Pinwork
- Pinkish
- Pinkeye
- Pigfish
- Piffled
- Pickled
- Picking
- Pibroch
- Piaffed
- Pitched
- Pintuck
- Pinfish
- Pinched
- Pillock
- Pikemen
- Pikeman
- Pipping
- Pipeful
- Pinworm
- Pinking
- Pimpled
- Pimping
- Pigweed
- Pigskin
- Piglike
- Piggish
- Pivoted
- Pitying
- Pithing
- Pithead
- Pishoge
- Pishing
- Piroghi
- Pinweed
- Pinhead
- Pinfold
- Piccata
- Pivotal
- Pitiful
- Pitfall
- Piranha
- Pipeage
- Pinwale
- Pinhole
- Pillbug
- Pilgrim
- Pigging
- Pierced
- Piehole
- Piecing
- Piebald
- Piddled
- Picoted
- Piasava
- Pismire
- Piscine
- Piscina
- Piratic
- Pipette
- Pinocle
- Pinnace
- Pinguid
- Pinging
- Pinetum
- Pincurl
- Pinbone
- Pinball
- Pietism
- Picture
- Picrite
- Picrate
- Picotee
- Picolin
- Picante
- Piasaba
- Pianism
- Pitting
- Pissing
- Pirogue
- Pirogen
- Pirated
- Piragua
- Pintada
- Pinning
- Piloted
- Pilling
- Pillage
- Pigtail
- Pignora
- Pignoli
- Pierogi
- Pistole
- Pintail
- Pinnule
- Pinnula
- Pinnate
- Pinitol
- Pillion
- Pileate
- Piastre
- Pianola
- Plotzed
- Playoff
- Plywood
- Plucked
- Plumbum
- Plumbic
- Playful
- Plunked
- Plumped
- Plumbed
- Plowmen
- Plowman
- Plopped
- Plonked
- Plinked
- Playpen
- Platypi
- Planked
- Planche
- Plushed
- Plumpen
- Ploying
- Plowing
- Pliskie
- Playing
- Plasmic
- Plashed
- Plafond
- Pluvian
- Pluvial
- Pluming
- Plumage
- Plugged
- Plosive
- Plodded
- Pleopod
- Plenish
- Pledged
- Plasmid
- Planish
- Placoid
- Placing
- Placard
- Plunged
- Plumule
- Plumose
- Plumate
- Plimsol
- Plicate
- Pliable
- Pleroma
- Pleonic
- Plenism
- Pledgee
- Plectra
- Pleaded
- Plastic
- Plasmon
- Plasmin
- Plaided
- Plagued
- Placate
- Plugola
- Plotted
- Pleated
- Pleased
- Platted
- Plating
- Plastid
- Planted
- Planned
- Planing
- Plaited
- Plained
- Plosion
- Pleuron
- Pleural
- Pleurae
- Pleonal
- Platoon
- Platina
- Platane
- Planula
- Planate
- Poetize
- Pouffed
- Pothook
- Poleaxe
- Pocking
- Pouched
- Potluck
- Porkpie
- Porched
- Popeyed
- Pooftah
- Pooched
- Pontiff
- Polypod
- Polyped
- Polynyi
- Polynya
- Polybag
- Pollock
- Pollack
- Pokable
- Pochard
- Poached
- Potlach
- Potiche
- Potherb
- Porking
- Poppled
- Popping
- Poppied
- Popedom
- Polyoma
- Polkaed
- Podlike
- Powered
- Potlike
- Pothead
- Potamic
- Popcorn
- Poohing
- Ponying
- Pomatum
- Pomaded
- Polygon
- Polemic
- Poutful
- Pounced
- Pothole
- Potheen
- Postdoc
- Postbag
- Poorish
- Pooping
- Poncing
- Polyene
- Policed
- Poditic
- Podding
- Pounded
- Potence
- Potboil
- Potable
- Postmen
- Postman
- Posable
- Porcini
- Porcine
- Ponging
- Ponding
- Politic
- Poinded
- Pogoing
- Podagra
- Pocoson
- Pocosin
- Pocosen
- Pouting
- Pouring
- Poundal
- Poulard
- Potting
- Pottage
- Posting
- Postage
- Posited
- Porting
- Portend
- Portage
- Pooling
- Poniard
- Polling
- Pollard
- Poising
- Pointed
- Pogonia
- Podesta
- Poutine
- Poussie
- Potteen
- Potline
- Posture
- Postern
- Posteen
- Portion
- Pontoon
- Pontine
- Pollute
- Polenta
- Polaron
- Poitrel
- Poetise
- Prezzie
- Prizing
- Pretzel
- Prequel
- Prepack
- Provoke
- Pricked
- Prework
- Prythee
- Prickle
- Prewash
- Prerock
- Precook
- Prebook
- Prebake
- Proverb
- Propyne
- Propyla
- Propped
- Prinked
- Primped
- Primmed
- Prewarm
- Preverb
- Pretype
- Prepped
- Prepave
- Preform
- Preface
- Predusk
- Precava
- Pranked
- Prudish
- Prowled
- Proving
- Provide
- Propmen
- Propman
- Proofed
- Problem
- Priapic
- Preying
- Prevued
- Presoak
- Prepupa
- Prepuce
- Preppie
- Premium
- Prefund
- Prefade
- Predive
- Predawn
- Precipe
- Preboom
- Praying
- Prawned
- Practic
- Prutoth
- Protyle
- Propend
- Promoed
- Program
- Progged
- Profuse
- Profile
- Profane
- Produce
- Prodded
- Proceed
- Probing
- Probang
- Proband
- Private
- Prithee
- Priming
- Primage
- Prigged
- Pricing
- Preworn
- Prewire
- Prewarn
- Previse
- Prevail
- Prepreg
- Prepaid
- Premold
- Premade
- Prelife
- Pregame
- Prefire
- Prefile
- Precode
- Precede
- Prebind
- Prebend
- Prebade
- Pranced
- Prussic
- Protium
- Prosoma
- Prosaic
- Propria
- Propose
- Propone
- Propine
- Propene
- Propane
- Pronged
- Promote
- Promise
- Promine
- Prodrug
- Procure
- Probate
- Primula
- Primsie
- Primine
- Primate
- Priding
- Pretrim
- Preterm
- Pretape
- Presume
- Prerace
- Prepose
- Preplan
- Prepill
- Prepare
- Prename
- Premune
- Premise
- Premeal
- Preemie
- Precure
- Precool
- Precise
- Preboil
- Prebill
- Preaged
- Pranged
- Pruning
- Protend
- Proteid
- Protege
- Prosing
- Prolong
- Prissed
- Prising
- Printed
- Prilled
- Pretold
- Pretend
- Pressed
- Presong
- Presold
- Preside
- Presage
- Prelude
- Preload
- Preened
- Preeing
- Predial
- Predate
- Prating
- Praised
- Protein
- Protean
- Prostie
- Prossie
- Prorate
- Pronoun
- Pronota
- Pronate
- Proline
- Prolate
- Proette
- Prisere
- Pretell
- Preteen
- Presell
- Presale
- Preoral
- Prenoon
- Prelate
- Preanal
- Prattle
- Praline
- Prairie
- Puzzled
- Putzing
- Puckish
- Pupfish
- Punkish
- Pugmark
- Puffing
- Putlock
- Pushful
- Punched
- Pupping
- Pumping
- Pumiced
- Puggish
- Publish
- Pubbing
- Puslike
- Pushrod
- Pushing
- Purfled
- Punctum
- Purpled
- Pupated
- Pulvini
- Pulping
- Pugging
- Puddled
- Pudding
- Purpure
- Purpura
- Purpose
- Purging
- Puranic
- Puparia
- Pungled
- Puggree
- Pudenda
- Puberal
- Putting
- Puttied
- Pursued
- Pursing
- Purring
- Purling
- Punting
- Punning
- Pulsing
- Pulling
- Pugaree
- Pustule
- Purline
- Pulsate
- Puerile
- Pyrexic
- Pyxidia
- Pyrexia
- Pyrrhic
- Pysanka
- Pygmoid
- Pyaemic
- Pyridic
- Pyramid
- Pyritic
- Pyretic
- Pyloric
- Pygidia
- Pyaemia
- Pyralid
- Pyrrole
Most common letters after the first letter P
We analyzed second letter frequency in 7-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with P from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
365 | a | 18.8% |
339 | r | 17.4% |
274 | e | 14.1% |
256 | o | 13.2% |
242 | i | 12.5% |
169 | l | 8.7% |
166 | u | 8.5% |
71 | h | 3.7% |
35 | y | 1.8% |
18 | s | 0.9% |
5 | t | 0.3% |
1 | z | 0.1% |