List of 11-letter words starting with E
We found 751 eleven letter words that start with E for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Extemporize | 31 | 33 |
Epoxidizing | 31 | 34 |
Exquisitely | 30 | 31 |
Expertizing | 30 | 33 |
Enzymically | 30 | 33 |
Euphemizing | 28 | 32 |
Equivocally | 28 | 32 |
Equivalency | 28 | 32 |
Emphasizing | 28 | 31 |
Empathizing | 28 | 31 |
11 letter words
There are a total of 751 eleven letter words starting with E in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 18735 eleven letter words and 7421 words that start with the letter E.
- Earthquakes
- Earthshaker
- Earthmoving
- Earthmovers
- Earthlights
- Earthshines
- Earthenware
- Earthliness
- Easternmost
- Eagernesses
- Earnestness
- Earlinesses
- Economizing
- Economizers
- Ectomorphic
- Echinococci
- Ecumenicity
- Ectotrophic
- Ectothermic
- Ectopically
- Ecofeminism
- Ecumenicism
- Ectoplasmic
- Eclecticism
- Echoviruses
- Echinoderms
- Ecofeminist
- Ecumenicist
- Econometric
- Economising
- Ecotourisms
- Ecotourists
- Edaphically
- Educability
- Editorships
- Edification
- Edulcorated
- Editorially
- Edelweisses
- Edutainment
- Edulcorates
- Educational
- Edibilities
- Effectivity
- Effectively
- Effortfully
- Effervesced
- Efficiently
- Effervesces
- Effectually
- Efficacious
- Effacements
- Effulgences
- Effloresced
- Effectuated
- Effloresces
- Effeminates
- Effectuates
- Electrolyze
- Elasticized
- Electroweak
- Electrojets
- Ellipticity
- Electrotype
- Electroform
- Electricity
- Elucidative
- Eligibility
- Elegiacally
- Electrology
- Electrified
- Elecampanes
- Elucubrated
- Eliminative
- Elephantine
- Elementally
- Electrolyte
- Electrogram
- Electrifies
- Electorally
- Elastically
- Elaborative
- Elaborately
- Elucubrates
- Elucidating
- Ellipticals
- Electronics
- Electronica
- Electrocute
- Electrician
- Elastomeric
- Eluviations
- Elusiveness
- Elucidators
- Elucidation
- Ellipsoidal
- Eliminating
- Elasticated
- Elaborating
- Eliminators
- Elimination
- Elicitation
- Electuaries
- Electroless
- Electresses
- Electorates
- Electioneer
- Elaboration
- Elutriating
- Elongations
- Elderliness
- Elutriators
- Elutriation
- Emphasizing
- Empathizing
- Empathizers
- Emblemizing
- Embryophyte
- Emblematize
- Emblazoning
- Emblazoners
- Embolectomy
- Embryogenic
- Embracingly
- Embarkments
- Embankments
- Emulsifying
- Empowerment
- Employments
- Employables
- Empirically
- Emperorship
- Embouchures
- Emulatively
- Emplacement
- Empiricisms
- Emphasising
- Empathising
- Embryonated
- Embracement
- Embraceable
- Embowelling
- Embellished
- Embarkation
- Embalmments
- Embrocating
- Embodiments
- Embellishes
- Embellisher
- Embarcadero
- Emancipated
- Empiricists
- Emmenagogue
- Embroilment
- Embroidered
- Embrocation
- Embrangling
- Embraceries
- Embossments
- Embordering
- Embonpoints
- Emboldening
- Emancipator
- Emancipates
- Emulsifiers
- Empoisoning
- Empanelling
- Emotivities
- Emotionally
- Emergencies
- Embroiderer
- Embrittling
- Embittering
- Embarrassed
- Emasculated
- Emunctories
- Emptinesses
- Embarrasses
- Emasculator
- Emasculates
- Emaciations
- Emigrations
- Emendations
- Emulousness
- Emotionless
- Enzymically
- Endoenzymes
- Enjambments
- Enjambement
- Entomophagy
- Enfeoffment
- Entomophily
- Endomorphic
- Endomixises
- Enkephalins
- Encyclicals
- Entranceway
- Enteropathy
- Enfranchise
- Endotrophic
- Endothermic
- Endothecium
- Endocytotic
- Endemically
- Encumbrance
- Encroaching
- Enciphering
- Encampments
- Enwreathing
- Envelopment
- Enterotoxin
- Ensheathing
- Enrichments
- Enravishing
- Enmeshments
- Enhancement
- Enframement
- Enforcement
- Enforceable
- Endoplasmic
- Encystments
- Encumbering
- Encryptions
- Encroachers
- Encompassed
- Encipherers
- Enchantment
- Enchainment
- Encashments
- Envenomated
- Entrenching
- Entombments
- Enterococci
- Engulfments
- Engraftment
- Endothelium
- Endocytosis
- Endocytoses
- Endocardium
- Encompasses
- Encomiastic
- Enchiridion
- Environment
- Envenomates
- Enumerative
- Entomofauna
- Enthusiasms
- Enterostomy
- Entelechies
- Enslavement
- Enshrouding
- Enserfments
- Enlightened
- Enigmatical
- Engrainedly
- Endoscopies
- Endomitotic
- Endometrium
- Endeavoured
- Endeavoring
- Endearingly
- Encrimsoned
- Enchantress
- Encapsuling
- Enamelwares
- Envisioning
- Entrapments
- Enticements
- Enthralling
- Ennoblement
- Enlacements
- Engorgement
- Engagements
- Enfleurages
- Enfettering
- Endothelial
- Endosulfans
- Endosteally
- Endopodites
- Endodontics
- Endocardial
- Encouraging
- Encasements
- Encapsulate
- Enviousness
- Enunciating
- Enumerating
- Enucleating
- Enthusiasts
- Enterovirus
- Enteroviral
- Ensorcelled
- Ensorceling
- Enscrolling
- Enrapturing
- Enlargement
- Enlargeable
- Engrossment
- Engendering
- Engarlanded
- Enervations
- Endorsement
- Endomitosis
- Endomitoses
- Endometrial
- Endearments
- Endangering
- Encouragers
- Encountered
- Enunciators
- Enunciation
- Enumerators
- Enumeration
- Enucleation
- Entrustment
- Entreatment
- Entrainment
- Entitlement
- Enterprises
- Enterpriser
- Enterocoels
- Enterocoele
- Entailments
- Entablature
- Ensoulments
- Ensanguined
- Enrollments
- Enlistments
- Engineering
- Endodontist
- Enculturate
- Enantiomers
- Entertained
- Enteritides
- Ensanguines
- Enregisters
- Endlessness
- Entertainer
- Enteritises
- Epoxidizing
- Epithelized
- Epitomizing
- Epithelizes
- Epitaxially
- Epiphytotic
- Epiphytisms
- Epoxidation
- Epidemicity
- Epicycloids
- Ephemerally
- Epithalamic
- Episcopally
- Epigraphist
- Epigraphies
- Epigraphers
- Ephemerides
- Epithetical
- Epitheliums
- Epithelioma
- Epithalamia
- Epistrophes
- Epinephrins
- Epinephrine
- Epidiascope
- Epithelioid
- Episcopates
- Epidendrums
- Epicuticles
- Epitomising
- Epigenetics
- Epidermises
- Epeirogenic
- Epineuriums
- Epilimnions
- Epirogenies
- Equivocally
- Equivalency
- Equivocated
- Equivocator
- Equivocates
- Equivalence
- Equilibrium
- Equicaloric
- Equatorward
- Equivalents
- Equipoising
- Equipollent
- Equinoctial
- Equilibrist
- Equilibrate
- Equilibrant
- Equableness
- Equidistant
- Equiangular
- Equitations
- Equilateral
- Equestrians
- Eroticizing
- Erythrocyte
- Erotization
- Erythristic
- Erythrismal
- Erythremias
- Erythorbate
- Erythrosins
- Erythrosine
- Erodibility
- Erratically
- Eristically
- Erasability
- Erraticisms
- Erotomaniac
- Ergonovines
- Eradicating
- Erroneously
- Erosivities
- Erosiveness
- Erosionally
- Ergotamines
- Ergonomists
- Ergometries
- Eradicators
- Eradication
- Eructations
- Erotomanias
- Erectnesses
- Ergosterols
- Estheticize
- Eschatology
- Estheticism
- Esterifying
- Escutcheons
- Escheatable
- Escharotics
- Established
- Esophagitis
- Esemplastic
- Escarpments
- Escapements
- Esthetician
- Establishes
- Establisher
- Escalloping
- Esotericism
- Estivations
- Essentially
- Espieglerie
- Espaliering
- Espadrilles
- Escadrilles
- Esuriencies
- Estimations
- Escritoires
- Escalations
- Etymologize
- Ethnography
- Etherealize
- Etherifying
- Eternalized
- Eternalizes
- Ethnobotany
- Ethnarchies
- Ethambutols
- Etymologist
- Etymologise
- Etymologies
- Ethological
- Ethionamids
- Ethionamide
- Ethereality
- Ethnicities
- Ethicalness
- Ethologists
- Ethnologist
- Ethnologies
- Etiological
- Etidronates
- Etiolations
- Eternalness
- Euphemizing
- Euphemizers
- Euphonizing
- Euthanizing
- Eurhythmics
- Euthanatize
- Eurhythmies
- Eurythermic
- Euphemistic
- Euchromatic
- Eurythermal
- Euphemising
- Euhemerisms
- Euchromatin
- Eucharistic
- Eucalyptols
- Eucalyptole
- Eurypterids
- Euphausiids
- Eugenically
- Eubacterium
- Eusociality
- Euphoriants
- Euhemerists
- Eudiometric
- Eudaimonism
- Eudaemonism
- Eubacterial
- Euthanasias
- Euglobulins
- Eugenicists
- Eudiometers
- Eudaimonist
- Eudaemonist
- Evangelized
- Evangelizes
- Evocatively
- Evolvements
- Evaporative
- Evidentiary
- Evanescence
- Eviscerated
- Eventuality
- Evasiveness
- Evaporating
- Evangelisms
- Evangelical
- Eviscerates
- Evaporators
- Evaporation
- Evangelised
- Evaginating
- Evacuations
- Everlasting
- Eventuating
- Evangelists
- Evangelises
- Evagination
- Evaluations
- Extemporize
- Exquisitely
- Expertizing
- Externalize
- Exteriorize
- Executrixes
- Excrescency
- Expressways
- Explosively
- Expensively
- Expansivity
- Expansively
- Exemplified
- Excursively
- Exclusivity
- Exclusively
- Excessively
- Extemporary
- Explicatory
- Explicative
- Expectative
- Expectantly
- Exemplifies
- Exemplarity
- Exemplarily
- Exculpatory
- Exclusivism
- Exclamatory
- Exceedingly
- Extensively
- Expurgatory
- Expediently
- Expectances
- Exocytosing
- Exhortatory
- Exhortative
- Exfoliative
- Excrescence
- Exuberantly
- Extractives
- Externships
- Exstrophies
- Exsiccating
- Exploratory
- Explorative
- Explicating
- Explanatory
- Explanative
- Experienced
- Expendables
- Expediences
- Exhumations
- Exhibitions
- Exhaustible
- Exculpating
- Excruciated
- Exclusivist
- Excellently
- Exceedences
- Exceedances
- Excavations
- Exanthemata
- Exacerbated
- Exuberances
- Extroverted
- Extraverted
- Extravagate
- Extravagant
- Extractable
- Extemporise
- Exsiccation
- Expurgating
- Expunctions
- Expropriate
- Expressible
- Exploitable
- Explicators
- Explication
- Explainable
- Experiments
- Experiences
- Expectorate
- Expectorant
- Expectation
- Exoskeleton
- Exoskeletal
- Exorbitance
- Exogenously
- Exhilarated
- Exfoliating
- Exfiltrated
- Exercisable
- Executrices
- Exculpation
- Excruciates
- Excremental
- Excogitated
- Exclamation
- Excitements
- Excerptions
- Exceptional
- Excellences
- Exacerbates
- Exuviations
- Exuberating
- Extricating
- Extravasate
- Extirpating
- Externality
- Extermining
- Exteriority
- Extenuatory
- Expurgators
- Expurgation
- Expressages
- Expenditure
- Expeditious
- Expeditions
- Expatriated
- Expatiating
- Exonerative
- Exodermises
- Exhortation
- Exhilarates
- Exhaustless
- Exhaustions
- Exhalations
- Exfoliators
- Exfoliation
- Exfiltrates
- Excoriating
- Excogitates
- Exasperated
- Exaggerated
- Exactitudes
- Exurbanites
- Exultancies
- Extrication
- Extremities
- Extremeness
- Extrapolate
- Extraditing
- Extractions
- Extirpators
- Extirpation
- Extinctions
- Externalism
- Exterminate
- Expressions
- Expostulate
- Expositions
- Exportation
- Exponential
- Exploration
- Explanation
- Expirations
- Expatriates
- Expatiation
- Expansional
- Exonuclease
- Executorial
- Executioner
- Execrations
- Excretories
- Excoriation
- Excitations
- Exasperates
- Exaptations
- Examination
- Exaggerator
- Exaggerates
- Exactnesses
- Extradition
- Extenuating
- Exonerating
- Exodontists
- Exenterated
- Exultations
- Extralities
- Extortioner
- Externalise
- Exteriorise
- Extenuators
- Extenuation
- Extensities
- Extensional
- Exsolutions
- Exoneration
- Existential
- Exenterates
- Exaltations
Most common letters after the first letter E
We analyzed second letter frequency in 11-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with E from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
191 | x | 25.4% |
154 | n | 20.5% |
72 | m | 9.6% |
55 | l | 7.3% |
36 | p | 4.8% |
34 | u | 4.5% |
30 | r | 4% |
27 | s | 3.6% |
25 | v | 3.3% |
22 | q | 2.9% |
20 | c | 2.7% |
15 | f | 2% |
12 | a | 1.6% |
11 | d | 1.5% |
7 | i | 0.9% |
6 | g | 0.8% |
4 | j | 0.5% |
3 | b | 0.4% |
1 | y | 0.1% |