List of 5-letter words starting with H
We found 363 five letter words that start with H for word games like Wordle, Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Huzza | 26 | 26 |
Hajji | 22 | 25 |
Hafiz | 20 | 19 |
Hamza | 19 | 19 |
Hyrax | 18 | 16 |
Hexyl | 18 | 17 |
Hazed | 18 | 17 |
Huffy | 17 | 16 |
Howff | 17 | 16 |
Hijab | 17 | 19 |
5 letter words
There are a total of 363 five letter words starting with H in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 9476 five letter words and 6793 words that start with the letter H.
- Hajji
- Hafiz
- Hamza
- Hazed
- Hazes
- Hazer
- Hazel
- Hazan
- Hapax
- Hadji
- Hawks
- Happy
- Hanky
- Hammy
- Hajis
- Hajes
- Hayey
- Hakim
- Haick
- Hacks
- Hacek
- Havoc
- Hatch
- Harpy
- Haply
- Hayed
- Hawed
- Haugh
- Harks
- Hardy
- Happi
- Hanks
- Handy
- Hakus
- Hakes
- Haiku
- Haiks
- Haika
- Hayer
- Hawse
- Haves
- Haver
- Haven
- Hasty
- Harsh
- Harry
- Halwa
- Halve
- Halva
- Hairy
- Hahas
- Hafts
- Haafs
- Haulm
- Hasps
- Harps
- Harms
- Harem
- Haram
- Hance
- Hames
- Hamal
- Halms
- Halma
- Haems
- Haded
- Habus
- Habit
- Hated
- Hared
- Hards
- Hangs
- Hands
- Halid
- Haled
- Hadst
- Hades
- Hadal
- Haute
- Haunt
- Hauls
- Hates
- Hater
- Haste
- Harts
- Harls
- Hares
- Haole
- Hants
- Hanse
- Hansa
- Halts
- Halos
- Halon
- Halls
- Hallo
- Hales
- Haler
- Halal
- Hairs
- Haint
- Hails
- Haets
- Haars
- Hexyl
- Hertz
- Heeze
- Hexed
- Hexad
- Hexes
- Hexer
- Hempy
- Helix
- Hefty
- Hecks
- Heavy
- Heuch
- Herby
- Hedgy
- Heapy
- Hewed
- Heugh
- Hemps
- Hemic
- Heigh
- Heady
- Hewer
- Hevea
- Heths
- Herry
- Henry
- Helve
- Hefts
- Heave
- Heath
- Herms
- Herma
- Herbs
- Hence
- Hemin
- Hemes
- Hemal
- Helps
- Helms
- Hedge
- Hebes
- Heaps
- Herds
- Henge
- Heeds
- Heder
- Heard
- Heads
- Hests
- Heros
- Heron
- Herns
- Herls
- Heres
- Hents
- Henna
- Helot
- Helos
- Hells
- Hello
- Helio
- Heist
- Heirs
- Heils
- Heels
- Heats
- Heart
- Hears
- Heals
- Hijab
- Hippy
- Hinky
- Hijra
- Hicks
- Hitch
- Hiply
- Hiked
- Hived
- Hippo
- Himbo
- Hikes
- Hiker
- Hight
- Highs
- Hives
- Hissy
- Hinny
- Hilly
- Hilum
- Hided
- Hired
- Hinge
- Hinds
- Hides
- Hider
- Hists
- Hires
- Hirer
- Hiree
- Hints
- Hilus
- Hilts
- Hills
- Hillo
- Hilar
- Howff
- Hokku
- Howks
- Howdy
- Hoppy
- Hooky
- Honky
- Hokey
- Hobby
- Howfs
- Hopak
- Hokum
- Hoick
- Hocks
- Hotch
- Hooch
- Homey
- Hoked
- Horks
- Hooks
- Hooka
- Hoody
- Honks
- Holks
- Hokes
- Hoagy
- Hoyle
- Hoyas
- Howls
- Howes
- Hover
- Hovel
- Hotty
- Hotly
- Hosey
- Horsy
- Horny
- Horah
- Hoped
- Hooty
- Hooly
- Hoofs
- Hooey
- Honey
- Homed
- Holly
- Holey
- Hoary
- Hopes
- Hoper
- Hoops
- Homos
- Homie
- Homes
- Homer
- Homas
- Holms
- Holme
- Hoggs
- Hodad
- Hocus
- Hobos
- Hound
- Hosed
- Horde
- Hoods
- Hongs
- Hongi
- Honed
- Honda
- Holed
- Holds
- Hogan
- Hoard
- House
- Hours
- Houri
- Hotel
- Hosts
- Hosta
- Hoses
- Hoser
- Hosen
- Hosel
- Horst
- Horse
- Horns
- Horas
- Horal
- Hoots
- Honor
- Hones
- Honer
- Honan
- Holts
- Holos
- Hollo
- Holla
- Holes
- Hoist
- Hoise
- Hoers
- Hoars
- Huzza
- Huffy
- Husky
- Hunky
- Humpy
- Humph
- Hulky
- Hubby
- Huffs
- Hucks
- Hutch
- Hunch
- Huggy
- Husks
- Hunks
- Humps
- Humic
- Hulks
- Hussy
- Hurry
- Hurly
- Humid
- Humus
- Humor
- Human
- Hurds
- Huger
- Hurts
- Hurst
- Hurls
- Hunts
- Hulls
- Hullo
- Hulas
Most common letters after the first letter H
We analyzed second letter frequency in 5-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with H from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
104 | a | 28.7% |
103 | o | 28.4% |
70 | e | 19.3% |
36 | i | 9.9% |
34 | u | 9.4% |
15 | y | 4.1% |
1 | w | 0.3% |