Words that start with Tr
We found 918 words starting with Tr for word games like Scrabble and Words With Friends.
Highest scoring words starting with Tr prefix
Words | Scrabble points | Words With Friends points |
Trapeze | 18 | 19 |
Traject | 16 | 19 |
Tramway | 15 | 15 |
Traffic | 15 | 16 |
Tranqs | 15 | 16 |
Tracked | 14 | 15 |
Tranq | 14 | 15 |
Trayful | 13 | 14 |
Trawley | 13 | 13 |
Tracker | 13 | 14 |
4 letter words that start with Tr
5 letter Wordle words that start with Tr
6 letter words that start with Tr
7 letter words that start with Tr
- Trapeze
- Traject
- Tramway
- Traffic
- Tracked
- Trayful
- Trawley
- Tracker
- Treacly
- Trapped
- Tranked
- Tranche
- Tramped
- Trammed
- Traiked
- Tragedy
- Trachle
- Trachea
- Tracery
- Trawled
- Trashed
- Trapper
- Trample
- Tramper
- Trammel
- Tramcar
- Trawler
- Travois
- Travels
- Travail
- Trashes
- Trasher
- Trangam
- Tranced
- Tragics
- Traduce
- Tracing
- Treaded
- Treacle
- Traumas
- Trapans
- Transom
- Trances
- Tramels
- Tramell
- Traipse
- Trading
- Tractor
- Tracers
- Treadle
- Treader
- Trained
- Trailed
- Traders
- Trasses
- Transit
- Trannie
- Traitor
- Trainer
- Trainee
- Trailer
8 letter words that start with Tr
- Trackway
- Trapezii
- Trapezia
- Trapezes
- Transfix
- Tranquil
- Trajects
- Tractrix
- Trackpad
- Trackbed
- Traprock
- Tramways
- Traffics
- Trackmen
- Trackman
- Trachyte
- Trampish
- Tradeoff
- Tracking
- Trackage
- Trachoma
- Trayfuls
- Trawleys
- Travesty
- Trashily
- Traplike
- Trainway
- Trackers
- Trachled
- Tracheid
- Trauchle
- Trashmen
- Trashman
- Trapping
- Tranship
- Tranking
- Tranches
- Trampled
- Tramping
- Tramming
- Traiking
- Tractive
- Trachles
- Tracheas
- Tracheal
- Tracheae
- Trawling
- Travelog
- Traveled
- Trashing
- Trappous
- Trappose
- Trappers
- Trappean
- Trapball
- Tramples
- Trampler
- Trampier
- Trampers
- Trammels
- Tramcars
- Traduced
- Trawlnet
- Trawlers
- Travoise
- Traverse
- Traveler
- Travails
- Trashier
- Trashers
- Trapesed
- Trapdoor
- Transfer
- Trangams
- Trancing
- Tramroad
- Trameled
- Traipsed
- Trainful
- Tragopan
- Tragical
- Traduces
- Traducer
- Tradable
- Tracings
- Treading
- Treacles
- Traumata
- Trapunto
- Trapnest
- Trapline
- Trapeses
- Transoms
- Transmit
- Transept
- Transect
- Transact
- Tramline
- Tramless
- Tramells
- Traipses
- Trainmen
- Trainman
- Tradings
- Tractors
- Traction
- Tractile
- Tractate
- Trabeate
- Treaders
- Transude
- Training
- Trailing
- Traditor
- Transits
- Trannies
- Traitors
- Trainers
- Trainees
- Trailers
9 letter words that start with Tr
- Trapezium
- Trapezoid
- Trackways
- Trapezius
- Trapezist
- Trapezial
- Trazodone
- Transfixt
- Trajected
- Trachytic
- Trackpads
- Trackbeds
- Treachery
- Traprocks
- Trackball
- Trackable
- Trachytes
- Tracheary
- Transaxle
- Tradeoffs
- Trademark
- Tractably
- Trackside
- Trackings
- Trackages
- Trachomas
- Traceably
- Trauchled
- Trainways
- Tracksuit
- Trackless
- Trachling
- Tracheids
- Trauchles
- Trappings
- Transship
- Tranships
- Transform
- Transfect
- Trampling
- Trammeled
- Tracheole
- Tracheate
- Traversed
- Travelogs
- Travelled
- Traveling
- Travailed
- Traumatic
- Trapballs
- Tramplers
- Trampiest
- Trammeler
- Trailhead
- Traducing
- Traditive
- Tractable
- Traceable
- Trabecula
- Trawlnets
- Travoises
- Traverses
- Traverser
- Traversal
- Traveller
- Travelers
- Trashiest
- Trapesing
- Trapdoors
- Trapanned
- Transomed
- Transfuse
- Transfers
- Transduce
- Transcend
- Tramroads
- Tramelled
- Trameling
- Traipsing
- Trainfuls
- Trainband
- Tragopans
- Traducers
- Tradesmen
- Tradesman
- Tradeable
- Traceried
- Trabeated
- Treaclier
- Trapuntos
- Trapnests
- Traplines
- Transuded
- Transpose
- Transport
- Transpire
- Transonic
- Transmute
- Transmits
- Transepts
- Transects
- Transacts
- Tramlines
- Trainable
- Tragedies
- Tragedian
- Tractions
- Tractates
- Traceries
- Traceless
- Transudes
- Transited
- Transgene
- Trainload
- Trainings
- Trailside
- Trailered
- Tradition
- Trattorie
- Trattoria
- Translate
- Transient
- Transeunt
- Traitress
- Trailless
10 letter words that start with Tr
- Trapeziums
- Trafficked
- Trapezoids
- Tranquilly
- Trajectory
- Trafficker
- Traumatize
- Trapezists
- Transfixed
- Trazodones
- Transfixes
- Trajecting
- Tranquiler
- Trajection
- Tracklayer
- Trackballs
- Transexual
- Transaxles
- Tragicomic
- Trademarks
- Tracksides
- Trauchling
- Trancelike
- Tragically
- Tragacanth
- Tradecraft
- Tracksuits
- Tracheated
- Trawlermen
- Trawlerman
- Transships
- Transshape
- Transiency
- Transforms
- Transfects
- Trammelled
- Trammeling
- Tracheoles
- Tracheolar
- Tracheitis
- Tracheates
- Travestied
- Traversing
- Travelogue
- Travelling
- Travailing
- Traumatism
- Transfused
- Transduced
- Transcript
- Transcribe
- Trampoline
- Trammelers
- Trailheads
- Tractrices
- Trabeculas
- Trabecular
- Trabeculae
- Travesties
- Travertine
- Traversers
- Traversals
- Travellers
- Trashiness
- Trapnested
- Trapanning
- Transverse
- Transvalue
- Transposed
- Transpired
- Transmuted
- Transitory
- Transitive
- Transgenic
- Transfuses
- Transferor
- Transferee
- Transferal
- Transected
- Transduces
- Transducer
- Transcends
- Transacted
- Tramelling
- Trainbands
- Treacliest
- Traumatise
- Transuding
- Transsonic
- Transposon
- Transposes
- Transports
- Transpolar
- Transplant
- Transpires
- Transmutes
- Transience
- Transeptal
- Transactor
- Tramontane
- Tragedians
- Tractional
- Trabeation
- Transudate
- Translated
- Transiting
- Transgress
- Transgenes
- Trainloads
- Trailering
- Traditores
- Traditions
- Trattorias
- Translator
- Translates
- Transition
- Transistor
- Transients
- Traitorous
- Traitoress
- Trailerite
- Trailerist
11 letter words that start with Tr
- Tranquilize
- Trafficking
- Trackwalker
- Traumatized
- Trapezoidal
- Tranquility
- Traffickers
- Traumatizes
- Trapeziuses
- Transfixing
- Trailblazer
- Transfixion
- Trafficable
- Tracklaying
- Tracheotomy
- Tranquiller
- Tranquilest
- Trajections
- Tragicomedy
- Tracklayers
- Transhipped
- Trademarked
- Travestying
- Transsexual
- Transexuals
- Transshaped
- Transformed
- Transfected
- Tragacanths
- Tradecrafts
- Treacherous
- Treacheries
- Traversable
- Trapshooter
- Transshapes
- Transhumant
- Transformer
- Transcribed
- Transceiver
- Trammelling
- Traineeship
- Traducement
- Travelogues
- Traumatisms
- Transvalued
- Transpierce
- Transfusing
- Transfigure
- Transferred
- Transducing
- Transcripts
- Transcribes
- Transcriber
- Transcended
- Trampolines
- Trampoliner
- Trabeculate
- Travertines
- Traumatised
- Trapnesting
- Transverses
- Transversal
- Transvalues
- Transposing
- Transported
- Transponder
- Transpiring
- Transmuting
- Transmitted
- Translatory
- Translative
- Transiently
- Transfusion
- Transfinite
- Transferrin
- Transferrer
- Transferors
- Transferees
- Transferase
- Transferals
- Transecting
- Transducers
- Transdermal
- Transborder
- Transacting
- Traumatises
- Transuranic
- Transracial
- Transposons
- Transporter
- Transplants
- Transparent
- Transmitter
- Transmittal
- Transmarine
- Translucent
- Translocate
- Transiences
- Transgender
- Transection
- Transalpine
- Transactors
- Transaction
- Tramontanes
- Trainbearer
- Trailerable
- Tragedienne
- Trabeations
- Transudates
- Translating
- Trailerings
- Traditional
- Translators
- Translation
- Transitions
- Transistors
- Traitresses
- Trailerites
- Trailerists
12 letter words that start with Tr
- Tranquilized
- Tranquillize
- Tranquilizes
- Tranquilizer
- Trapezohedra
- Trackwalkers
- Tracheophyte
- Traumatizing
- Tranquillity
- Trailblazing
- Trailblazers
- Transfixions
- Tracklayings
- Tracheostomy
- Transpacific
- Transmogrify
- Tranquilness
- Tranquillise
- Tranquillest
- Trajectories
- Transshipped
- Transhipping
- Trademarking
- Transsexuals
- Transparency
- Translucency
- Transhumance
- Transhipment
- Tragicomical
- Tractability
- Traceability
- Trapshooting
- Transversely
- Transshaping
- Transitivity
- Transitively
- Transforming
- Transfecting
- Trailbreaker
- Tracheitides
- Trapshooters
- Transvestism
- Transpierced
- Transmissive
- Transhumants
- Transfusible
- Transfusable
- Transformers
- Transfigured
- Transference
- Transferable
- Transfection
- Transcribing
- Transceivers
- Trampolining
- Traineeships
- Trainability
- Traducements
- Tradespeople
- Tracheitises
- Transvaluing
- Transposable
- Transpierces
- Transpicuous
- Transparence
- Transoceanic
- Transmutable
- Translucence
- Transfigures
- Transferring
- Transcribers
- Transcending
- Trampolinist
- Trampoliners
- Traditionary
- Traumatising
- Trashinesses
- Transvestite
- Transversals
- Transvaluate
- Transporting
- Transponders
- Transplanted
- Transmitting
- Transmigrate
- Translocated
- Transitorily
- Transfusions
- Transferrins
- Transferrers
- Transferases
- Transduction
- Transductant
- Transcendent
- Traitorously
- Tradescantia
- Transuranium
- Transuranics
- Transporters
- Transpontine
- Transplanter
- Transmontane
- Transmitters
- Transmittals
- Transmission
- Translocates
- Translatable
- Transiencies
- Transgressed
- Transections
- Transaminase
- Transactions
- Trainspotter
- Trainbearers
- Tragediennes
- Transudation
- Transitioned
- Transgressor
- Transgresses
- Transnatural
- Translations
- Transitional
- Traitoresses
13 letter words that start with Tr
- Tranquillized
- Tranquilizing
- Tranquillizes
- Tranquillizer
- Tranquilizers
- Trapezohedron
- Tracheophytes
- Transexuality
- Tranquillised
- Transistorize
- Transexualism
- Tranquillises
- Tranquilliser
- Tranquilities
- Treacherously
- Transshipping
- Transcendency
- Traumatically
- Transthoracic
- Transshipment
- Transhumances
- Transhipments
- Transformable
- Tracheotomies
- Trapshootings
- Transmembrane
- Transdermally
- Trailbreakers
- Tragicomedies
- Transvestisms
- Transpiercing
- Transparently
- Transmutative
- Translucently
- Transfiguring
- Transferrable
- Transferences
- Transfections
- Transcendence
- Trampolinings
- Transvaluated
- Transportable
- Transparences
- Transmittance
- Transmittable
- Transmissible
- Transmigrated
- Translucences
- Transgressive
- Transcription
- Transcriptase
- Trampolinists
- Traditionally
- Tractableness
- Transvestites
- Transvaluates
- Transurethral
- Transplanting
- Transmigrator
- Transmigrates
- Translocating
- Transgendered
- Transfusional
- Transductions
- Transductants
- Transactinide
- Trainspotting
- Tradescantias
- Transposition
- Transplanters
- Transpiration
- Transpersonal
- Transmutation
- Transmountain
- Transmissions
- Translocation
- Transgressing
- Transcultural
- Transatlantic
- Transaminases
- Transactional
- Trainspotters
- Transudations
- Transitioning
- Transgressors
- Transgression
- Traditionless
- Transnational
- Transliterate
- Translational
- Transistorise
14 letter words that start with Tr
- Tranquillizing
- Tranquillizers
- Trapezohedrons
- Trafficability
- Traumatization
- Transparentize
- Transsexuality
- Transistorized
- Tranquillising
- Traditionalize
- Transsexualism
- Transistorizes
- Transexualisms
- Tranquilnesses
- Tranquillities
- Tranquillisers
- Transmissivity
- Transformative
- Transshipments
- Transmogrified
- Tracheostomies
- Transmogrifies
- Transmigratory
- Transcendently
- Transvestitism
- Transformation
- Transcendences
- Transvaluating
- Transplantable
- Transplacental
- Transparencies
- Transmittances
- Transmigrating
- Translucencies
- Transgenderism
- Transcriptions
- Transcriptases
- Tractabilities
- Traceabilities
- Transvaluation
- Transmigrators
- Transmigration
- Transitivities
- Transitiveness
- Transitionally
- Transferential
- Transductional
- Transcendental
- Trainspottings
- Traditionalism
- Transpositions
- Transportation
- Transpirations
- Transmutations
- Translocations
- Transcutaneous
- Transamination
- Trainabilities
- Transliterated
- Transistorised
- Transgressions
- Traditionalist
- Transliterates
- Transitoriness
- Transistorises
15 letter words that start with Tr
- Transparentized
- Traumatizations
- Transparentizes
- Traditionalized
- Transmogrifying
- Transistorizing
- Traditionalizes
- Transsexualisms
- Transferability
- Transexualities
- Treacherousness
- Transvestitisms
- Translatability
- Transhistorical
- Transformations
- Transcendencies
- Transmissometer
- Transgenderisms
- Transfiguration
- Transcriptional
- Tractablenesses
- Transvaluations
- Transmigrations
- Traditionalisms
- Transubstantial
- Transpositional
- Transportations
- Transplantation
- Transpirational
- Transparentness
- Transilluminate
- Transaminations
- Transliterating
- Transistorising
- Traditionalists
- Transliteration
How many words start with Tr?
There are a total of 2359 words beginning with Tr in the Scrabble dictionary. The shortest word is 4 letters long and the longest word is 15 letters long.
The TWL dictionary contains 196601 unique English words.
Distribution of found words
Letters | Word count |
4 | 4 |
5 | 24 |
6 | 28 |
7 | 61 |
8 | 120 |
9 | 125 |
10 | 122 |
11 | 119 |
12 | 123 |
13 | 91 |
14 | 65 |
15 | 36 |
Most common letters after the prefix Tr-
What are the most common first letters of stems that begin with Tr? We analyzed letter frequency of the first letters following this prefix. Our findings help you make strategic tile placement decisions in Scrabble.
Memorize the letters from the table below.
Word count | First letter of stem | Frequency |
902 | a | 38.2% |
706 | i | 29.9% |
272 | o | 11.5% |
258 | e | 10.9% |
188 | u | 8% |
33 | y | 1.4% |