List of 11-letter words starting with S
We found 874 eleven letter words that start with S for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Showbizzier | 37 | 37 |
Stalkerazzo | 33 | 34 |
Stalkerazzi | 33 | 34 |
Sympathized | 31 | 31 |
Sympathizer | 30 | 30 |
Sequelizing | 30 | 34 |
Scyphozoans | 30 | 31 |
Synonymized | 29 | 30 |
Soliloquize | 29 | 32 |
Schizocarps | 29 | 31 |
11 letter words
There are a total of 1733 eleven letter words starting with S in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 18735 eleven letter words and 20861 words that start with the letter S.
- Sasquatches
- Saquinavirs
- Saprophytic
- Sacralizing
- Satirizable
- Safecracker
- Saprophytes
- Sandwiching
- Safekeeping
- Saponifying
- Sanctifying
- Satchelsful
- Satchelfuls
- Sarcophagus
- Saltimbocca
- Sacrificing
- Saccharides
- Sablefishes
- Satyagrahas
- Saltshakers
- Saddlecloth
- Sacrificial
- Sacrificers
- Saccharases
- Savvinesses
- Satisficing
- Sarcoplasms
- Sarcolemmas
- Sarcolemmal
- Sandpapered
- Sandbagging
- Samarskites
- Salvageable
- Salesclerks
- Sagebrushes
- Safeguarded
- Sabbaticals
- Saurischian
- Satisfiable
- Sardonicism
- Saponifiers
- Sandbaggers
- Sandalwoods
- Sanctifiers
- Salicylates
- Saddlebreds
- Sacahuistes
- Sacahuistas
- Sauerkrauts
- Sarcomatous
- Sappinesses
- Saponaceous
- Sandblasted
- Salmagundis
- Salespeople
- Sailboarded
- Sacroiliacs
- Sacramental
- Sacculation
- Sassafrases
- Sarcologies
- Sarcoidosis
- Sarcoidoses
- Sansevieria
- Sandblaster
- Sanctioning
- Salvational
- Salpingitis
- Salivations
- Salamanders
- Sailplaning
- Sailboating
- Sailboarder
- Sauerbraten
- Saucinesses
- Sarracenias
- Saplessness
- Sansculotte
- Sanitoriums
- Sanitariums
- Sandgrouses
- Sandglasses
- Sanderlings
- Sanctuaries
- Sanatoriums
- Salubrities
- Saltcellars
- Salmonellas
- Salmonellae
- Salinometer
- Salimetries
- Salesperson
- Sailplaners
- Sailboaters
- Saddletrees
- Sanguineous
- Sanguinaria
- Sandlotters
- Sandinesses
- Salesladies
- Sagittaries
- Saturnalias
- Saturnalian
- Saturations
- Sassinesses
- Sanitations
- Sanitarians
- Salutations
- Saltinesses
- Saltatorial
- Saltarellos
- Saleratuses
- Saintliness
- Scyphozoans
- Schizocarps
- Schizogonic
- Schematized
- Schmaltzier
- Schismatize
- Schematizes
- Scherzandos
- Schipperkes
- Scandalized
- Scyphistoma
- Scrutinized
- Sclerotized
- Scientizing
- Schoolworks
- Scandalizes
- Scrutinizes
- Scrutinizer
- Scrimshawed
- Schoolchild
- Schoolbooks
- Scheffleras
- Schwarmerei
- Schottische
- Scholarship
- Schnorkeled
- Scaffolding
- Scrollworks
- Screwdriver
- Sciamachies
- Schoolyards
- Schoolmarms
- Schismatics
- Schematisms
- Scaramouche
- Scrunchings
- Scrummaging
- Scruffiness
- Scrootching
- Scrimmaging
- Scratchings
- Scorekeeper
- Schoolhouse
- Scepticisms
- Scabbarding
- Scuppernong
- Scrimmagers
- Scribblings
- Screenplays
- Scramblings
- Scrabblings
- Scoutcrafts
- Schooltimes
- Schoolrooms
- Schoolmates
- Scholiastic
- Scholastics
- Schistosome
- Schedulings
- Scavengings
- Scapegraces
- Scamperings
- Scalariform
- Scrumptious
- Scriptorium
- Scravelling
- Scrappiness
- Scouthering
- Scopolamine
- Schoolgirls
- Scapegoated
- Scaloppines
- Sculpturing
- Screenshots
- Scrawniness
- Scorpaenids
- Scoresheets
- Scoreboards
- Scolopendra
- Scleroderma
- Scattergram
- Scaremonger
- Scallopings
- Scroungings
- Scoutmaster
- Scoriaceous
- Sclerometer
- Scientistic
- Scattergood
- Scandalling
- Scandalised
- Scallopinis
- Scutellated
- Scrutinised
- Screenlands
- Scatterings
- Scatterguns
- Scatologies
- Scandalises
- Scrutinises
- Scrutiniser
- Scrutineers
- Scleritises
- Scissortail
- Scintillate
- Scarlatinas
- Scarlatinal
- Scarinesses
- Scantnesses
- Scalinesses
- Sequelizing
- Sexualizing
- Semiaquatic
- Sextodecimo
- Sermonizing
- Sempervivum
- Securitized
- Secularized
- Securitizes
- Secularizes
- Secularizer
- Sexagesimal
- Serializing
- Sequestered
- Sensualized
- Sensitizing
- Sequestrate
- Sepulchring
- Sepulchered
- Semaphoring
- Seismograph
- Severalfold
- Serviceable
- Servanthood
- Semiskilled
- Semiprivate
- Seminomadic
- Semideified
- Semicircled
- Seamanships
- Seventeenth
- Serigrapher
- Septicaemia
- Semipopular
- Semiclassic
- Seersuckers
- Seaworthier
- Seasickness
- Senatorship
- Seismologic
- Segregative
- Seducements
- Secondments
- Seaborgiums
- Sempiternal
- Semiotician
- Seismometer
- Sedimenting
- Securements
- Secularisms
- Serological
- Sermonising
- Senectitude
- Semiretired
- Semidiurnal
- Semestering
- Sellotaping
- Segregating
- Secularised
- Secondaries
- Sericulture
- Septentrion
- Sentimental
- Semitrailer
- Seminatural
- Seigniorage
- Seguidillas
- Segregation
- Secularists
- Secularises
- Sectilities
- Secretories
- Secretaries
- Secretarial
- Seaminesses
- Serialising
- Sentinelled
- Sentineling
- Sensitising
- Selaginella
- Seigneurial
- Seedinesses
- Sensational
- Showbizzier
- Shadowboxed
- Shipwrecked
- Showmanship
- Shadowgraph
- Shuttlecock
- Shacklebone
- Showstopper
- Shortwaving
- Shiplapping
- Shepherding
- Shellacking
- Sheetrocked
- Showboating
- Shortchange
- Shoplifting
- Shittimwood
- Sheepherder
- Shorthanded
- Shortcoming
- Shipbuilder
- Shanghaiing
- Shrivelling
- Shorthaired
- Shoehorning
- Shivareeing
- Shareholder
- Shamanistic
- Shitcanning
- Shirtsleeve
- Shouldering
- Shotgunning
- Shinplaster
- Shortlisted
- Shootaround
- Shirttailed
- Shergottite
- Siliconized
- Simplifying
- Signalizing
- Singularize
- Silicifying
- Silversmith
- Sidetracked
- Singlestick
- Silversword
- Sideswiping
- Sidestepped
- Sideslipped
- Simvastatin
- Simulcasted
- Sightseeing
- Sidestepper
- Silhouetted
- Signposting
- Sinological
- Sinfonietta
- Sillimanite
- Signalising
- Situational
- Sloganizing
- Slenderized
- Sleepwalked
- Sleepwalker
- Slaphappier
- Slipforming
- Slipcovered
- Slickenside
- Sleuthhound
- Slaveholder
- Slipsheeted
- Slamdancing
- Slaughtered
- Slaughterer
- Slumgullion
- Sloganeered
- Snowplowing
- Snowshoeing
- Snowmobiler
- Snowboarded
- Snowboarder
- Snowballing
- Sniperscope
- Snickersnee
- Snapshotted
- Snakebitten
- Snorkelling
- Snapshooter
- Soliloquize
- Sovietizing
- Solubilized
- Solemnizing
- Socializing
- Somewhither
- Solmization
- Sonnetizing
- Soliloquise
- Sociosexual
- Sociopathic
- Sonographic
- Solidifying
- Sockdologer
- Sockdolager
- Sophistical
- Soothsaying
- Softhearted
- Southwester
- Sonographer
- Solemnified
- Soldiership
- Sociometric
- Songwriting
- Somatomedin
- Sodomitical
- Solipsistic
- Socialistic
- Southeaster
- Somersetted
- Somerseting
- Solubilised
- Solemnising
- Sociologese
- Socialising
- Specialized
- Spermatozoa
- Sporophytic
- Spacewalked
- Spokeswomen
- Spokeswoman
- Spinachlike
- Speechified
- Speakership
- Spacewalker
- Spokesmodel
- Splayfooted
- Sphincteric
- Spermophile
- Spermatheca
- Specifiable
- Spearfished
- Spatterdock
- Spasmolytic
- Sparrowlike
- Splashboard
- Spanokopita
- Spanakopita
- Spacefaring
- Sprinklered
- Spotlighted
- Sportswomen
- Sportswoman
- Sponsorship
- Spirochetal
- Spirochaete
- Spherulitic
- Spherometer
- Spermicidal
- Speculative
- Spectrogram
- Spearheaded
- Springwater
- Springhouse
- Springboard
- Sprightlier
- Spirometric
- Sphingosine
- Speedballed
- Spectacular
- Spaghettini
- Sporulative
- Sporogonium
- Spitefuller
- Spitballing
- Spinsterish
- Spermagonia
- Spellbinder
- Speedometer
- Speculating
- Specialised
- Spancelling
- Spurgalling
- Spiritistic
- Spinmeister
- Spiculation
- Speculation
- Sporulating
- Spluttering
- Splintering
- Splattering
- Sporulation
- Spirituelle
- Spinnerette
- Spessartite
- Spessartine
- Stalkerazzo
- Stalkerazzi
- Stockjobber
- Steeplejack
- Stickleback
- Stigmatized
- Stylization
- Stomachache
- Stockkeeper
- Stockbroker
- Stabilizing
- Strategized
- Stocktaking
- Standardize
- Stringybark
- Stockholder
- Stickhandle
- Sterilizing
- Standoffish
- Strawflower
- Stockpiling
- Stewardship
- Stereotaxic
- Staphylinid
- Stylopodium
- Steatopygic
- Stakeholder
- Stultifying
- Strikebound
- Stretchable
- Stratifying
- Straphanged
- Straightish
- Stoneworker
- Stonewashed
- Stethoscope
- Stereotypic
- Stepbrother
- Stenobathic
- Stellifying
- Steeplebush
- Steelworker
- Steelmaking
- Staggerbush
- Stagestruck
- Studentship
- Stroboscope
- Stretchered
- Straphanger
- Storekeeper
- Stockinette
- Stereotyped
- Stereograph
- Stenotyping
- Steatopygia
- Stanchioned
- Stablishing
- Stringpiece
- Stravaiging
- Straighting
- Stimulative
- Stevedoring
- Stereotyper
- Steamfitter
- Stateswomen
- Stateswoman
- Staminodium
- Stalagmitic
- Stadtholder
- Streetscape
- Stonewalled
- Stigmatised
- Stereoscope
- Starboarded
- Stallholder
- Stalactitic
- Stagflation
- Structuring
- Streamlined
- Strategical
- Straitlaced
- Storyteller
- Stonewaller
- Stipulating
- Stimulating
- Stenohaline
- Stencilling
- Steatorrhea
- Steamrolled
- Standpatter
- Stalemating
- Stabilising
- Stripteaser
- Stridulated
- Streamliner
- Strategised
- Strangering
- Stonecutter
- Stipulation
- Stimulation
- Stilbestrol
- Steamroller
- Staurolitic
- Statistical
- Standardise
- Strangulate
- Straitening
- Stilettoing
- Sterilising
- Sternutator
- Subvocalize
- Suboptimize
- Subfreezing
- Summarizing
- Subjunctive
- Sulfurizing
- Suffixation
- Suburbanize
- Subsidizing
- Subsequence
- Supersizing
- Superchurch
- Subtilizing
- Superhyping
- Suffocative
- Subspecific
- Subjunction
- Subjugating
- Superdeluxe
- Subjugation
- Subemployed
- Supergrowth
- Suffocating
- Subluxation
- Survivalism
- Superlawyer
- Supercharge
- Superbomber
- Suffocation
- Subnotebook
- Subdividing
- Surgeonfish
- Surfboarded
- Surcharging
- Suppurative
- Suppressive
- Supplicated
- Superweapon
- Supersystem
- Supersmooth
- Superschool
- Superplayer
- Superficial
- Summerhouse
- Suffragette
- Succedaneum
- Subtractive
- Subscribing
- Subsampling
- Submergible
- Submergence
- Subinfeuded
- Subcurative
- Susceptible
- Surfboarder
- Suprematism
- Supportable
- Supervising
- Supervening
- Supertanker
- Superstrike
- Superscribe
- Superpeople
- Superimpose
- Superheated
- Superharden
- Superfatted
- Superceding
- Sulphurised
- Sulfonamide
- Subumbrella
- Subtropical
- Subsumption
- Submultiple
- Submersible
- Subgrouping
- Subdivision
- Subcritical
- Subcortical
- Subclinical
- Subcapsular
- Suspicioned
- Suspenseful
- Suppurating
- Suppressing
- Supplanting
- Supervision
- Supervirile
- Supersleuth
- Superposing
- Superorgasm
- Supermodern
- Superlative
- Superinduce
- Superheater
- Supercooled
- Supercoiled
- Superadding
- Superabound
- Summarising
- Subtracting
- Substantive
- Subpoenaing
- Submarining
- Submarginal
- Sublimating
- Sublicensed
- Subinterval
- Subdirector
- Subdecision
- Subcultured
- Subclassing
- Suspendered
- Surveilling
- Surpassable
- Surcingling
- Suppuration
- Suppression
- Supposition
- Supersubtle
- Superseding
- Superpolite
- Superperson
- Supernormal
- Supergluing
- Supercenter
- Summational
- Sumatriptan
- Sulfuretted
- Sulfureting
- Sulfurating
- Sulfonating
- Suggestible
- Sugarcoated
- Suburbanite
- Suburbanise
- Subtraction
- Subterminal
- Substandard
- Subsistence
- Subsidising
- Subsentence
- Subrogating
- Subparallel
- Submunition
- Subminister
- Sublimation
- Sublanguage
- Subcultural
- Subcellular
- Surprinting
- Surplussing
- Surmounting
- Superstrong
- Superstring
- Supersinger
- Supersedure
- Superintend
- Sulfonation
- Subtotalled
- Subtotaling
- Subtilising
- Substituted
- Subrogation
- Subregional
- Subordinate
- Subirrigate
- Subaudition
- Sustainable
- Suspiration
- Surrounding
- Surrogating
- Surrendered
- Surrebutter
- Superstrata
- Superseller
- Supernature
- Supernation
- Superaltern
- Substantial
- Subrational
- Subornation
- Subnational
- Sublittoral
- Subliterate
- Susurrating
- Susurration
- Sympathized
- Sympathizer
- Synonymized
- Synchronize
- Symmetrized
- Symbolizing
- Synthesized
- Systemizing
- Synthesizer
- Synopsizing
- Syncretized
- Syllabizing
- Systematize
- Syllogizing
- Synecdochic
- Synchromesh
- Symposiarch
- Sympathetic
- Sycophantic
- Symptomatic
- Sympathised
- Synonymical
- Syncopative
- Synchronism
- Sympathiser
- Symmetrical
- Symbolistic
- Syllabified
- Syntagmatic
- Synesthetic
- Syndicalism
- Syncopating
- Synchrotron
- Synchronise
- Symbolising
- Systematism
- Synthesised
- Syntactical
- Syndicating
- Syncopation
- Synaptosome
- Syllabicate
- Synthesiser
- Synesthesia
- Synergistic
- Syndication
- Syncretised
- Syllogistic
- Systematise
Most common letters after the first letter S
We analyzed second letter frequency in 11-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with S from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
390 | u | 22.5% |
251 | t | 14.5% |
178 | e | 10.3% |
151 | p | 8.7% |
131 | c | 7.6% |
121 | a | 7% |
98 | o | 5.7% |
89 | y | 5.1% |
71 | i | 4.1% |
38 | l | 2.2% |
27 | w | 1.6% |
24 | k | 1.4% |
22 | q | 1.3% |
17 | m | 1% |