List of 14-letter words starting with T
We found 238 fourteen letter words that start with T for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Thymectomizing | 36 | 39 |
Tranquillizing | 33 | 39 |
Tranquillizers | 32 | 36 |
Technicalizing | 31 | 36 |
Textualization | 30 | 33 |
Technologizing | 30 | 35 |
Trapezohedrons | 29 | 30 |
Thyrotoxicosis | 29 | 28 |
Thyrotoxicoses | 29 | 28 |
Thiabendazoles | 29 | 31 |
14 letter words
There are a total of 238 fourteen letter words starting with T in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 6102 fourteen letter words and 9524 words that start with the letter T.
- Tachistoscopic
- Tachistoscopes
- Talismanically
- Tablespoonsful
- Tablespoonfuls
- Tautologically
- Taskmistresses
- Tatterdemalion
- Tastefulnesses
- Tangiblenesses
- Tarsometatarsi
- Tactlessnesses
- Technicalizing
- Textualization
- Technologizing
- Temporizations
- Tenderizations
- Telephonically
- Telepathically
- Terrorizations
- Territorialize
- Telescopically
- Terephthalates
- Teletypewriter
- Telencephalons
- Telemetrically
- Telemarketings
- Telefacsimiles
- Teleconference
- Technopreneurs
- Technicalities
- Tetrachlorides
- Teratogenicity
- Televangelisms
- Teleologically
- Tetragrammaton
- Terminological
- Tergiversating
- Teleprocessing
- Telangiectatic
- Tetrafluorides
- Terminableness
- Tergiversators
- Tergiversation
- Televangelists
- Territoriality
- Telangiectasis
- Telangiectasia
- Telangiectases
- Territorialism
- Terriblenesses
- Tercentennials
- Tercentenaries
- Teleportations
- Tenderisations
- Territorialist
- Thymectomizing
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Thyrotoxicoses
- Thiabendazoles
- Theatricalized
- Thermojunction
- Thermochemical
- Thermalization
- Theatricalizes
- Thromboembolic
- Thermodynamics
- Theosophically
- Thankworthiest
- Thermoformable
- Thermochemists
- Thenceforwards
- Thromboplastic
- Thrombokinases
- Thoroughbraces
- Thermographies
- Thermographers
- Thundershowers
- Thoughtfulness
- Thimblerigging
- Thigmotropisms
- Thermomagnetic
- Thermolability
- Theocratically
- Theocentricity
- Thankfulnesses
- Thyroglobulins
- Thromboplastin
- Thoroughbasses
- Thimbleriggers
- Thimbleberries
- Thievishnesses
- Thermotropisms
- Thermoreceptor
- Thermoplastics
- Thermoelectric
- Thunderstrokes
- Thunderstrikes
- Thinkingnesses
- Thoroughnesses
- Thermoremanent
- Thermoelements
- Theatricalisms
- Thriftlessness
- Threadbareness
- Thermostatting
- Thermoregulate
- Thaumaturgists
- Thanatological
- Thanatologists
- Toxigenicities
- Toothbrushings
- Toploftinesses
- Towardlinesses
- Topoisomerases
- Togethernesses
- Tortoiseshells
- Tolerabilities
- Toilsomenesses
- Tortuousnesses
- Tonelessnesses
- Tranquillizing
- Tranquillizers
- Trapezohedrons
- Trafficability
- Trivialization
- Traumatization
- Transparentize
- Trothplighting
- Trichotomously
- Trichothecenes
- Trichomonacide
- Transsexuality
- Transistorized
- Tranquillising
- Traditionalize
- Troublemakings
- Trickishnesses
- Trichromatisms
- Transsexualism
- Transistorizes
- Transexualisms
- Tranquilnesses
- Tranquillities
- Tranquillisers
- Tropologically
- Trisaccharides
- Trihalomethane
- Transmissivity
- Transformative
- Trichomoniasis
- Trichomoniases
- Transshipments
- Transmogrified
- Tracheostomies
- Truthfulnesses
- Trustworthiest
- Trisoctahedron
- Trepidatiously
- Transmogrifies
- Transmigratory
- Transcendently
- Troubleshooter
- Tropocollagens
- Treasurerships
- Transvestitism
- Transformation
- Transcendences
- Triamcinolones
- Treponematosis
- Treponematoses
- Transvaluating
- Transplantable
- Transplacental
- Transparencies
- Transmittances
- Transmigrating
- Translucencies
- Transgenderism
- Transcriptions
- Transcriptases
- Tractabilities
- Traceabilities
- Trustfulnesses
- Trivialisation
- Trisubstituted
- Tristfulnesses
- Trinucleotides
- Trigonometries
- Tridimensional
- Tremendousness
- Transvaluation
- Transmigrators
- Transmigration
- Transitivities
- Transitiveness
- Transitionally
- Transferential
- Transductional
- Transcendental
- Trainspottings
- Traditionalism
- Trustabilities
- Triliteralisms
- Treatabilities
- Transpositions
- Transportation
- Transpirations
- Transmutations
- Translocations
- Transcutaneous
- Transamination
- Trainabilities
- Trustingnesses
- Triangulations
- Transliterated
- Transistorised
- Transgressions
- Traditionalist
- Transliterates
- Transitoriness
- Transistorises
Most common letters after the first letter T
We analyzed second letter frequency in 14-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with T from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
101 | r | 42.4% |
54 | h | 22.7% |
44 | e | 18.5% |
12 | a | 5% |
11 | o | 4.6% |
7 | i | 2.9% |
6 | u | 2.5% |
2 | y | 0.8% |
1 | s | 0.4% |