List of 15-letter words starting with W
We found 22 fifteen letter words that start with W for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Wappenschawings | 31 | 36 |
Whatchamacallit | 30 | 33 |
Weatherizations | 30 | 30 |
Whippersnappers | 29 | 33 |
Westernizations | 27 | 29 |
Weatherproofing | 27 | 29 |
Withdrawnnesses | 25 | 26 |
Whimsicalnesses | 25 | 28 |
Weatherboarding | 25 | 27 |
Wrongheadedness | 24 | 26 |
15 letter words
There are a total of 22 fifteen letter words starting with W in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 3839 fifteen letter words and 4143 words that start with the letter W.
- Weatherizations
- Westernizations
- Weatherproofing
- Weatherboarding
- Weltanschauungs
- Wearisomenesses
- Westernisations
Most common letters after the first letter W
We analyzed second letter frequency in 15-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with W from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
7 | e | 31.8% |
5 | a | 22.7% |
4 | o | 18.2% |
1 | r | 4.5% |