Letter Frequency for Scrabble TWL Dictionary

The TWL Scrabble dictionary(Official Tournament and Club Word List) contains 196601 unique English words. The TWL Scrabble tournaments words list is played in the USA, Canada and Thailand. Sometimes the TWL word list is also referred to as: NWL, OTCWL and OWL.

Scrabble tile distribution

English Scrabble contains 100 tiles in every game. The total value for all the tiles is 187 points.
  • 1 tiles of (J, K, Q, X, Z).
  • 2 tiles of (Blanks, B, C, F, H, M, P, V, W, Y).
  • 3 tiles of (G).
  • 4 tiles of (D, L, S, U).
  • 6 tiles of (N, R, T).
  • 8 tiles of (O).
  • 9 tiles of (A, I).
  • 12 tiles of (E).

Letter frequencies for Scrabble TWL

We analyzed all of the 196601 TWL Scrabble Dictionary words to find the frequency of letters. Scrabble letter distribution for TWL shows what words start with, end with and contain certain letters.

TWL word score frequency

First we calculated how many points each word in the TWL dictionary is worth. Then we counted how many same value Scrabble scores there are.

TWL suffix frequencies

This list contains the most common suffixes. After analyzing all possible word endings for this dictionary we discovered what the most frequent are.

Scrabble letter scores from A to Z

  • Letters (A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T, U) are 1 point.
  • Letters (D, G) are 2 points.
  • Letters (B, C, M, P) are 3 points.
  • Letters (F, H, V, W, Y) are 4 points.
  • Letter (K) is 5 points.
  • Letters (J, X) are 8 points.
  • Letters (Q, Z) are 10 points.