List of 5-letter words ending with H
We found 275 five letter words that end in H for word games like Wordle, Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Zilch | 19 | 20 |
Nudzh | 18 | 19 |
Quoth | 17 | 17 |
Azoth | 17 | 16 |
Qursh | 17 | 17 |
Quash | 17 | 17 |
Khaph | 17 | 16 |
Pujah | 17 | 20 |
Which | 16 | 15 |
Sixth | 15 | 14 |
5 letter words
There are a total of 275 five letter words ending with H in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 9476 five letter words and 2212 words that end with the letter H.
- Zilch
- Which
- Yucch
- Yecch
- Psych
- Ketch
- Kench
- Witch
- Winch
- Wench
- Welch
- Watch
- Vouch
- Vetch
- Synch
- Lynch
- Hutch
- Hunch
- Hotch
- Hooch
- Hitch
- Heuch
- Hatch
- Fitch
- Finch
- Filch
- Fetch
- Punch
- Pouch
- Porch
- Pooch
- Poach
- Pitch
- Pinch
- Perch
- Peach
- Patch
- Parch
- Mutch
- Munch
- Mulch
- Mouch
- Mooch
- Milch
- Merch
- Match
- March
- Epoch
- Cutch
- Curch
- Culch
- Couch
- Cooch
- Conch
- Coach
- Clach
- Cinch
- Catch
- Butch
- Bunch
- Broch
- Brach
- Botch
- Blech
- Bitch
- Birch
- Bench
- Belch
- Beech
- Beach
- Batch
- Gulch
- Gotch
- Gonch
- Gitch
- Ginch
- Gauch
- Gatch
- Dutch
- Dunch
- Ditch
- Touch
- Torch
- Titch
- Teuch
- Tench
- Teach
- Stich
- Sauch
- Rotch
- Roach
- Retch
- Reach
- Ratch
- Ranch
- Orach
- Notch
- Natch
- Lurch
- Lunch
- Loach
- Letch
- Leech
- Leach
- Latch
- Larch
- Lanch
- Laich
- Aitch
- Weigh
- Waugh
- Thigh
- Heugh
- Heigh
- Haugh
- Faugh
- Cough
- Burgh
- Brugh
- Bough
- Dough
- Tough
- Teugh
- Sough
- Saugh
- Sangh
- Rough
- Neigh
- Lough
- Laugh
- Laigh
- Aargh
- Qursh
- Quash
- Whish
- Phish
- Skosh
- Knish
- Yeesh
- Woosh
- Welsh
- Swish
- Swash
- Shush
- Harsh
- Frosh
- Fresh
- Flush
- Flesh
- Flash
- Awash
- Smush
- Smash
- Plush
- Plash
- Mensh
- Marsh
- Cuish
- Crush
- Crash
- Clash
- Brush
- Brash
- Blush
- Apish
- Abash
- Gursh
- Gnash
- Girsh
- Deash
- Trash
- Stash
- Snash
- Slush
- Slosh
- Slash
- Leash
- Quoth
- Azoth
- Sixth
- Kheth
- Fifth
- Crwth
- Cheth
- Width
- Youth
- Yirth
- Wroth
- Wrath
- Worth
- Synth
- Swith
- Swath
- Rowth
- Heath
- Froth
- Frith
- Forth
- Firth
- Filth
- Faith
- Depth
- Smith
- Musth
- Mouth
- Month
- Mirth
- Couth
- Cloth
- Broth
- Brith
- Booth
- Birth
- Berth
- Baith
- Grith
- Goeth
- Girth
- Garth
- Doeth
- Death
- Truth
- Troth
- Tooth
- Tilth
- Tenth
- Teeth
- South
- Sooth
- Snath
- Sloth
- Saith
- Routh
- North
- Ninth
- Neath
- Loath
- Laith
- Earth
- Airth
Most common letters before the last letter H
We analyzed fourth letter frequency in 5-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the fourth letters in words that end with H from the table below.
Word count | Fourth letter | Frequency |
109 | c | 39.6% |
63 | t | 22.9% |
45 | s | 16.4% |
23 | g | 8.4% |
18 | a | 6.5% |
13 | p | 4.7% |
1 | z | 0.4% |