List of 13-letter words starting with T
We found 347 thirteen letter words that start with T for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Thymectomized | 35 | 36 |
Thymectomizes | 34 | 35 |
Tranquillized | 32 | 36 |
Tranquilizing | 32 | 37 |
Tranquillizes | 31 | 35 |
Tranquillizer | 31 | 35 |
Tranquilizers | 31 | 34 |
Technicalized | 30 | 33 |
Tricarboxylic | 29 | 32 |
Technologized | 29 | 32 |
13 letter words
There are a total of 347 thirteen letter words starting with T in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 9323 thirteen letter words and 9524 words that start with the letter T.
- Taxonomically
- Tantalizingly
- Tachistoscope
- Talkativeness
- Tablespoonful
- Tactfulnesses
- Tautologously
- Tantalisingly
- Tangibilities
- Taciturnities
- Tastelessness
- Technicalized
- Technologized
- Technicalizes
- Technologizes
- Temporalizing
- Temporization
- Technophobias
- Technobabbles
- Tenderization
- Technophilias
- Tetanizations
- Terrorization
- Telencephalic
- Technocracies
- Tetrodotoxins
- Terminatively
- Terephthalate
- Teleshoppings
- Technological
- Tetrahedrally
- Tetracyclines
- Terpsichorean
- Tempestuously
- Telencephalon
- Telemarketing
- Telefacsimile
- Telecommuting
- Technopreneur
- Teachableness
- Tetradynamous
- Tetrachloride
- Tenosynovitis
- Temperamental
- Televangelism
- Teleprompters
- Telemarketers
- Telegraphists
- Telegrapheses
- Telecommuters
- Technologists
- Tetrapyrroles
- Tergiversated
- Tenderhearted
- Temerariously
- Telemedicines
- Tetrahedrites
- Tetrafluoride
- Tetartohedral
- Tergiversator
- Tergiversates
- Tendentiously
- Temporariness
- Temporalities
- Temperateness
- Televangelist
- Tetraploidies
- Territorially
- Terrestrially
- Terminologies
- Teratological
- Tentativeness
- Tenderometers
- Teemingnesses
- Tearfulnesses
- Testabilities
- Terminational
- Tercentennial
- Tensiometries
- Tenaciousness
- Tenablenesses
- Tellurometers
- Teleutospores
- Teleportation
- Teratologists
- Teratogenesis
- Teratogeneses
- Tenderisation
- Tediousnesses
- Testosterones
- Tessellations
- Tenuousnesses
- Thymectomized
- Thymectomizes
- Thiabendazole
- Thyroidectomy
- Theatricalize
- Thioridazines
- Thermographic
- Thermodynamic
- Thankworthier
- Thermospheric
- Thermochemist
- Theriomorphic
- Theorizations
- Thenceforward
- Thanksgivings
- Thyrotrophins
- Thrombokinase
- Thoroughbrace
- Thermographer
- Thermoforming
- Theophyllines
- Thunderstruck
- Thundershower
- Thoughtlessly
- Thoroughworts
- Thoroughfares
- Thoroughbreds
- Thimblerigged
- Thigmotropism
- Thermospheres
- Thermophilous
- Thalassocracy
- Thyroglobulin
- Thoroughgoing
- Thinkableness
- Thimblerigger
- Thermotropism
- Thermoplastic
- Thermocouples
- Theologically
- Thyroiditides
- Thunderstroke
- Thunderstrike
- Throatlatches
- Thrasonically
- Theoretically
- Theatricality
- Thyroiditises
- Thunderclouds
- Throttleholds
- Threateningly
- Thoracotomies
- Thermonuclear
- Thermometries
- Thermoelement
- Theocentrisms
- Theatricalism
- Thanklessness
- Thunderstorms
- Thriftinesses
- Thermostatted
- Thermostating
- Thermosetting
- Thermogenesis
- Thermogeneses
- Thaumaturgist
- Thaumaturgies
- Theoreticians
- Theatergoings
- Thalassocrats
- Thalassaemias
- Thunderstones
- Threadinesses
- Thanatologist
- Thanatologies
- Throatinesses
- Thirstinesses
- Toxicological
- Toxoplasmosis
- Toxoplasmoses
- Toxicologists
- Topographical
- Tomboyishness
- Toothbrushing
- Topologically
- Tonsillectomy
- Touristically
- Toothsomeness
- Totipotencies
- Topoisomerase
- Tortoiseshell
- Torticollises
- Toplessnesses
- Toastmistress
- Tonsillitides
- Totalitarians
- Tonsillitises
- Tranquillized
- Tranquilizing
- Tranquillizes
- Tranquillizer
- Tranquilizers
- Tricarboxylic
- Trapezohedron
- Tropicalizing
- Tracheophytes
- Trothplighted
- Triphosphates
- Trichothecene
- Trichlorphons
- Transexuality
- Tranquillised
- Trustworthily
- Troublemaking
- Trophoblastic
- Triumphalisms
- Trimethoprims
- Trichromatism
- Transistorize
- Transexualism
- Tranquillises
- Tranquilliser
- Tranquilities
- Troublemakers
- Trisaccharide
- Triggerfishes
- Treacherously
- Transshipping
- Transcendency
- Troublesomely
- Triumphalists
- Triglycerides
- Trichopterans
- Trichomonases
- Triaxialities
- Traumatically
- Transthoracic
- Transshipment
- Transhumances
- Transhipments
- Transformable
- Tracheotomies
- Trustworthier
- Trisoctahedra
- Triploblastic
- Tricksinesses
- Trichologists
- Triboelectric
- Trapshootings
- Transmembrane
- Transdermally
- Trailbreakers
- Tragicomedies
- Troubleshoots
- Tropocollagen
- Trolleybusses
- Tritheistical
- Trigonometric
- Trifurcations
- Trephinations
- Treasurership
- Transvestisms
- Transpiercing
- Transparently
- Transmutative
- Translucently
- Transfiguring
- Transferrable
- Transferences
- Transfections
- Transcendence
- Trampolinings
- Triplications
- Triceratopses
- Triangularity
- Triamcinolone
- Transvaluated
- Transportable
- Transparences
- Transmittance
- Transmittable
- Transmissible
- Transmigrated
- Translucences
- Transgressive
- Transcription
- Transcriptase
- Trampolinists
- Traditionally
- Tractableness
- Trinucleotide
- Tredecillions
- Transvestites
- Transvaluates
- Transurethral
- Transplanting
- Transmigrator
- Transmigrates
- Translocating
- Transgendered
- Transfusional
- Transductions
- Transductants
- Transactinide
- Trainspotting
- Tradescantias
- Troublousness
- Triliteralism
- Triangulating
- Tremulousness
- Transposition
- Transplanters
- Transpiration
- Transpersonal
- Transmutation
- Transmountain
- Transmissions
- Translocation
- Transgressing
- Transcultural
- Transatlantic
- Transaminases
- Transactional
- Trainspotters
- Triangulation
- Transudations
- Transitioning
- Transgressors
- Transgression
- Traditionless
- Transnational
- Transliterate
- Translational
- Transistorise
- Turbochargers
- Turbidimetric
- Turboelectric
- Turbidimeters
- Tubocurarines
- Tunefulnesses
- Tumorigenesis
- Tumorigeneses
- Turbellarians
- Tunablenesses
Most common letters after the first letter T
We analyzed second letter frequency in 13-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with T from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
137 | r | 39.5% |
81 | e | 23.3% |
77 | h | 22.2% |
20 | o | 5.8% |
11 | a | 3.2% |
10 | u | 2.9% |
7 | y | 2% |
3 | i | 0.9% |
1 | s | 0.3% |