List of 11-letter words starting with L
We found 397 eleven letter words that start with L for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Liquidizing | 31 | 35 |
Liquidizers | 30 | 32 |
Lexicalized | 30 | 33 |
Lyophilized | 29 | 30 |
Lexicalizes | 29 | 32 |
Lacquerwork | 29 | 32 |
Lyophilizes | 28 | 29 |
Lyophilizer | 28 | 29 |
Lymphocytic | 28 | 30 |
Lumberjacks | 28 | 35 |
11 letter words
There are a total of 397 eleven letter words starting with L in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 18735 eleven letter words and 5619 words that start with the letter L.
- Lacquerwork
- Lacquerware
- Lambrequins
- Labializing
- Laicization
- Lawbreaking
- Lateralized
- Lapidifying
- Lachrymator
- Lawbreakers
- Latticework
- Lateralizes
- Laparoscopy
- Laccolithic
- Laryngology
- Landmarking
- Lamplighter
- Lammergeyer
- Ladyfingers
- Lawrenciums
- Lamelliform
- Lallygagged
- Laconically
- Latifundium
- Latchstring
- Largemouths
- Laparoscope
- Landscaping
- Landlubbing
- Landholding
- Lallygagger
- Lactalbumin
- Lacklusters
- Laborsaving
- Lavendering
- Larcenously
- Languishing
- Landscapist
- Landscapers
- Landownings
- Landlubbers
- Landholders
- Landfilling
- Lammergeier
- Lamellately
- Lamebrained
- Laddishness
- Lactiferous
- Laboriously
- Labiovelars
- Latifundios
- Larkinesses
- Lanthanoids
- Lanthanides
- Lankinesses
- Languishers
- Langlaufers
- Landlordism
- Lamellicorn
- Lacrimators
- Lacrimation
- Labradoodle
- Lawlessness
- Lavallieres
- Langbeinite
- Landsliding
- Landslidden
- Lancinating
- Laggardness
- Labradorite
- Labiodental
- Languidness
- Laminitises
- Laminations
- Laminarians
- Lamentation
- Lactational
- Laciniation
- Lacerations
- Labialities
- Laundrettes
- Laundresses
- Launderette
- Latitudinal
- Lateralling
- Lastingness
- Largenesses
- Langoustine
- Langostinos
- Laureations
- Lexicalized
- Lexicalizes
- Lemmatizing
- Legitimized
- Leukoplakic
- Legitimizes
- Legitimizer
- Legendizing
- Leatherback
- Leukoplakia
- Letterboxed
- Leatherwork
- Leafhoppers
- Letterboxes
- Lemminglike
- Leatherneck
- Levelheaded
- Lecherously
- Leapfrogged
- Leukorrheas
- Leukorrheal
- Leptophoses
- Leprechauns
- Leiomyomata
- Lectureship
- Leatherwood
- Leatherlike
- Leukotomies
- Leukopenias
- Legateships
- Leatherleaf
- Leaderships
- Levamisoles
- Leucocidins
- Letterforms
- Lepidoptera
- Lengthening
- Leishmanias
- Leishmanial
- Legitimisms
- Legendarily
- Lecithinase
- Levigations
- Leukotriene
- Leucoplasts
- Letterheads
- Lesbianisms
- Leptospires
- Leptospiral
- Leprosarium
- Lepromatous
- Lengthiness
- Lengtheners
- Lemniscates
- Legitimised
- Legitimated
- Legislative
- Legerdemain
- Lebensraums
- Leatherings
- Leaseholder
- Leakinesses
- Leafletting
- Leaderboard
- Levitations
- Levelnesses
- Lethalities
- Lepidolites
- Legitimists
- Legitimises
- Legitimator
- Legitimates
- Leatheriest
- Leatherette
- Leafleteers
- Leafinesses
- Letterpress
- Legislating
- Legginesses
- Legendaries
- Legislature
- Legislators
- Legislation
- Legionnaire
- Legionaries
- Learnedness
- Leerinesses
- Liquidizing
- Liquidizers
- Liquidambar
- Lithography
- Lickerishly
- Liberalized
- Lixiviating
- Lithophytes
- Liquidating
- Lightweight
- Liberalizes
- Liberalizer
- Lixiviation
- Literalized
- Liquidities
- Liquidators
- Liquidation
- Linearizing
- Lifemanship
- Lithographs
- Literalizes
- Lionization
- Linebacking
- Lincomycins
- Likeability
- Lightsomely
- Lichenology
- Livetrapped
- Liveability
- Lithotripsy
- Lithosphere
- Lithophanes
- Linebackers
- Likelihoods
- Lickspittle
- Livelihoods
- Limelighted
- Lighthouses
- Lifesavings
- Liverwursts
- Liverleaves
- Littlenecks
- Lipectomies
- Lingonberry
- Likableness
- Lightplanes
- Lightninged
- Lifeguarded
- Libidinally
- Livableness
- Lithotomies
- Lingeringly
- Limpidities
- Limitlessly
- Lighterages
- Lightenings
- Lieutenancy
- Libationary
- Lividnesses
- Litigiously
- Lithologies
- Lipreadings
- Lippinesses
- Lipotropins
- Lipotropies
- Liposuction
- Lipoprotein
- Lionhearted
- Lightnesses
- Libertinism
- Liberalisms
- Lithenesses
- Lipogenesis
- Lipogeneses
- Linocutting
- Linguistics
- Lingberries
- Linerboards
- Linecasting
- Limnologist
- Limnologies
- Limitedness
- Ligamentous
- Libertinage
- Liberalised
- Littermates
- Literalisms
- Lissomeness
- Linecasters
- Lineamental
- Limitations
- Lilliputian
- Licitnesses
- Licentiates
- Librettists
- Librational
- Libertarian
- Liberations
- Liberalness
- Liberalists
- Liberalises
- Liabilities
- Litigations
- Linearising
- Liltingness
- Litterateur
- Literatures
- Literations
- Literalness
- Literalists
- Listeriosis
- Listerioses
- Linearities
- Linealities
- Lieutenants
- Lobotomized
- Longjumping
- Localizable
- Lobotomizes
- Lockkeepers
- Loquacities
- Lovemakings
- Lophophores
- Logographic
- Logomachies
- Logarithmic
- Loathsomely
- Loudspeaker
- Loudmouthed
- Lollygagged
- Locomotives
- Lowercasing
- Lowballings
- Longsighted
- Longanimity
- Lollygagger
- Lognormally
- Loggerheads
- Lobsterlike
- Lobectomies
- Lovableness
- Longshoring
- Logocentric
- Loculicidal
- Lobotomised
- Loungewears
- Loudhailers
- Longevities
- Locomotions
- Lobotomises
- Lowlinesses
- Lovastatins
- Loutishness
- Loosestrife
- Logistician
- Logicalness
- Loftinesses
- Lobtailings
- Lobsterings
- Loathnesses
- Loadmasters
- Losableness
- Loopinesses
- Logrollings
- Localnesses
- Lobulations
- Loaminesses
- Lousinesses
- Loosenesses
- Looninesses
- Lumberjacks
- Luxuriously
- Luxuriantly
- Luteinizing
- Luxuriances
- Luxuriating
- Lumberyards
- Lucratively
- Lumpishness
- Lubricative
- Lumbosacral
- Ludicrously
- Luckinesses
- Luminescing
- Lucubrating
- Luciferases
- Lubricating
- Luteotropic
- Lumpinesses
- Luminescent
- Lucubration
- Lubricities
- Lubricators
- Lubrication
- Lustfulness
- Lusterwares
- Lucidnesses
- Luteotropin
- Lutestrings
- Luridnesses
- Lustrations
- Lustinesses
- Lyophilized
- Lyophilizes
- Lyophilizer
- Lymphocytic
- Lymphocytes
- Lysogenized
- Lymphokines
- Lysogenizes
- Lymphograms
- Lymphedemas
- Lycanthropy
- Lymphoblast
- Lycopodiums
- Lyophilised
- Lyophilises
- Lysogenised
- Lyricalness
- Lysogenises
Most common letters after the first letter L
We analyzed second letter frequency in 11-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with L from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
115 | i | 29% |
90 | a | 22.7% |
87 | e | 21.9% |
55 | o | 13.9% |
32 | u | 8.1% |
18 | y | 4.5% |