List of 11-letter words starting with C
We found 874 eleven letter words that start with C for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Crackerjack | 32 | 37 |
Chockablock | 30 | 34 |
Cyclazocine | 29 | 33 |
Coenzymatic | 29 | 32 |
Chernozemic | 29 | 32 |
Checkmarked | 29 | 31 |
Cyclothymic | 28 | 30 |
Cyclohexane | 28 | 30 |
Coxcombical | 28 | 34 |
Conveyorize | 28 | 30 |
11 letter words
There are a total of 1699 eleven letter words starting with C in the Scrabble dictionary. The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words, including 18735 eleven letter words and 17313 words that start with the letter C.
- Catechizing
- Catholicize
- Catheterize
- Catabolized
- Carburizing
- Carboxylate
- Carboxylase
- Carbonizing
- Carbolizing
- Caramelized
- Capsulizing
- Capitalized
- Cakewalking
- Categorized
- Carbocyclic
- Caramelizes
- Capitalizes
- Canvasbacks
- Cannibalize
- Cakewalkers
- Cauterizing
- Catchphrase
- Cartelizing
- Candlewicks
- Cabbageworm
- Cataclysmic
- Cankerworms
- Cajolements
- Cabinetwork
- Cappuccinos
- Camphorated
- Camouflagic
- Causewaying
- Catechistic
- Catechismal
- Cataclysmal
- Cartwheeled
- Cardiograph
- Captainship
- Caoutchoucs
- Candlestick
- Camphorates
- Camouflaged
- Camerawomen
- Camerawoman
- Callithumps
- Caffeinated
- Caddisworms
- Cacophonous
- Cacophonies
- Cacodemonic
- Cauliflower
- Catechising
- Cartwheeler
- Cardsharper
- Cardplayers
- Captivating
- Caprolactam
- Capacitance
- Candlepower
- Campgrounds
- Campaigning
- Camouflages
- Callipygous
- Callipygian
- Calcifugous
- Cachinnated
- Cavalierism
- Catholicate
- Catastrophe
- Carpogonium
- Carminative
- Cardholders
- Captivities
- Captivators
- Captivation
- Capacitated
- Candlewoods
- Candescence
- Candelabrum
- Campaigners
- Camelopards
- Calypsonian
- Calisthenic
- Californium
- Calcimining
- Calciferous
- Calciferols
- Caipirinhas
- Cafetoriums
- Caddishness
- Caddisflies
- Cachinnates
- Cablecasted
- Cavaliering
- Caterwauled
- Cartoonlike
- Cardiograms
- Cardiogenic
- Carcinomata
- Carbuncular
- Carbonadoed
- Caravanning
- Captaincies
- Cappelletti
- Capitalisms
- Capacitates
- Capableness
- Cantharidin
- Cantharides
- Cannibalism
- Candidacies
- Cancellable
- Campinesses
- Campanulate
- Calcicolous
- Calamancoes
- Cageynesses
- Cadaverines
- Cacomistles
- Caudillismo
- Categorical
- Catapulting
- Carpogonial
- Carpentered
- Caricatured
- Cardiotonic
- Carcinogens
- Carburising
- Carburetted
- Carbureting
- Carbonnades
- Carbonating
- Carbonadoes
- Caravanners
- Caramelised
- Caracolling
- Capitulated
- Capitalised
- Caparisoned
- Cantilevers
- Canthitises
- Cannabinoid
- Candelabras
- Camerlengos
- Camaraderie
- Calumniated
- Calmodulins
- Callipering
- Calibrating
- Calendrical
- Calculating
- Calcedonies
- Calamondins
- Calamanders
- Caterpillar
- Catercorner
- Categorised
- Cataloguing
- Casuistical
- Castigating
- Caricatural
- Carburettor
- Carburetter
- Carburetors
- Carburetion
- Carbonation
- Caramelises
- Carabiniers
- Carabinieri
- Carabiniere
- Carabineros
- Carabineers
- Captionless
- Capitulates
- Capitations
- Capitalists
- Capitalises
- Capillaries
- Cantonments
- Cantatrices
- Cantaloupes
- Cannonballs
- Cannonading
- Cannibalise
- Cannabinols
- Candidiasis
- Candidiases
- Candidature
- Cancelation
- Canaliculus
- Canalicular
- Camorristas
- Calumniator
- Calumniates
- Calorimeter
- Calibrators
- Calibration
- Calendering
- Calendaring
- Calculators
- Calculation
- Calcitonins
- Calcination
- Cabinetries
- Cauterising
- Castigation
- Castellated
- Cartelising
- Carrageenin
- Carrageenan
- Carillonned
- Cardinalate
- Cantillated
- Cannulating
- Calenderers
- Cassiterite
- Cantillates
- Cannulation
- Canninesses
- Callousness
- Callosities
- Centralized
- Ceftriaxone
- Centralizer
- Cephalothin
- Certificate
- Certifiable
- Centrifuged
- Celebrative
- Centromeric
- Centrifugal
- Centrepiece
- Centerpiece
- Cerebroside
- Cerebrating
- Centimorgan
- Centerboard
- Celebrating
- Cerebration
- Ceratopsian
- Centripetal
- Cementation
- Celebutante
- Celebration
- Centralised
- Centenarian
- Chockablock
- Chernozemic
- Checkmarked
- Chrysophyte
- Churchwomen
- Churchwoman
- Chucklehead
- Checkrowing
- Channelized
- Chamaephyte
- Chuckawalla
- Chromophobe
- Chloroquine
- Chimneylike
- Checkmating
- Chucklesome
- Chrysoberyl
- Chowderhead
- Chlorophyll
- Chimichanga
- Chylomicron
- Churchgoing
- Chromophore
- Checklisted
- Chauffeured
- Chambermaid
- Chrysomelid
- Chronograph
- Chromomeric
- Choreograph
- Chondrocyte
- Chitchatted
- Chinwagging
- Chemotactic
- Chrysoprase
- Chrysarobin
- Chromogenic
- Cherishable
- Chemosorbed
- Chemisorbed
- Cheesecloth
- Championing
- Chalcedonic
- Chugalugged
- Chromosomal
- Chrominance
- Chromatinic
- Chivareeing
- Chiromancer
- Childminder
- Cheesesteak
- Charivaried
- Charismatic
- Chameleonic
- Chamberlain
- Chainsawing
- Chaetognath
- Chronologic
- Chronicling
- Chondromata
- Cholinergic
- Cherrystone
- Cheerfuller
- Chaulmoogra
- Charcoaling
- Charbroiled
- Charactered
- Chaperoning
- Chaperonage
- Chancroidal
- Chairmanned
- Chairmaning
- Chronometer
- Chrismation
- Cholesteric
- Cholestatic
- Choirmaster
- Chocolatier
- Chloroprene
- Chiropteran
- Chiaroscuro
- Chargrilled
- Charcuterie
- Charbroiler
- Chanticleer
- Chandelling
- Challenging
- Chairperson
- Chagrinning
- Chronologer
- Christening
- Chondroitin
- Chlorinated
- Chloralosed
- Cheerleader
- Channelling
- Christiania
- Cholesterol
- Chlorinator
- Chinoiserie
- Chanterelle
- Chansonnier
- Citizenship
- Civilianize
- Cinematized
- Cicatrizing
- Circularize
- Cinquecento
- Circumfused
- Circumcised
- Circumpolar
- Circumciser
- Circulative
- Cirrocumuli
- Circumlunar
- Cicatricial
- Circulating
- Cisatlantic
- Circulation
- Circularise
- Cinnabarine
- Citronellol
- Citronellal
- Cirrostrati
- Cliticizing
- Climatizing
- Classicized
- Cloxacillin
- Clodhopping
- Clergywomen
- Clergywoman
- Classifying
- Clubhauling
- Climacteric
- Clapboarded
- Clearheaded
- Cleanhanded
- Closefisted
- Clericalism
- Clothesline
- Clostridium
- Clangouring
- Clostridial
- Cloistering
- Clandestine
- Coenzymatic
- Coxcombical
- Conveyorize
- Communizing
- Commoditize
- Cosmeticize
- Computerize
- Communalize
- Cockneyfied
- Conjunctive
- Conjunctiva
- Concretized
- Concertized
- Coleorhizae
- Coffeemaker
- Cocainizing
- Coxswaining
- Corporatize
- Consequence
- Corkscrewed
- Copyrighted
- Conjectured
- Collenchyma
- Coldcocking
- Coextensive
- Corequisite
- Copurifying
- Coppersmith
- Copolymeric
- Conspecific
- Conjuncture
- Conjunction
- Conjugating
- Conjecturer
- Conjectural
- Commodified
- Colonialize
- Coffeehouse
- Coextending
- Coexistence
- Coembodying
- Cockleshell
- Cockbilling
- Countermyth
- Cornhusking
- Copycatting
- Copublished
- Conveyancer
- Conjugation
- Conflictive
- Conflictful
- Comradeship
- Computernik
- Complacence
- Compactible
- Commonplace
- Comeuppance
- Coemploying
- Countrywide
- Countryfied
- Copyreading
- Copyediting
- Copublisher
- Coprophilia
- Consumptive
- Conjuration
- Conformance
- Conformable
- Confiscable
- Confirmable
- Conceivable
- Computerdom
- Compromised
- Compressive
- Complicated
- Complecting
- Competitive
- Comparative
- Commutative
- Commendable
- Commandable
- Comfortable
- Combinative
- Codeveloped
- Cocktailing
- Coronograph
- Coronagraph
- Coproducing
- Coprincipal
- Copperplate
- Copernicium
- Conveyorise
- Convergence
- Convalesced
- Confutative
- Conflicting
- Confiscated
- Condylomata
- Conceptacle
- Compunction
- Compromiser
- Compounding
- Compostable
- Compensable
- Compellable
- Compassable
- Communistic
- Communicate
- Communalism
- Committable
- Commingling
- Commemorate
- Combustible
- Columbarium
- Cologarithm
- Coinfecting
- Cofinancing
- Codeveloper
- Coanchoring
- Countermove
- Cottonmouth
- Coscripting
- Corporative
- Corduroying
- Cooperative
- Convocation
- Convertible
- Conversance
- Conversable
- Conventicle
- Convenience
- Contrivance
- Contractive
- Consummated
- Consecutive
- Conscripted
- Conscribing
- Confounding
- Conflictual
- Confliction
- Confiscator
- Configuring
- Confessable
- Conferrence
- Conferrable
- Confabulate
- Conductible
- Conductance
- Condominium
- Condemnable
- Concubinage
- Concordance
- Compurgator
- Compressing
- Compositing
- Complotting
- Compleating
- Complaining
- Compensated
- Companioned
- Commutating
- Communising
- Comminuting
- Commentated
- Coldhearted
- Coinfection
- Coincidence
- Cognoscible
- Cocultivate
- Cocaptained
- Coappearing
- Covenanting
- Courtesying
- Countryside
- Countrified
- Countersunk
- Countersink
- Countermemo
- Countercoup
- Coulometric
- Cosmopolite
- Cosmetician
- Corruptible
- Corrigendum
- Correctable
- Corpuscular
- Corporatism
- Cornucopian
- Cornbraided
- Coredeeming
- Coprocessor
- Convoluting
- Conversated
- Contravened
- Contemplate
- Consumption
- Consummator
- Consumerism
- Connectible
- Connectable
- Conglobated
- Confronting
- Confederate
- Concurrence
- Concealable
- Computerise
- Computerese
- Computation
- Comptroller
- Compression
- Composition
- Compilation
- Competition
- Compensator
- Commutation
- Commonsense
- Commissural
- Commiserate
- Comminution
- Commination
- Commentator
- Combination
- Columnistic
- Colonoscope
- Colligative
- Collembolan
- Collectible
- Collectable
- Collapsible
- Coinventing
- Coinferring
- Cohostessed
- Cofeaturing
- Codirecting
- Cobblestone
- Coauthoring
- Coalescence
- Coadmitting
- Covariation
- Countervail
- Countermand
- Counterfoil
- Counterfire
- Cotransduce
- Cosponsored
- Cosmolining
- Coruscating
- Correlative
- Copresented
- Copingstone
- Copartnered
- Coparenting
- Cooperating
- Convolution
- Contributed
- Contravener
- Contrastive
- Contracting
- Contingence
- Constructed
- Constricted
- Constipated
- Consociated
- Consignable
- Conservator
- Consecrated
- Connotative
- Congressmen
- Congressman
- Congregated
- Confutation
- Confusional
- Condimental
- Condensible
- Condensable
- Conciliated
- Concertgoer
- Concentered
- Colorcasted
- Collocating
- Collimating
- Cognoscenti
- Cognoscente
- Coevolution
- Coenamoring
- Coeducation
- Codirection
- Codesigning
- Coculturing
- Cocounseled
- Counterstep
- Counterpose
- Counterplea
- Counterplan
- Counterpane
- Countermine
- Countenance
- Coruscation
- Corrugating
- Corroborate
- Corporation
- Corepressor
- Coordinated
- Cooperation
- Conurbation
- Contributor
- Contraption
- Contracture
- Contractual
- Contraction
- Contractile
- Continuance
- Contestable
- Contaminate
- Containable
- Constructor
- Construable
- Constringed
- Constrictor
- Conspirator
- Consistence
- Consilience
- Considering
- Consecution
- Consecrator
- Congressing
- Congregator
- Conditioned
- Conciliator
- Concentrate
- Concatenate
- Colorimeter
- Colonialism
- Collocation
- Collimation
- Colligating
- Collectanea
- Collaborate
- Coleopteran
- Coinsurance
- Coattending
- Coarctation
- Coagulating
- Countersued
- Countersign
- Counterraid
- Counselling
- Corrugation
- Correlating
- Cordilleran
- Coordinator
- Controlling
- Contredanse
- Contrasting
- Constrained
- Constituted
- Consolidate
- Consiglieri
- Consigliere
- Considerate
- Consanguine
- Congelation
- Condottieri
- Condottiere
- Condonation
- Conditioner
- Conditional
- Colligation
- Collagenase
- Cointerring
- Cognitional
- Cogenerator
- Coattesting
- Coassisting
- Coagulation
- Cotoneaster
- Correlation
- Cornerstone
- Continuator
- Continental
- Consternate
- Constellate
- Consonantal
- Consolation
- Connotation
- Connoisseur
- Colouration
- Collisional
- Coelenteron
- Crackerjack
- Crystalized
- Crookbacked
- Crystallize
- Crucifixion
- Criticizing
- Cryptorchid
- Cryptograph
- Cryptococci
- Criminalize
- Cryptogamic
- Cryptarithm
- Croquignole
- Crawfishing
- Crackleware
- Cryptologic
- Cryptogenic
- Crowstepped
- Craftswomen
- Craftswoman
- Cryptomeria
- Crossruffed
- Crossbowmen
- Crossbowman
- Crowbarring
- Crapshooter
- Crystalloid
- Cryosurgeon
- Crossbanded
- Crescendoed
- Crepuscular
- Crematorium
- Crystallite
- Crystallise
- Crystalline
- Crossbarred
- Crocodilian
- Crocidolite
- Criticising
- Criminating
- Crestfallen
- Crepitating
- Crossbearer
- Criticaster
- Crimination
- Criminalise
- Crepitation
- Creationism
- Crenellated
- Crenelating
- Crenulation
- Crenelation
- Customizing
- Currycombed
- Cupronickel
- Curveballed
- Cumulonimbi
- Customhouse
- Curatorship
- Cultivating
- Customising
- Cuspidation
- Curvilinear
- Cultivation
- Culminating
- Cupellation
- Culmination
- Cyclazocine
- Cyclothymic
- Cyclohexane
- Cyclization
- Cycadophyte
- Cyclothymia
- Cypripedium
- Cyanohydrin
- Cytoplasmic
- Cytokinetic
- Cystoscopic
- Cyclostyled
- Cytomegalic
- Cyclopaedia
- Cycloolefin
- Cybersurfer
- Cyclosporin
- Cytological
- Cytogenetic
- Cylindrical
- Cybernating
- Cyproterone
- Cylindering
- Cycloserine
- Cybernation
Most common letters after the first letter C
We analyzed second letter frequency in 11-letter words. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the second letters in words that start with C from the table below.
Word count | Second letter | Frequency |
821 | o | 48.3% |
305 | a | 18% |
198 | h | 11.7% |
108 | r | 6.4% |
68 | e | 4% |
59 | l | 3.5% |
49 | u | 2.9% |
46 | y | 2.7% |
43 | i | 2.5% |
2 | t | 0.1% |